
Star Wars system in marvel

James woke up on a spaceship, which is going to crash into the earth with a star wars system when he crashed he found out he was in Marvel as he saw Phil Coulson and was brought into Shield How will our MC get himself out of this mess? What will become of Marvel when someone has star wars technology?

Hunter931 · Movies
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18 Chs

Chapter 18 Loki

That is until one of the soldiers shouted "Loki!" and then fired at a fellow soldier everyone turned in that direction and began shooting different people letting loose energy blasts in every direction

James also saw a Loki among the crowd but decided to ignore it he knew that Loki loved to deceive and especially play games he was known to do that since an early age, and with the knowledge, James possessed of what Loki was capable of in the MCU using the trickery of illusions of his body just so he could backstab you with daggers knew that he shouldn't be deceived by a fake a body and have to out-think Loki, it is easy to outsmart someone smart because they choose the most optimal, logical thing to do so this lead James to instead focus on the cube waiting for Loki to take it, after all, he did need it to construct his portal for the invasion all the while he previously communicated to hank who was shrunk down on top of the cube waiting for Loki to grab it and hawkeye and black widow surveying everyone in case Loki appeared unexpectedly near them.

James also saw some blasts heading for him, he could've easily rolled out of the way but decided to just focus on the cube when he heard Hawkeye shout "I've got you, buddy"

Hawkeye then shot out an arrow which started to foam up and blocked the energy blasts directed towards James

Loki walked through the crowd nonchalantly thinking everyone fell for his trap and was ensued in the chaos that he created

He walked up to the cube and reached for it but to his surprise, an ant man was waiting for Loki to come for the cube

Ant-man being the small man he was started running across the surface of the cube working up momentum before growing his size and jumping aligning his fist with the jaw of Loki

Loki was caught og guard as he didn't expect the sudden appearance of a man punching him, with the built-up momentum ant man managed to punch lokis jaw sending him flying backwards and allowing James to get a clear view of the real Loki so he fired his rifle

With the energy blast coming from the unsuspecting Loki it hit dead centre and pulverised Loki into atoms

James thought this was too easy and began looking to see if any more lokis were around but couldn't find any while the chaos came to a close with the soldiers not seeing any more lokis either

I guess star wars technology can even fight the gods of the Marvel world, though I still feel it was too easy' James thought while narrowing his eyes

James stored his rifle away and stood up while taking his blaster pistol out along with his vibro knife

"Interesting", James heard a voice around him echoing from all corners of the room "You still didn't fall for my tricks, although my illusions are made to fool people they still consist of Asgards magic making few be able to differentiate what is real while keeping control of their mind." Loki then materialised in front of James "you shall become a loyal servant of mine and help me achieve my great plan, feel honoured mortal," Loki said while charging the sceptre up and touching it against James' breastplate

With a throop sound, the sceptre lost the charged-up power and it scattered in the air

"It seems my amour is more formidable than your magic Loki," James said and then fired his blaster at Loki, with the multiple energy blasts of the pistol hitting lokis shield it soon began to wane and James could notice this and pressed his advantage as he stored the vibro knife and took out his other pistol letting lose twice the amount of bullets

The soldiers from below noticed this and also began to shoot at Loki's shield

Loki kept all his concentration on maintaining the barrier against the onslaught of the rain of fire or that's how it looked at least as Loki was secretly disguised as a guard near the tesseract, Loki could notice that the ant man from earlier was still nearby as he watched as the mind controlled guard was assaulted by him while watching the defences the mortals put up

Loki also noticed the slight movement of a woman in the corner of the room when the disguised guard reached for the cube

Loki saw the iron man in the air as not much of a threat considering he was easily fooled by the fake Loki on the bridge the same for the armoured man with strange weaponry, Loki knew that the sceptre wouldn't world through the metal but had the illusion put up the act anyway to fool these mortals and he knew it would work as he was the god of trickery

Loki then began to realise the plan he made, he had his illusion fire some blasts of energy at the crowd of soldiers and had his fake illusion soldiers be bounced back and sent flying across the room to make it believe able when he had a beam of energy hit him and sent himself back towards where the women in the shadows were

When he felt he was close enough he materialised his sceptre and touched it to her heart making her one of his loyal subordinates whit his mind control

Next, he sent up a ball of energy into the air that exploded into a large amount of light blinding everyone he especially sent a blast of energy towards the armoured men knowing they might have some resistance towards the flashbang with their helmets

While they were preoccupied he reached the cube and took it, as it was now within his grasp he made his escape with the mortal he had under his control

James upon seeing his vision flood with light causing his eyes to close, then felt a blast of energy slam against his chest and was sent flying back into the wall

'Dam he fooled us, along we were fighting a distraction when he was still focused on stealing the cube, the MCU Loki didn't seem that smart but I guess they displayed a weak Loki and made him dumber than he is, thanks to my armour I'm mostly fine on the exterior but inside my body kills, it felt like taking a sledgehammer to the body. I swear I'm going to pay him back for this when my eyes recover' James just let his body sag against the wall as his eyes and body hurt and he couldn't do anything now let alone top Loki from escaping or trying to kill him.

After waiting a few minutes as his eyes healed James was finally able to stand up and access the situation

"The cube is gone along with Loki and Natasha," James said while looking at a grumpy nick fury and a red-eyed Hawkeye

"He seems to use the sceptre to be able to mind control people so be careful of Natasha if she appears in any shield facilities or around the globe." Hawkeye said recounting what he saw Loki try to do with James but his amour stopping it, "I think we should have any people who confront him wear a metal play over their chest to stop the mind control effects though it might just be because James armour is special."

"With the cube gone we need to start making plans to find him, ill let Jarvis start to sweep using facial recognition," Tony said still feeling the pain the last attack caused him while he was blind

"Though Ant-man is still with the cube we haven't been able to pick up any traces from him or attempts to communicate, he may have also been mind-controlled," Fury said

"I don't think he has after all the plan was for ant man to stay small and follow Loki to inform us of Loki's plans and location while keeping his eye on the cube," James said "Fury start preparing for war while we track down Loki and stop any plans he might have started we don't want Loki to surface and cause mass panic."