
Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun

He doesn't know how it happened or why. But before he could understand what was happening he found himself living an entirely new life, in a galaxy far far away. As a member of a prominent force-sensitive family to boot. Which comes with a set of problems all its own. Still, he will not waste this second chance that was given to him. He will rise, and carve his name into the history books. For the Scion of the Sun isn't someone to be taken lightly.

ArifuretaForever · Anime & Comics
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148 Chs

Jedi Council *Spoilers*

Galactic Systems Alliance Jedi High Council:

1. Van Sunrider

2. Marcellus Antilles

3. Yennali Fonemys

4 Aayla Secura

5. Nova Halcyon

6. Sifo-Dyas

7. Qui-Gon Jinn

8. Ky Narec

9. Dooku

10. Plo Koon

11. Yaddle

12. Ood Bnar