
Star Wars: A New Life

A human reincarnates into the world of Star wars as Ahsoka Tano's older brother. May the force be with you.

Aht · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 4: Dusk

Like this, some time had passed, and the two exited the forest, quickly reaching the Togruta village's gate.

A couple of armed Togruta came rushing out realizing a big creature was heading their direction, but were quick to realize who it was. Even if it was just two children, two members of their tribe had successfully returned from a hunt.

A look of happiness appeared in the guards' eyes. One even started waving their hand in the air, quickly shouting out to the rest of the tribe.

"Haha! Ahsoka and Kohsaka have successfully returned from The Hunt! I see that they killed off two Kybuck!", One of the Togruta happily shouted.

Keeping their distance, Kohsaka signaled the large tiger to kneel down again. With a large plop, its heavy body created an indent in the dirt beneath it. Still, this allowed Kohsaka and Ahsoka to jump off.

As one of the Togruta guards gathered other Togrutas, it didn't take long before a woman and a man approached the two children. They had a happy look in their eyes. They were the two's parents, Pav-ti and Nak-il.

Ahsoka was the first to get off, entering a sprint, and entered Pav-ti's embrace with a smile over her face.

"It looks like The Hunt went well for you, Ahsoka. And you too, Kohsaka.", Pav-ti said, welcoming her children back inside the village.

"Yeah! Brother Kohsaka even let me use the rifle this time. We scored enough to feed the entire village for a good period of time!", Ahsoka happily responded to her mother's words.

"So it would seem. Welcome back, Kohsaka. I will signal others to help bring in the two Kybuck you two hunted today.", Nak-il said, hugging his son. Doing a motion of his hand, he sent off a signal to the other hunters. They sprinted toward the large tiger who kept still. It was a surprise at first, but eventually, the Togruta accepted this tiger into being one of their own tribe.

In response, some Togruta gave the tiger some big sacks of fresh meat to enjoy. The tiger happily took it, and returned into the forest where its nest laid.

"It looks like tonight will be a feast. To a successful hunt. Nak-il.", Pav-ti said with a smile, looking at Nak-il.

"Oh Pav-ti, if only it were that easy...", Nak-il uttered. As he uttered that, he felt uneasiness swell up inside him. Sensing a change in the atmosphere, Kohsaka was quick to turn toward his father.

"Is something wrong, father?", Kohsaka asked, seeing the uneasiness in his father's eyes.

"Perhaps. It would depend on how the person sees it, Kohsaka. Both you and Ahsoka have guests.", Pav-ti said, quickly drawing their attention.

"Guests? Who?", Ahsoka asked with interest in her eyes.

"Hello there, young ones.", A sudden voice called out to the group of four Togruta. 

They turned around, and saw a rather tall figure approach them. Other Togruta made way for this figure, followed by a couple of robed figures beside the man. He didn't appear to be a Togruta, that was clear to say. He also wore a robe himself. This man hailed from another race known as the Kel Dor. A race home to the Planet Dorin, another Planet located in the Expansion Region.

A serious look appeared in Pav-ti's eyes as she looked down at her two children. She could see the interest in their eyes, seeing a man they hadn't seen before, approach the group.

"Ahsoka, Kohsaka, this man is a Master Jedi. He is Plo Koon.", Pav-ti declared, introducing the man to her two children.


Later that night.

Tano Hut.

An orange-skinned figure with downcast montrals over her head could be seen, burying her head into a pillow. Sadness wallowed in her eyes, but it didn't reach the point where tears were coming out. 

Evidently, something had happened since Ahsoka and Kohsaka returned from their hunt, causing sadness to appear in Ahsoka's eyes. It didn't take long for the door to the Tano hut to open, but Ahsoka remained still, still keeping her head inside her pillow.

An azure-skinned boy with the same montrals over his head came walking in. A couple of roasted drumsticks of a Kybuck could be seen in his hand, letting the smell of roasted meat waft through the hut.

"Why the long face, Ahsoka? You should join us. Mother and Father went to such lengths to hold a festival for our successful hunt.", Kohsaka said, urging his sister to join him.

"What's the point, brother? Everything we care about is about to vanish! Don't you feel sad too?", Ahsoka said, revealing a pout as her head slowly lifted from her pillow.

"True. There is no way we can turn down an invitation from a Master Jedi. But what's the point in being sad about it? It's a festival hosted by our fellow Togruta! Here, have some meat from the Kybuck you killed earlier. It is quite delicious.", Kohsaka said. Before Ahsoka could react to him, Kohsaka shoved one of the drumsticks of meat into her mouth, causing Ahsoka's eyes to turn wide from his actions. Still, it didn't take long for her to start nibbling on the roasted meat.

Ahsoka's expression calmed after a moment or two passed by in silence while the two ate some roasted meat. Kohsaka's portion came from his own Kybuck that he hunted alongside Ahsoka's.

After eating about half of the current leg, Kohsaka took this time to wipe some leftover sauce from Ahsoka's mouth with a piece of cloth.

"Feeling better?", Kohsaka asked, eeing Ahsoka now calm.

"Yes. Thank you...", Ahsoka uttered, nodding her head as she finished the meat that was in her hand. Her stomach started to growl, signaling that she wanted more.

"Haha. The time for goodbyes will come later. For now, let us eat to our hearts' content!", Kohsaka urged his sister to follow him.

Ahsoka only followed the retreating shadow of her brother. The two made a dash toward the center of the village where the ongoing bonfire was. Happy dancing and shouts could be heard in ancient Togruti, with everyone celebrating the successful hunt earlier today. On top of that, the Togruta were also in a celebratory mood. They had been partnered with the current Republic, and after learning that two Togruta would be joining the Jedi Order, they all broke out into a festive mood.

Kohsaka took one of the wooden logs placed in front of the large bonfire. The crackling of logs being burned mixed into the cheerful laughter coming from the other Togruta. Mixing that with the smell of roasted meat, it was a night to remember.

As Kohsaka remained seated, he saw Ahsoka further off into the distance, happily dancing with the other Togrutas. Kohsaka's lonely figure was soon greeted by the weird man, who hid his face behind a mask, his voice deep. The robed man who Pav-ti introduced as Plo Koon, sat down beside Kohsaka, and also watched on. He started to speak, letting his eyes remain on the villagers.

"I see you were able to cheer your sister up. It is good to see that she is no longer sad.", Plo Koon said to the boy.

"I think the same. I must ask, though, why did you come to our Planet anyway? We are far from the capital of Shili. From their view, you are a stranger.", Kohsaka said, turning his head toward the strange man before him.

"Indeed. I am a stranger to the Togruta. Normally, I would have no purpose in coming here, so your eyes are sharp, young one.", Plo Koon said, answering the boy's doubt.

"There really was something, huh?", Kohsaka asked, raising his eyes in interest. Plo Koon nodded his head.

"I cannot go into the details, as the capture has already been completed. There was an imposter among our ranks targeting force-sensitive children in the vicinity. His trial will be set in the coming days back on Coruscant.", Plo Koon said, explaining what had happened in the recent time during his stay here. Kohsaka couldn't help but look at him.

"Well, it is good that such a threat has been quelled. On behalf of the other Togruta, I thank you.", Kohsaka replied with a polite tone to his voice.

"It is no problem, young one. I am merely doing my duty as a Jedi Master. To my surprise, however, I found myself here in this village. The Force is quite strong in you.", Plo Koon replied, taking the time to turn his head toward the boy, and observed him.

"So you knew.", Kohsaka said, putting a smile to his face.

"And not just you, the youngling over there, your sister. The Force is quite strong in both of you.", Plo Koon declared, taking a moment to observe Ahsoka in the distance, still sharing her fun with the other Togruta.

"I told her. Ahsoka knows everything. That was the reason why she was sad in the first place.", Kohsaka replied with a nod of his head.

"I shall say no more of the matter, then. The ship may be a bit small, but it shall serve its purpose. We leave at dusk. You have until this festival ends to say your goodbyes.", Plo Koon said, proceeding to stand back up.

Not saying anything more, Kohsaka saw the strange man depart, heading to another end of the ongoing festival, and partaking in its festivities. It brought Kohsaka some laughs, observing how the strange man ate. He was far more alien than the Togruta was to him.

This night of sharing laughter and fun with his fellow Togruta here would be the last day both Kohsaka and his sister Ahsoka would stay on Planet Shili.


Dusk. The festival had come to an end. Most Togrutas returned to their huts for the evening, retiring for the night. Yet another scene could be seen being played out at the other end of the small village. In an open area, one remaining starship could be seen. At least appearing large due to the duo's small stature.

"Please. Watch over them. You must.", Pav-ti's voice uttered softly at Plo Koon. Tears formed in her eyes seeing her two children now beside the man's legs. Both of his arms could be seen over the two children.

"Do not worry. Your village welcomed me with warm arms. I will not forget this kindness. I shall make sure these two are well received back at the Jedi Temple. You have my honor as a Master Jedi.", Plo Koon responded, doing a motion of his hand over his chest.

"Mother. Father!", Ahsoka's shaky voice said to the two. It was clear tears were starting to form in her eyes.

Ahsoka tried to run toward her parents. Feeling a grip over her body, Plo Koon released his hands, allowing the young Togruta to enter their parents' embrace, one last time.

Seeing Ahsoka share a hug with her parents, Plo Koon looked downward at their son.

"Will you not join them?", Plo Koon asked.

"No.", Kohsaka answered. He then turned around, and walked up into Plo Koon's ship. Its series belonged to the light-weight ships. an Interceptor that was a rarity among the Starfighters. Its model was the Delta-7.

"Kohsaka...", Nak-il's voice uttered softly, seeing his son retreat back into the pointed ship. His figure was no longer in sight.

Plo Koon took a moment to observe this, and a rare smile appeared hidden within his mask.

After an unforgettable moment passed before the remaining trio, Ahsoka parted ways from her parents. Plo Koon walked up to her, and urged her to follow him. Ahsoka turned around one last time. A special blaster rifle could now be seen over her back. She had struggled trying to carry it, but she had enough strength to do so.

Pav-ti waved her hands once Plo Koon's ship whirred up its engines, creating a large blast of wind onto the grassy plains beneath it. Plo Koon and Ahsoka vanished into the main deck, and the ramp that could be seen began to close up. At the same time, the ship started to soar into the skies.

A couple moments passed, and his ship left Planet Shili's atmosphere entering outer space.

It was the first time both Kohsaka and Ahsoka saw the endless starry space before them, seemingly without end.

"Haha, do make yourselves at home for the time being. This ship is small, but it will make do. The others who were with me already departed Planet Shili, taking the criminal with them. All we have left to do now is head to Coruscant. I have already informed the Jedi High Council of the present situation. You are to be debriefed at dawn tomorrow.", Plo Koon said, proceeding to the cockpit seat, taking a seat down. He had his ship currently on auto-pilot, so he did not need to take the controls.

"Coruscant? Isn't that the capital planet of the Republic?", Ahsoka said, her eyes lit up as she heard that.

"It is. I didn't think we would be important enough to be granted a personal concession by the Jedi Council.", Kohsaka mused to himself. Plo Koon's words were an unexpected one to him, but a welcomed one.

"It is not every day to come across two force-sensitive children in one village. The other Jedi are curious about who you are. I hear even Grandmaster Yoda will be in attendance.", Plo Koon said, drawing the two's attention again.

'Grandmaster Yoda...', Kohsaka became silent after he heard Plo Koon say that name. 'I really am in Star Wars...', Kohsaka continued to think to himself.

"Brother?", Ahsoka questioned, seeing her brother suddenly turn silent. Kohsaka quickly shook his head, shaking that thought away.

"It's nothing.", Kohsaka said, easing Ahsoka's worry.

"It is unlikely the two of you have entered hyperspace before, so try to find a good footing. We will arrive before you know it.", Plo Koon suddenly said, drawing the duo's attention again. Hearing that, both of them tried to find a good footing on Plo Koon's ship. It really was quite small to fit three people inside of it. But the two were children, and small enough to not make it a hassle for Plo Koon.

Just like that, Plo Koon's ship, which was now resting idly in outer space, suddenly began to stretch and glow with a bright light. 

In but a blink of an eye, the ship vanished from sight, and entered hyperspace.

Don't forget to drop some power stones!

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