
Star Wars: The New Sith.

The overthrow of the Republic is complete. The Separist forces have been smashed, the Jedi Order nearly decimated, and the rest of the Resistance nearly destroyed. Now absolute power rests in the iron fist of Empress Rey Skywalker, the cunning scanvenger better known as the last Skywalker. But more remains to be done. Pockets of Resistance in the galaxy must still be defeated and missing Jedi accounted for... and dealt with. These crucial tasks to the new Sith Empire. Who is entrusted with a top secret mission to comb the galaxy and dispatch the last of their master's enemies, thereby punctuating the dark side's victory with the Jedi's doom. Since childhood, Rey's apprentice as known nothing but the ways of the Jedi. But now as past as become a void, his present training under his Master Rey Skywalker. But his future beckons like a glistening black jewel. with the ultimate promise to stand beside the only love he has ever known with the galaxy at Rey's feet. It is a destiny he can realize only by rising to the greatest challenge of his apprenticeship saving his Master Rey Skywalker from what she has become. The apprentice's journey's will take him from the far reaches of the galaxy, from the home world of Luke Skywalker Tatooine, and the world that was almost over run by the First Order Crait, and last but not least the planet of Exegol. On the missions, Rey's young apprentice will forge unlikely alliance with the Resistance and wrestle with forbidden feelings for his Jedi Master now Empress, Rey Skywalker. And he will be tested as never before- by shattering revelations that strikes at the very heart and soul of all he believes in and stir him long- forgotten hopes of changing the Skywalker name- and changing his and Rey's destiny.

Elizabeth_Summers2 · Movies
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9 Chs

(Lightsaber training.)

Chapter two:

Come on, you can do better than that Cale! Rey said twirling her yellow lightsaber. She was using Niman the sixth lightsaber form a form that incorporates the users strong Force abilities.

So you're trying to provoke me huh? We'll see if that helps. Cale grunted and stood up from the ground. He then prepared himself to fight again.

Cale spinned his blue lightsaber and clashed it against Rey's. Using Soresu the third lightsaber form and the defensive form. Rey blocked his attacks one by one and she gave him a hard time. Changing her lightsaber form to Shien the fifth lightsaber form and the form that concentrates on counterattacks and ripostes.

She blocked one attack from Cale with the Force holding his blue lightsaber and took the chance to kick him to the ground.

You know maybe we should stop and give you a second to relax. Rey chuckled and put her yellow lightsaber on her belt.

I don't need to relax. No I'm not not angry. Of course not... I can do this. I just need to focus on her movements and react in the right moment.

Cale sprints directly into her direction swinging his blue lightsaber. This time using Ataru the forth lightsaber form and the acrobatic form. To attack Rey.

Rey is of course immediately turning around and activates her yellow lightsaber to block Cale's attack. Still using Shien the fifth lightsaber form.

Their lightsabers meet and you could feel the tension between them. Cale pushes more and more into her lightsaber.

But wait it's not strength that wins.

Cale deactivates his blue lightsaber, and dodges under Rey's attack, holding her still with the Force in the middle of her movement just to hold his blue lightsaber in front of her.

Still holding her Cale gets right up in face and whispered. Hey, Master I won this time.