
Star Wars: The Eternal Alliance Emperor

Orion Shan gets Reincarnated to the star wars universe. In this new life he strives to protect his new family and friends in this war torn galaxy. Read as he fights the Galactic Empire, help recreate the jedi, find love and travel the galaxy.

ace_casseus · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

1st POV

Polis massa

Me and Obi-Wan are outside Padme's med room watching through the window her holding her two beautiful children Luke and Leia. Its been about 5 hours since Mustafar and we all left to the ships quite quickly after my identity reveal since the force users sensed Palptine arrive close to the planet. I destroyed Padme's ship just incase there's a tracking in it not having enough time to remove it. So we all loaded up into the Strider which further proved my point of being sent into the future since we have a mint condition defender class light corvette something jedi used it the old republic days. I asked Anakin if he had any up to date maps and he had R2 hook up to the Strider's computer to update it. I punch in the location Obi-Wan told me he was supposed to meet with Master Yoda.

Upon reaching there Padme was immediately in labor and was brought into the med bay with Anakin and the Droids following. Luckily Polis massa had a couple medical droids on deck. After two hours Anakin's and Padme children were born and named. With a quick burst of force healing Padme was back into perfect condition and I fully explained what me and Vaylin was doing here and proving it showing holo videos and and data from the Strider. Anakin having understood he would have fallen and cause the galaxy to fall under the emperor's heel bowed to me and said if I ever needed his help he would do anything to repay me. Waving him off I told him and Obi-Wan as soon as possible we must return to Zakuul and protect its borders because I don't have enough forces to take on Palpitine clone army but I do have enough to protect ourselves and gain new citizens and allies. Maybe not today but eventually A new hope will come.

It was around this time Anakin felt something off in his bond with Ahsoka and new he had to help her. Remembering what was going on I told Anakin to take my ship and Vaylin to go rescue his ex padawan and bring them here. They left and I was left with a still recovering Obi-Wan.

"Close your mouth Obi-Wan fly might nest in ther." I joked 

Rolling his eyes Obi-Wan dryly said. "I'm sorry but I still trying to recover the end of the republic, thousands of jedi dying and a future so bad that an entity of the force literally ripped an emperor out his own timeline into ours, oh and this emperor just happens possibly the greatest if not the greatest jedi to every live, who went missing about 3000 years ago along with that planet Zakuul with one of the greatest armies known to man in jedi records. Yes I'll lower my shock." Before Obi-Wan almost pulled out his hair we heard small foot steps and a cane getting closer.

"Quite shocking yes it is. Sense now the disturbance in the force makes.." Said the one and only Master Yoda him self.

Vaylin POV

The Strider

Walking down to the engine bay I see Anakin Skywalker working on one of the engines like my husbands old droid used. I can sense his guilt pouring out of him like water out a faucet. Reviewing everything The daughter sent to mine and Orion's head I can tell the Jedi of this time line have really fallen. A simple yet powerful emotion such as love can never be dismissed. Even the Jedi of my time loved maybe not romantically but the did love the people the protected. I can understand why they thought Anamin is the chosen one, his presence in the force is daunting but it's unrefined and may even be smaller than Orion's presence which I always feel with our bond.

The sith in this timeline is simply pitiful. Has all knowledge been lost. Just because a force sensitive can use some dark side abilities donesn't make them sith. It's as though the Jedi forgot that simple thought. This palpatine is quite the mastermind, even when compared to my father. But his tricks wouldn't have worked 3000 years ago with yo strong force sensitives of my time. Including our empire. After we rescue his old padawan I must Anakin and any survivors we find to Master Satele and maybe Darth marr if they find balance or become stronger they will be more useful to Orion. Well I suppose I will give him some advice for his guilt, thankfully he's married. I ussally find most men appalling since they look at me with lust at least he and Obi-Wan are better. The only one who can look at me like that is my husband.

Getting closer Anakin turns to look at me. "Lady Vaylin what do I owe the pleasure." He said to me.

Rolling my eyes i snark back. "Oh please save the pleasantries for formal spaces. I've come to talk about the guilt you'be been letting out. I can't meditate with that all around me."

"I mean no disrespect Vaylin but you couldn't possibly have any idea what I'm going through or what I've done. I have killed my fellow Jedi, betrayed my master and the council, killed younglings AND ALMOST KILLED PADME ALONG WITH MY CHILDREN! Obi-Wan might say palpatine manipulatied me but I still fell for his mind games. How could I not have guilt, how could you ever understand?" Anakin depressingly said as his tears marks his face. 

In this very moment I can see his struggle staying kn the light side and him trying to supress his darkness. He's doing everything wrong again, blasted Jedi teachings. Sighing I release my force cloak I've kept activated, filling the room with my presence in the dark side. My golden eyes taking a shade closer to yellow. I turn on my saber letting the room fill with its yellow glow. I look at Anakin who's shocked at my power in the dark side yet still calm and in control of my self. 

"I have made more mistakes than what most men, women or child will ever do. I have killed millions if not billions in my coming years and I'm only 24. I have fallen to the lust of power to the dark side yet I was brought back by me enemy who is now my husband. Anakin you have made mistakes that is true but what are you going to do about it? Have you not been forgivin by your lover, your master. Are you not back in the light side. Speeding across the galaxy to rescue your old padawan. You must find BALANCE! Not balance in the force but in your self. As you can see I have fully immersed myself with the power of the dark side yet im still in control my mind is my own for no one to influence ever again. Use the guilt you feel for your actions the hatred you have for palpatine and better your self. You are not evil for using the dark side. Light dark, it's all a spectrum you decide what's right or wrong, good or evil and when you do be fully aware and in control of your actions. Now we mediate not only to follow your master padawan bond but to try and find your place in the force and within your self." As i finished my speech I deactivate my saber and reactivate my force clock reining in my power and my eyes returning to it's beautiful gold as Orion once said.

Sitting in the lotus position I close my eyes and just try to meld my mind in the force. I feel Anakin's hesitation until he breathes and calms him self, later joining me to find his own place in the galaxy just as I have years ago. In my rightful place next to Orion.