
Star Wars system in marvel

James woke up on a spaceship, which is going to crash into the earth with a star wars system when he crashed he found out he was in Marvel as he saw Phil Coulson and was brought into Shield How will our MC get himself out of this mess? What will become of Marvel when someone has star wars technology?

Hunter931 · Movies
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18 Chs

Chapter 4

James sat in his room and thought to himself 'I need them to get to trust me and figure out how far of from the start of the first Avengers film

James then pulled up his status


Name: James Elring

Level: 5

Race: Human

Age: 20

Titles: none

Character synced:

The Mandalorian 90% synced

James looked at the percentage of the Mandalorian who had risen and deduced that it was due to the use of the skills of the Mandalorian and his mindset seemed to be more aligned with the character

'It seems as though the more I progress with the percentage the more it affects me, this could be very detrimental if I get a character like Palpatine who is extremely evil and uses the dark side, as well as using planetary weapons to destroy entire planets and enslaving entire races' James thought to himself in solace while he waited for his company to arrive.

After the stunt, he pulled he knew that he'd be allowed more freedom but would be highly monitored and babysat by 'Natasha' James thought as he saw her walk into the room while swinging her hips in a rhythmic pattern.

"Hello, I'm Natasha thought I should formally introduce myself since will be around each other in the future, where you go I go," said Natasha while holding out her hand

James took her hand and gave a firm handshake "James, some niece's skills you got there."

"You are not too bad yourself, though not as good as me, you only won because of all your gadgets."

"Gadgets I have and used most my life"

"What was your life in outer space like, I've always been curious about what's up there in the stars," Natasha asked with genuine curiosity or what seemed to be displayed on her face but you can never trust a spy and James knew that when it came to a group of spies known as shield

"It is a very hostile place, different warlords and races conquering their surrounding universes, toxic gas spread over a whole planet, wars and space pirates much like Earth some would say, but also like Earth there are some very beautiful places there too, planets with wondrous scenery and views, planets full of peace and different species living in harmony, I even lived in one such place for a little while."

"why did you leave that place then?"

"War, other planets and civilisations jealous of that place came and destroyed the whole world killing and enslaving everyone they could get their blue hands on."

6 weeks later

'Natasha would visit often and ask me questions about what my life was like in space, I would tell her half-truths about what I knew of the Marvels universe since a good lie contains some truth, I believe that she has started to trust me a bit and we have grown closer but you can never trust a spy' James thought

'shield has started to give me more freedom allowing me to wander around the building and in the last week they allowed me to follow black widow on one mission to attack a compound of soldiers where I just relied on my knife and hand-to-hand combat becoming more familiar with it and since I was told not to kill any, they are putting me to use but I have to be accompanied by a Black widow or if she isn't here I can't go out but I'm more than happy about this, as it shows they are starting to trust me, I have also figured out that the time Loki will arrive is in 1 month from now so I don't have long.'

"The door to my room opened and black widow stood there

"Come on we have another mission for you but you can go solo this time and we won't watch you so you can escape if you want"

James followed the black widow to the roof where there was a quinjet,

"you can take this quinjet and go to these co-ordinates where there is a group of 30 pirates held up in their ship on the coast stopping trade routes, your mission will be to exterminate the pirates and come back here"

James said in a stoic voice "ok, ill see you after I'm done then" and walked onto the quinjet and took off

James had his suspicions that Shield wouldn't monitor him or trail him and this was just a test

He soon spotted the pirate's ship on the coast he engaged in stealth mode where the ship turned invisible, he then slowly landed it on the top of the ship and got off

A number of the crew spotted him as he got off the quinjet and opened fire but he quickly hid behind a container on the ship

'I know they are probably watching me but I guess ill try out my blaster now'

James then retrieved his blaster from his inventory and started firing back with impeccable accuracy and not missing a shot

After 5 minutes of shooting James had killed twenty-five pirates

But no more pirates were running out of the ship's compartment to face him,

'I guess I have to go in James thought

Keeping his blaster at his hip ready to shoot he walked through the door to go in but as soon as he stepped in a giant fist was flying over to his helmet

James ducted down and saw another fist going for his stomach he stepped back but the hand hit his blaster from his hand

A giant of a man was standing in front of James three times his size in terms of muscle, he looked like a miniature Hulk but not so miniature compared to James.

The giant swung his arm in a wide motion towards James but James ducted under once again and fired off his grappling hook tying it around the neck of the giant and

then he wrapped it around the giant's arm and ran around his back and climbed on and started to pull the wire harder

The giant swung his arm that was free towards his back and hit James off then he grabbed James by his helmet and tried t squash it but failed so he threw James and then ripped the wire apart that was attached to him still with monstrous strength

James grabbed his knife from his side and prepared to face off against this giant, he ran forwards and ducted under the first fist thrown then jumped up avoiding the second arm of the giant coming towards him

James used his momentum of jumping to stab into the giants head

The knife cut straight through the giant's skull and penetrated his brain, the giant fell back onto the floor with a bang he was dead

'Four more to go I hope they are also not like that'

James carried on through the ship and met no more challenges from the remaining four pirates

James then got back onto the quinjet and flew back

Once he landed the quinjet and walked off he saw Black Widow standing there with her arms folded and a raised eyebrow

"What was that gun you used and where did you get it?"

"It's called a blaster and it fires a compressed, focused, high-energy particle beam, an experimental weapon developed and acquired by me"

"I meant where did you hide it on your body and how come you only used it now"

"I'll tell you that when you stay true to your word, how did not watching me go?

'No reaction huh she sure knows how to hide her emotions

James then walked past black widow and down to his room

When he opened his interface he got a barrage of messages

[level up]

[level up]

[level up]


Name: James Elring

Level: 8

Race: Human

Age: 20

Titles: none

Character synced:

The Mandalorian 100% synced

[100% synced reached rolling for the new character]

[character acquired …]