
Star Wars The Deceiver

Everyone always believes there the hero or the chosen one nah f*ck that I'm flipping the game and I'm going to win and this is my story.

Devastator_21 · TV
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2 Chs

Chapter One The Awakening


Moddell sector, Endor System

The Second Death Star, within the Emperor's throne room

As Palpatine meets his demise, the dark side howls in fury.

Swiftly redirecting its attention to Vader, the dark side's last hope for victory, it witnesses Vader's rejection, further diminishing its grip.

Observing the lightside, smug in its victory, the dark side laments the annihilation of a millennium of Sith plans in just two decades, attributing it to the incompetence of Palpatine and Vader.

Sensing its waning control, the dark side devises a daring plan.

It detects a non-Force sensitive soul from beyond the universe, deviating from the usual path of souls.

Seizing it, along with the memories, experience, and power of a Sith Lord from the ancient Sith Empire, a favorite of the dark side, it tosses them into an inquisitor reeling from the backlash of Palpatine's demise.

The soul collides with the weakened inquisitor, empowered by the untapped potential of the ancient Sith Lord. Overcoming the inquisitor's soul, it devours it entirely.

The dark side grins, watching the unfolding events with great anticipation.


Braxant Sector, Bastion System

Imperial II-Class Star Destroyer 'The Devastator'

Moments After The Soul Merger

A human scream echoed aboard the bridge of the mighty Star Destroyer The Devastator (Which is the flagship of the inquisitor given to him by Lord Vader himself), which was the flagship of a task force squadron whose final task by the Emperor was to assist the First Brother (One of the last Imperial inquisitors after the inquisitorial purge by Lord Vader) in his efforts to track down and the elimination of potential rebel forces who, in the opinion of the ISB, were supposed to have their base within the nearby sectors.

It would be logical given the poor development of the nearby sectors but the true mission given to the inquisitor was to guard the Emperor's secret vault.

The Devastator, along with the rest of the fleet, broke out of hyperspace about two hours ago, since then a search for potential signs of rebel activity has been carried out, but to no avail.

Although there used to be a rebel headquarters here, it was abandoned a long time ago possibly during the attack of the rebel base on Hoth the former complex was stripped clean of any useful information all that was left was storage crates full of junk.

Regardless of the mission, however, the staff on the Star Destroyer Bridge was distracted from their duties as soon as theur Lord Inquisitor burst out screaming sending a burst of the force sending nearby members flying, then he fell to his knees in complete shock and confusion.

His eyes were wide, and anyone who saw the sight simply could not hide the horror directly related to the state of the only person in the empire just below Lord Vader and mysterious envoy of the Emperor.

"My Lord!" Shouted the commander of the ship, a black haired man in his early forties and the commander of the Devastator, Commander Thaddeus Drax.

He ran to the still screaming inquisitor who seemed more like a dying animal at the moment.

'Where am I and what happened'. The inquisitor thought in utter confusion and pain, then slowly began to overcome the rush of emotions and stimuli that is currently rushing through his eye's and mind.

He did not recognize the environment, it became clear that he was in some metallic room, with a mass of devices that were both strangely familiar, but at the same time unheard of before in his entire life so far. In addition,

It was accompanied by a strange feeling, of oneness as if everything living in the universe was in some strange and incomprehensible was flowing through him and everything else that was alive, and the universe itself.

As soon as he stopped screaming, he felt a hand on his back and instinctively he tried to push away the person who might have hostile intentions towards him.

However, to the inquisitor's great surprise, he pushed the potential attacker away before he even touched his body.

Quickly the inquisitor composed himself, he turned back only to see how the man touching him was pushed back, more than two meters, and a brown haired woman ran up to the fallen man very quickly. Both of them were dressed in a strangely familiar uniform, which consisted of a baseball cap, an olive green double-breasted tunic, trousers also olive green and black high-heeled boot's.

These uniforms what is this a comic con convention, the room design the inquisitor thought as soon as he realized that everything around him gave him a strange sense of déjà vu.

But at the same time completely alien foreign, after a while he looked at his reflection presented to him by the perfectly polished floor.

In his reflection, he saw the face of a man in his early twenties roughly, with prominent and attractive cheekbones and jawline,nose and long and sharp black hair, and ruby eyes 'This is not my body'.

Looking down at his reflection, he saw beautifully designed armour thst covers his entire body but what caught his attention was the coat of arms present on the shoulder pads, and as a Star war's fan he easily recognised it a white circle, with six arms attached to it, is the insignia of the Galactic Empire.

Looking down to his belt, he also noticed a strange black hilt. He recognized the device without any problems.

A Lightsaber a weapon of a force user it rang in his mind, and as he tried to put his hands on it a beautiful crafted weapon, his mind was flooded with memories but not his old and instead entirely new, memories of a man known as the First Brother the third most powerful person in the Empire the Emperor's mysterious enforcer.

The influx of memories flooding his mind, however, he lived the stories of a man known by the name of Heusman, born on some extremely poor planet.

After a while, the mind was also filled with memories of the struggle to survive and how Heusman sometimes fight for scraps barley surviving.

The memories also revealed the day he was taken from his home planet by Darth Vader and then was introduced to the Emperor himself.

Who had him trained by Darth Vader and sometimes by the Emperor.

The inhuman and difficult training circumstances given by Vader, but at the same time extraordinary versatility and preparation for extreme situations.

It also revealed that the young inquisitor devoted his free time to studying history, art, science or war tactics.

Additionally, Heusman has been thoroughly trained in the force and combat by both Vader and the Emperor.

As the inquisitor stares into his ruby eye's there's a yellow outline around the iris as he does this there's another influx of memories flooding his mind again the life of a Sith Lord of Darth Nox the ancient and extremely powerful Sith Lord I've gotten all of memories from his training on Korriban becoming apprentice to Zash all the way up until his death after defeating Valkorian and during hyperspace a malfunction occurred causing his death.

All these memories, at the same time, contained a lot of details about the missions being performed and the First Brother's relationship between other inquisitors who were still alive at that time all under his control as the Emperor and Lord Vader are dead.

The last task received from the Emperor himself was also revealed, which was to guard his secret vault's and locate possible rebel bases within the New Territories.

The two corresponding set's of memories are confusing the inquisitor Heusman and Darth Nox the skill sets of these individuals are somewhat similar but so different Nox has so much knowledge schematics, technology, holocrons, hidden Sith relics and vaults, force techniques, new or actually old way's of using the force and how limiting Heusman teachings were the Emperor never taught him everything and even if he could Sith holocrons and knowledge were lost, destroyed during the millennia.

It doesn't seem to matter now he thought as he calmed down and absorbed all the incoming stimuli to such an extent that he was able to sense the death of his former superior 'huh i wonder' Heusman thought he used the knowledge from Darth Nox to halt the Emperor's secret plan's of essence transfer and kill him permanently ending a future threat and stupid future movies.

The emperor is dead, Darth Vader will be joining him soon, and there is no individual left to give me orders.

His thoughts were interrupted by the reflective of a knocked down officer whose chrome badge revealed his rank that reflected off the window, and who was still being lifted off the ground by a lower rank officer, most likely his adjutant.

'What should I do?' He asked himself mentally.

There was only one logical answer: to quickly gain as much support as i can to quickly stabilise the New Territories first then the Northern Dependencies quickly picking up Bilbringi Shipyards and after doing that gotta quickly get the Trans-Hydian territories there are a lot of untapped sith tombs, technology and resources hidden away by the Sith Empire they were a paranoid bunch.

However, to his surprise the thought of spending time with senior officers and staff were as natural as breathing who knew after the memories of two cunning, charismatic and intelligent individuals who commanded entire army's and fleet's who inspired fear and respect.

Seeing that all eyes were on him, he became serious, then his gaze fell immediately on the injured commander of the ship and the entire fleet as well.

"Commander, order the fleets to form a defensive postion around the bastion." Inquisitor Heusman gave the order calmly and with a steely voice. "I,must go to my quarter's and prepare to meet the grand moff of this sector, it is urgent when you are done, you are to go to my quarter's immediately, we have a few things to discuss is that understood commander." I glare at the commander getting my point across.

Everyone on the bridge completely confused and concerned and they could only assume that the screaming that it might have been force related, but they were not sure.

While the knowledge of force as such was practically forgotten, the staff of the Devastator Bridge were fully aware that it was more than real, as evidenced by the strangulation by thr inquisitor, one of the crew who turned out to be a rebel spy and the constant mission's they've all been on were the inquisitor used the force a lot.

Before the inquisitor could return his quarters, however, the a random officer of the ship interrupted him, but with a arrogant voice. "My lord, our job is to hunt rebels and we are in the middle of a search in this sector." He tried to subtly and undermine my authority while brazenly disobey orders.

The First Brother replied, looking straight into his eye's scaring him picking him up in a force choke "You will soon find that our whole life is about to change and that our old orders are therefore becoming obsolete. We need to look to the future and secure it. My orders are not changing, but you will not live to see that." The First Brother snaps his neck dropping him to the floor marching away, leaving the rest of the staff scared and confused.

Meanwhile Heusman walked through the corridors of the Star Destroyer's bridge, guided by the force to the quarter's a few minutes walk.

As he entered, he almost immediately collapsed on a nearby bed of an modest organised room.

'What the f*ck happened' he said to himself unable to grasp the current situation that occurred to him. He went to bed and now, he sat aboard a bloody Star Destroyer that was nothing but a sci-fi in his old world.

He wishes he could tell himself this is a dream a joke, but he felt the force flowing through him and the Lightsaber on his waist.

To get rid off any doubts he force pulls the Lightsaber to him gently and admire the Lightsaber and then activates it and sees the red blade shoot out lighting up the dark room my piercing ruby sith eyes look upon the Lightsaber in awe and fascination and as a scientist i have to figure out how all this futuristic technology works.

I have sensed old palpy boy's death on the second death star and his permanent death as he essence transferred to one off his clones on Exgol that Vader tampered with but now Palpatine's dead and so is Vader leaving the only two force sensitives that pose a challenge to me is Ashoka Tano and Luke Skywalker but Tano is off doing god knows what and Luke is to busy to sense me at the moment.

But moving on the empire will be plunged into chaos. I should go to the Bastion immediately, and then have the Grand Moff there take an oath of allegiance to me. I must consolidate my power and quickly stabilise the New Territories first then the Northern Dependencies quickly picking up Bilbringi Shipyards and after doing that gotta quickly get the Trans-Hydian territories When I manage to create a safe space, I can think about my next moves and as i am technically the heir to the Galactic Empire as Vader is dead and Palpy is gone anyone who doesn't join me are traitors.

His thoughts were interrupted the sound of the door opening, and the same officer that the First Brother had recently knocked down with force when the backlash hit him walked in.

From what he remembered, his name was Commander Thaddeus Drax and he formally commanded the entire fleet, tasked with supporting the me in all efforts my mission's, and he also a friend though he would never admit that.

"My Lord" The commander saluted, then stood to attention.

"At ease, I hope there was no trouble giving the fleet orders." Second Brother replied, but this time he created a friendly and safe atmosphere around him.

"No, my lord. Although the officers in command of the other ships had doubts about this and did not understand your decision, they nevertheless obeyed as we speak, our fleet are already preparing a defensive postion around the Bastion"

"Excellent, this is perfectly acceptable." The Inquisitor replied with a slight nod of the head. "Now, I suspect I owe you an explanation my friend so let me tell you this straight, the Emperor is dead"

Now this is my first chapter of a new book I've been working on for a few month's i won't be forgetting any of my other stories but when i have an idea and most of it written out i gotta do it

I've opened a patreon account if you guy's want to support it's £3


Devastator_21creators' thoughts