
Star Wars:The cold red eyes

{A Star Wars Fanfiction} This story is following a Chiss boy growing up at the times of the New republic. This is going to be kinda AU Fanfiction some ideas of my fantasy some of kanon stuff and some legends stuff so don't wonder. I look forward to suggestions for improvement and constructive criticism. DISCLAIMER: •I do not own anything only my oc. •If there is any problem about the cover please send me a message i'll delte it. •I have a very bad spelling and i'll mostly use the translater so pls blame me not this much. •This is my first Fanfiction and i'm not 100% sure if i going to keep up writing. •Don't expect regular updates i do it because i'm bored.

Erdzan_21 · Sci-fi
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20 Chs

Chapter 11

Commanders POV

Year 3273 lothal calendar

Planet:Csilla, Csplar

(flashback 2 days before)

When I heard that I should educate my own son at the academy, I was happy about it, even if taron is a good boy he needs to learn discipline to keep order.

The girl whose name is Hanna was born in the Clish family, the Clish family is in charge to to keep things in order, like criminal hunt and imprisonment problems between civilians to canyons etc.

The boy that name is Uzui was quit interesting he was born in to the Vottu family as the nephew of the family leader, the Vottu is very important for us they are researcher who should take care of researching new vehicles of any kind.

The other girl, mei is her name, born in the Rumm family that are in charge for the health system.

Dato the boy of the Jlurd family, grandson of the family leader. This family is meant for import export goods, components, weapons etc. but more interesting is that the Jlurd family is our secret service that means tracking down secrets and selling informationt.

The family was able to earn a decent amount of money through these businesses.

Last but not least, my son Taron, as part of my family, he has the opportunity to work as a researcher, our family focuses on aids, weapons and general technologies that are not as big as an starfighter.

(flahback ends)


*back in the classroom*

'Unit Alpha-3 is completed.'Determine the commander inwardly.

The commander starts walking from left to right and begins his speech"The importance and value of discipline in life is higher than life itself.

It makes us successful and makes our life fruitful. Discipline is needed at every walk of life, one can not succeed without being disciplined.

It teaches us to value our time and to respect other's time. One can not earn respect without being discipline,it is a tool to develop unity among people.

It makes us Chiss, a well-disciplined chiss can earn respect in the eyes of people and can live happily in society.

We must keep order and follow the Chiss codex." He says the last sentence with enthusiasm and pride.

The thoughts of the cadets during the speech were all like that

'He's right about that'

'That's right'

'That's why discipline is so important, now i get it'

after the speech there was silence until the commander asked "Now please, you all have questions, ask"

We all raise our hand only mei is a little shy and raises her hand a little later

"Hanna, Uzui, Taron, Mei and Dato in this in the same order go on" the commander orders the cadets

"W-What does the codex of the chiss say?" Hanna asks hesitantly

"Listen carefully and never forget what I'm about to say.

Chiss do not invade other people's territories.

We do not wage war against potential enemies until we are actually attacked.

If we are attacked, we will never drop our weapons and keep fighting until the enemy is completely destroyed."

'So this is the codex that father always spoke of' Dato thinks when the commander recited the codex

Uzui asks "What are we going to do during basic training?"

"Every chiss has to do the basic training once, no matter which family he or she belongs to, no matter if he or she is not interested in a military career, every chiss has to go through basic training once.

The basic training lasts 2 years, during the training you will learn our language called chunh if you haven't done it yet, then you will be taught the basics.

It's spoken throughout the galaxy so it's very useful. You will also be introduced to melee combat and blaster combat but only theoretically.

You will be shown tactics and explained how to control a starfighter, but that is only in theory

As you probably already know, every chiss is born into a ruling family and these ruling families also have a specific sector (business) to take care of.

For example, Taron is a member of the family that must take care of researching new weapons or other tools and technologies.

So during basic training you are also taught to work for your family so no chiss will ever end up in poverty.

When you turn 6 and the basic training is slowly coming to an end, you will be subjected to various tests, the results of these tests will show you which sector you are most suitable for.

You can choose from the top 3. Once you have chosen you will be trained in this sector up to the age of 12.

From then on you can decide whether you want to continue your education or start working for the sector you chosed.

(I hope you understand what i tried to say at the end of the chapter)


That's it. I would appreciate feedback and a few power stones to motivate myself to drop some more stuff.


That's it. I would appreciate feedback and a few power stones to motivate myself to drop some more stuff.

Erdzan_21creators' thoughts