
Star Wars: The Eternal Alliance Emperor

Orion Shan gets Reincarnated to the star wars universe. In this new life he strives to protect his new family and friends in this war torn galaxy. Read as he fights the Galactic Empire, help recreate the jedi, find love and travel the galaxy.

ace_casseus · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

Defender class light corvette AKA The Strider, In hyperspace

Captains quarters 

(image here)

Floating above the bed in the lotus position is a light skinned human young man dressed in black clothes with hints of gold in them. The man floats back onto the bed holding his head. getting several years of memories pushed through his mind he groans slightly. Opening his eyes he stands on the ground and smiles.

1st POV

I never thought I would actually experience life flashing before my eyes before. As for how I got here, I have no idea but I might as well start a new chapter in this life. 

Suddenly the ships alarms start ringing and lights start to flash red. The ship shakes violently until everything just stops and it sounded like the Strider was forced out of Hyperspace. The door to the room opens and in comes sprinting my newly wedded wife Vaylin.

Orion Outfit (Image here)

Vaylin(Image here)

"Orion did you feel that! It's as if the force pushed us out of hyperspace."  Exclaimed Vaylin. 

Reaching out to her I hugged her close. "Fristly, are you alright Vaylin?" Nodding she hugs him back gently. I rubs her hair for a bit before letting go.

"Ok lets go to the cockpit and see where we are we wouldn't want to be in enemy space after all." I finished and we sped to the cockpit, sitting down in the captains chair I look through the glass as Vaylin goes trough the galactic map. I see a mostly red planet and feel an unusually strong dark side user on the planet. Wait I know this planet Its Mustafar. But why would the force bring us here.

Before continuing my thoughts both me and Vaylin hear a soft voice in our minds.

"Im sorry children but I brought you here. I need your help on giving the galaxy a better future." The voice said.

"Who are you?" I asked

As if the force its self wanted to prove her words true she spoke. "I am known as The Daughter." 

All we felt was the warmth that comes form the light side of the force as she spoke.

"What or who is strong enough to require one as powerful as you to ask for aid? From what I can sense its as if you and the light side of the force is one in the same?" Vaylin questioned.

Chuckling The Daughter once more spoke. "Oh I seem to have forgot to as you would say bring you up to speed." As she said that many events are projected into our minds. We view the story of Anakin Skywalker and what seems to be all of the clone wars till we see the final event being the start of the duel between Anakin and Obi-Wan.

"I have brought you both hear because of your past dealing with the dark side and overcoming it finding true balance barley anybody finds. The galaxy is about to through another and the jedi of this timeline have lost there way. Save anakin from his dark future and save as many good people as you can. Palpatine is just the start of things turning south you will need all the allies and friend you can get. Im sorry for this was a one way trip to the future. I was able to bring Zakuul to this timeline too sadly all of your alliance off world is not here, I do hope this is enough to get you started and save the galaxy thank you." The Daughter said.

Shocked Vaylin went through all the events pushed into her mind rather quickly and smiled turning to me. "Our timeline was getting rather dull wasn't love there were no more major foes to be vanquished. Aside from spending time with you I was getting rather bored, ready for another adventure where you won't be fighting the love of your life?" She teased. 

I swear ever since gaining a balance in the force Vaylin has become more mellowed out at least towards me and family. The Daughter must have brought me to this universe, well Im not mad. I get a beautiful wife and awesome powers an added bonus having all of Zakuul but I will worry about its status after I make sure Anakin doesn't become Vader. 

Looking at Vaylin I smile. "Only you can be thrown who knows how long into the future and not be worried instead ready for a challenge. Never change V!" I laughed

Laughing along with me she speaks. "Of course love. I have you right next to me and even though we don't have the entire alliance, we still have all of Zakuul forces and ships along with Arcann and mother. So I have nothing to fear, anyway what do we do now."

Taking control of the Strider and moving fast towards Mustafar I say. "You saw the memories of this Anakin, the dark side is taking over and you know how bad that can be especially since he's so strong in the force. We need to calm him down and make sure he can get back in control fast. When we land I will go to Padme and force heal her as quickly as I can while Im doing that you make your way to Anakin and Obi-Wan. Make sure neither of them die, Anakin will most likely not listen to you so distract him until I get there with Padme since her voice might let Anakin take control. I don't know when this Palpatine will arrive but the sooner we are gone the better we don't know how strong he is and he will bring an army. We'll surprise him later." She understood her task and left to get her sabers.

Breaking the atmosphere I feel the dark side in Anakin is growing stronger so I immediately try to sense which direction Padme is in and follow. Getting closer to the surface I start to dodge the small spurts of magma launching until I finally see a Naboo star skiff. Putting the strider on auto pilot I get up and spring toward the exit finding Vaylin waiting for me she throw's me my saber to which I catch and clip to my belt. Pulling her in close I kiss her for a moment before letting go. She looks and smiles at me before openings the landing ramp. The smell of sulfur hitting my face. I sense so much sorrow and death here, Anakin must have killed the surviving separatist. Looking down I see CP30 tending to a unconscious Padme. Force jumping onto the platform I hurry towards her and Vaylin Force sprints past me towards the battle she senses between Anakin and Obi-Wan.

"If I might ask good sir who are you and what are you doing here." CP30 ask while having his body Infront of Padme. 

Moving closer I gently push aside the droid and begin force healing Padme directing the lightside and vitality into her body. "My name is Orion Strider me and my wife are hear to help. Im healing Padme up right now and as soon as she wakes we will go towards your creator and hopefully bring him back from the dark side."

CP30 gasped. "Well than thank you Mr Strider I was oh so worried about Ms Amidala. I shall head to the med bay and prep for your return do be careful with her, she is pregnant." He finished and head to the skiff. 

10 miutes pass by until Padme starts to groan and slowly sit up as I help her. She than rubbed her neck and opened her eyes while whispering. "Ani." She turned when she heard my voice.

"Hmm Ani, not quite I believe im more handsome than Anakin well my wife tells me the most handsome man the galaxy." I laughed looking at Padme giving me a confused face.

"Um I'm sorry but who are you, and why are you here!" She yelled at me while being a bit wary.

"Oh I'm sorry I forgot to introduce myself my name is Orion Strider, A force user. Me and my wife were brought here by the force to help you and Anakin. Look it's a long story that I will gladly tell you when were all not in mortal danger and sitting in a nice chair in a starship. I healed you using the force, I have to get you to Anakin before he fully goes past the point of no return." The moment I finished she took my hand standing up.

"ANAKIN! I know my ani is still there, thank you for healing me but lets go we have no time to be wasting." She finished and I picked her up fireman carry style and run to where I feel the fight is. 

Ruining past a building dead bodies and droid parts everywhere Anakin must have been through here. I see a cliff up ahead that I start running faster to and force jump to the other side with Padme yelling through that. After several turns and jumps I land on a metal pillar to see Anakin on a piece of machinery in the lava river with Obi-Wan higher on the ground.

"Its over Anakin I have the high ground!" Obi-Wan yelled staring down at his friend saber ready.

Anakin looks up at Obi-Wan with a sickly yellow glare in his eyes. "You underestimate my power." He said.

Pleading Obi-Wan says one final time. "Don't try it." 

Putting Padme down I get ready to intervene when I see Vaylin from the other side of the lava river look at me with a face of determination nodding back. I turn and see Anakin front flip up to Obi-Wan before he could reach there Vaylin Force pushed him to the ground next to Obi-Wan As I force grabbed his lightsaber and brought Padme and my self down. Padme rushes towards Anakin as he gets up and growls only to stop and have a look of surprise on his face seeing Padme in front of him.

"Anakin stop this madness don't you see what your becoming! Your trying to kill your master, your best friend. Someone is using you, the galaxy is in shambles. I need you, We need you please." She pleads and places his hand on her stomach to feel their kids. I walk behind Obi-Wan and lightly tap his shoulder he turns to me confused. I mouth later and point at Anakin he sighs and slow approaches as I get the idea to show Anakin his fondest memories using the force, I stimulate his memories using the light side of the force.

"I'm sorry Anakin. I'm sorry for not being there sooner, for not training you better, for making you believe I was against you. I can tell maybe the jedi were flawed and maybe we do need some emotion down the line. But Palpitine is not the answer he made commit terrible things. Anakin think of how many innocents are dying we need you now more than ever. I need you.... your my best friend." Obi-Wan apologizes.

Anakin is struggling to come back to the light but he starts to see all his best memories and moments. Training with Obi-Wan, Becoming a knight, Marrying Padme, Becoming Ahsoka master, Rex and finally his mother. He opens his teary eyes showing those sky blue eyes showing us all that Anakin Skywalker has returned to the light. He bring Padme into a hug apologizing repeatedly, telling her he'll never leave her and his child.

Padme slowly kisses him with small tears in her eyes. "You'll never leave your children, Ani we're having twins." She finished and he looked shocked buy smiled and nodded along.

"Obi-Wan I'm sorry for everything I don't even know how to redeem my self of all the innocents I've killed but I will become better and never fall victim to the dark side again." Anakin states as all the force sensitive people here feel that statement through the force knowing he speaks the truth.

"Not to ruin these oh so lovely moment but we have a new to power sith lord after Skywalker over here not to mention the hundreds if not thousands of clones they'll bring so I suggest we get a move on." Vaylin snarked and leaned into my side. 

This seemed to put them out of their trance and all three of them turned to me. Anakin held Padme tighter wary of us, Padme rolled her eyes and pat his arm saying I healed her and brought her to him. Anakin was surprised but let go of his wife and approached me sticking a hand out. 

"Thank you stranger with out you or that woman's help I would have gone to the dark side and strike down my best friend. Anyone who who healed Padme and brought her to me is a friend." He gratefully thanked us and I shook his hand.

Obi-Wan cleared his throat, also approaching. "Well now I do believe you something mistaken Anakin if our battle continued I would have won. As I said before I had the high ground." Said Obi-Wan a little smugly. 

Seeing an argument between them happening Pademe get our attention and asked. "Now that you've brought Anakin back to me, who are you people really? I know I haven't seen every Jedi bought I think I would remember seeing those type of clothing or your faces." 

With all three's attention on us Vaylin pushed me forward a bit, smirking I dust off my clothes and say. "Why yes, Hello there my name is Orion Strider emperor of Zakuul and my wife Vaylin Strider. Pleased to make your acquaintance the force sent us and my home a couple thousand years into the future to help your friend Anakin here before he fell to the darkside."