
Star Wars system in marvel

James woke up on a spaceship, which is going to crash into the earth with a star wars system when he crashed he found out he was in Marvel as he saw Phil Coulson and was brought into Shield How will our MC get himself out of this mess? What will become of Marvel when someone has star wars technology?

Hunter931 · Movies
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18 Chs

Chapter 6


1 week later

Nick Fury was in a meeting with Natasha and Coulson

"Coulson what's the update on phase 2"

"Sir are you sure this is the right option, using the Tesseract to create weapons of mass destruction, I thought that the Avengers initiative was on track."

"It's because we can't rely on a group of super-powered individuals to stop an army, although he did suggest the plan of nuking their ships in space while the supers take care of the fodder before they reach the ground and create that opportunity for the nuke, with these more powerful missiles they can be blown to kingdom come, showing aliens that humans have a nuclear deterrent in a form of a tesseract powered missile, we are capable enough to blow any who attack us to smithereens and if James reveals any signs of being a dangerous element we can rely on ourselves to take him out, a tesseract fueled gun will surely make an impact on that armour of his, so Coulson what's the update on phase 2."

"We have manufactured 5 rockets and have 200 guns ready for use and already have the elite soldiers training to use them."

"Good, Natasha what's the progress on investigating the alien's supposed past here on Earth"

"He hasn't mentioned much of his past and what we do know is not enough to go off of, he did say he was abducted as a child so there is no trace of him in the police system, from what I monitored from his behavioural patterns he knows a lot of earth but is unwilling to speak much on his past and his time in space which is highly suspicious. some things don't add up like the fact that he came back to stop an invasion by himself and that he is highly skilled with technology we have never seen before but he seems too confident to be facing an invasion, it might seem like a possibility that he is working for the alien's and the crash itself was orchestrated to help him infiltrate us, or there is no invasion at all." Natasha stated her weariness towards James

"Continue monitoring him, has tony replicated the blastor yet?"

"Not any luck there, he keeps mentioning that he will need a blastor to reverse engineer to study before he can begin to understand how it works, he also said that he wants some of James' armour to study, we tried asking him but he still won't give it up, when he does remove it to shower he always keeps it in the bathroom so we couldn't even shave some metal scrapings of it to analyse," Coulson reported

"What about where he stores his blastor, have you found out how he does that."

"Not at the moment, he seems to dodge any question about that but ill keep trying."


This past week James has been trying to raise the percentage of Hondo but has failed to raise it significantly so far, he has been training using a sword he requested from Shield but has only raised the percentage by a small amount compared to how quickly he raised the Mandalorians, but he thought that might be because he had some beginner bonus from the starter kit.

'It seems like I need to do actions that the character in question would do to raise their percentage, and the more I raise it the more similar to them I become, but it seems like I have to complete their character to be able to unlock the next one, I still don't know about any other feature of the system though I theorise that the higher the level I am the better the character I can get and the characters come with weapons or items they use, though I do wonder if there's any way for me to get a space ship from star wars, maybe if unlock a star wars pilot they will have an accompanying item of a space ship.' James thought about what more the system could do for him

'To act more like Hondo id have to act like a pirate would but I don't have the freedom to do that yet, I know after the invasion of new york they'll trust me more and ill get to act with more freedom but for now, the only thing I can think of to raise the level of Hondos character would be to act like a leader since Hondo did lead his group of pirates that might work or I could attempt to steal a few things around here but ill settle for trying to lead the avengers somewhat in the battle of new york against Loki, I have warned them early of an invasion and suggested the avengers initiative be used so they should be more prepared.'

James thought as he began to wonder if they would bring together the original Avengers or include more supers as they have more time to meet more of them and maybe influence them to join in like Hank Pym and if they would still bring the Hulk on board

'It would be good if they could bring together the Avengers sooner to start training together it would allow me to try to take charge and increase Hondos character percentage, plus it would be nice to meet Captain America.'