
Star Wars: Master of the Force

Imagine if you will that you have died and have woken up in the body of a certain Chosen One from an iconic fictional Sci-fi universe. and no I don’t mean Rey Palpatine cause screw her.

DaoistpRY7hg · Movies
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Ch 4 - I like Sand

POV: Anakin Skywalker, Mos Espa/Tatooine, 40 BBY


It's been a year since I came into this world, and I still haven't really adjusted to being here. It's like when you're homesick; that's the feeling I get most of the time, but I know that my old life is far away. So I've been trying to not think about home and instead think about the future, more specifically my future.

To say it has been an exciting first year is a serious overstatement. You wouldn't remember much about your childhood, but being a baby is really fucking boring. So boring, in fact, that the only outlet is to cry, scream, and flail my little stubby arms about. Which is usually answered by my mother, Shmi, coming to my side and breastfeeding me. And no, I don't enjoy having my new mom's tits in my mouth. I'm just so bored that it's the only thing I can do. But very recently, I've found a new hobby... Sand Yeah, the antithesis of the original Anakin Skywalker, but to me, sand is just sand, and on Tatooine, it's very much in abundance. And I've just found a good use for it—to make crappy buildings out of it. It turns out that my immense sensitivity to the force gave me one other bonus ability: Telekinesis It's true that most force users could use telekinesis (force push, force pull, etc.), but where mine differed slightly was that it could somehow be utilised even when I wasn't connecting to the force. If I cut my connection to the force, I could probably still use it. How that's possible is beyond me, but I am the chosen one. The only real problem stemmed from its output; I couldn't manipulate anything over a certain weight. The maximum weight currently is about 3 kilograms, or around 6.6 pounds. Sand is useful to me because it trains my telekinesis. Not only is it very light, but telekinetically manipulating each individual grain of sand allows for way greater control in the long run. Especially when I need to lift multiple separate things at once, a long-term goal of mine is to be able to manipulate an entire area of Tatooine. Given that the planet is mostly sand, it shouldn't be impossible.

What I intend to do with that area is still unknown to me. Maybe build a bigger house?

What's still baffling me is how the force is even used—not the force itself, but how Sith, for example, uses cryokinesis. If the force is a mystical energy field that surrounds us and binds and penetrates us, then is it energy? If so, then maybe I can understand that how the force is utilised most of the time is that a user of force transforms this energy into another state, due to the law of thermodynamics like the aforementioned cryokinesis, which's done by a Sith literally draining the thermal energy from an area, which as a result creates ice or cold. Even if what I just theorised isn't true and totally breaks thermodynamics, it's still a cool thought and would ground the force a bit, but it still ultimately wouldn't answer how a user of the force can transmute that energy in the first place.

In any case, my mother isn't the only person that I see in my day-to-day life of being a baby and an old friend of my mom's who actually looked after her whilst she was growing up. Jira, I recognised the name. As the old lady who warned Anakin of the sandstorm in *A Phantom Menace, she was a kindly older lady who, much like in the film, sold fruits to anyone in Mos Espa. She would look after me anytime my mom had to go to work and would regale me about the wider galaxy. If only she knew, I probably had more knowledge about the galaxy than she did.

This galaxy and the life I'm living in are never going to be this innocent and calm. I accept this, yet part of me would rather life stay like this. It would be so much better if I were dead, yet whatever grand power had been summoned here did it for reason. Whether it was for entertainment or because I have a role to fill in this universe, I feel that it doesn't really matter to me; I will choose my own destiny from now on. And no higher power will tell me what I can and can't do; this is not a statement but a promise.

Some of the people who read this only a day ago may notice a lot of grammatical corrections. I’ve been going over each of my chapters individually last night. And I have also used that time to fix any spelling errors or mistakes on my drafts, so I hope you find my writing to be more pleasant, as that was a big problem some of you highlighted to me.

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