
Star Wars: The New Sith.

The overthrow of the Republic is complete. The Separist forces have been smashed, the Jedi Order nearly decimated, and the rest of the Resistance nearly destroyed. Now absolute power rests in the iron fist of Empress Rey Skywalker, the cunning scanvenger better known as the last Skywalker. But more remains to be done. Pockets of Resistance in the galaxy must still be defeated and missing Jedi accounted for... and dealt with. These crucial tasks to the new Sith Empire. Who is entrusted with a top secret mission to comb the galaxy and dispatch the last of their master's enemies, thereby punctuating the dark side's victory with the Jedi's doom. Since childhood, Rey's apprentice as known nothing but the ways of the Jedi. But now as past as become a void, his present training under his Master Rey Skywalker. But his future beckons like a glistening black jewel. with the ultimate promise to stand beside the only love he has ever known with the galaxy at Rey's feet. It is a destiny he can realize only by rising to the greatest challenge of his apprenticeship saving his Master Rey Skywalker from what she has become. The apprentice's journey's will take him from the far reaches of the galaxy, from the home world of Luke Skywalker Tatooine, and the world that was almost over run by the First Order Crait, and last but not least the planet of Exegol. On the missions, Rey's young apprentice will forge unlikely alliance with the Resistance and wrestle with forbidden feelings for his Jedi Master now Empress, Rey Skywalker. And he will be tested as never before- by shattering revelations that strikes at the very heart and soul of all he believes in and stir him long- forgotten hopes of changing the Skywalker name- and changing his and Rey's destiny.

Elizabeth_Summers2 · Movies
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Chapter one:

Cale Lestin is a seventeen year scanvenger boy on Tatooine and it looked like his life was going nowhere. His mom and dad had planned to pass down their moisture farm to him once they retired. Cale had always heard stories about Jedi and how he dreamt of being one. He had built his own lightsaber out of some spare parts but it didn't work so he imagined it did. Cale had always looked up to Luke Skywalker because he was from Tatooine. One day his life changed when he went to Mos Eisley Cantina. Cale had been out scavenging and found some cool parts to sell. He grabbed his portions and went on his way when he sensed someone outside. And it just happened to be Rey Skywalker an absolute idol to him. She was joined by her faithful companion BB-8.

Cale stayed silent while Rey walked passed him. She had grabbed a drink at Mos Eisley Cantina then gently tapped Cale on his shoulder. Can you meet me outside? Rey asked him.

Cale went outside with no questions asked. What's going on? Cale asked Rey. I sense that the Force is strong with you and I would like to show you the ways of the Force. Replied Rey.

I would love to, Cale said.

What's your name? Rey asked him.

I'm Cale Lestin. Cale replied to her question.

Nice to meet you Cale. I will be at my ship waiting for you. Replied Rey.

The only problem is that Cale would have to tell his parents.

Hi mom, hi dad. Cale said.

Hi Cale, they both said.

Look, before you say anything there's something very important I need you. I'm planning on leaving the planet and learn the ways of the Force. Replied Cale.

Both of his parents laughed at him.

You really think that stuff is real, like the Jedi and the Force? Cale's dad asked him.

I believe in it with all of my heart and the Force surrounds us. Replied Cale.

You really need to start working on the farm and get this ridiculous thinking out of your head. Cale's mom said.

I hate you! Cale said then he ran into his room and cried.

That night while his parents were asleep Cale snuck out and met Rey at the legendary Millennium Falcon. He had left a note explaining how this was his dream and that he'll be in good hands.

Are you ready kid? Rey asked him.

More ready than ever. Replied Cale.

Alright let's go. Replied Rey. And BB-8 chirped happily.