
Star Wars: A New Life

A human reincarnates into the world of Star wars as Ahsoka Tano's older brother. May the force be with you.

Aht · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 5: Planet Coruscant

Thirty-three years before the fall of the galactic empire.

Planet Coruscant. 

The epicenter of the Core Worlds, nestled further inside from the Expansion Region.

Hosting a massive population of over three trillion humans and aliens alike.

To put it simply, Planet Coruscant was the core of the entire galaxy. Often dubbed as just the Core. From there, it would be the Inner Rim, Mid Rim, then Outer Rim. Where Kohsaka and Ahsoka came from, was Planet Shili of the Expansion Region. This region was placed in-between the Inner Rim and the Mid Rim.

For some folk, they would leave and go in the opposite direction where the Outer Rim was located, full of unexplored territory and rich resources waiting to be gathered. While others would go toward the Core in search of opportunities waiting for them. 

In this case, Plo Koon, a Master Jedi, invited the two siblings to join the Jedi Temple, which was located on Planet Coruscant.

During the short journey through the hyperspace lane, Kohsaka mulled over his current outlook of what was to come. Was joining Plo Koon to become a Jedi youngling the best course of action for him and his sister?

For now, it was. Not only would Coruscant offer a means of protection for both him and his sister, by joining the Jedi Temple, his entire homeworld will become protected by the Republic. And as the saying went, keep your friends close, and your enemies closer. By joining the Jedi Temple, Kohsaka could start observing the movements of the Sith.

Anticipation grew in Kohsaka's eyes, wondering what form of the Jedi he would start practicing, and which one he would come to enjoy.

Uneventfully, the short trip during hyperspace ended, and Plo Koon's private ship exited the hyperspace lane. The Core became visible, and many stars and planets now appeared around them. In front of the ship, an insanely large planet could be seen. Even from outer space, most of the planet could be seen lit up. Despite it being dusk, several starships, carriers, and star cruisers could be seen in designated traffic lanes, going to and fro from the Planet. 

Most of the planet was covered in buildings. It truly was a marvelous sight to see for the first time.

Kohsaka saw glitter appear in Ahsoka's eyes, seeing such a gigantic planet before.

"Look, brother, this planet is huge!", Ahsoka happily chirped. As she observed the ongoing ships heading into and outside Coruscant, Plo Koon's autopilot system engaged one of the nearby traffic lanes, locking it into place. It soon joined in with the other ships heading inside the planet.

"It sure is. This is the base of the entire Republic, is it not, Master Plo?", Kohsaka asked, causing Plo Koon to become silent.

"It is. Welcome to The Republic. Home of the Jedi. We will be landing shortly. It is still dusk, so we will not head to the Senate Building to meet the others until dawn. I will take you to my private quarters. It is the least I can do. Should you get accepted into the Jedi Order tomorrow, new quarters will be given to you. It is home to other younglings like yourselves.", Plo Koon said, explaining the present situation to the two children.

"Got it. We did just stuff our faces silly a couple hours ago. We are getting pretty tired.", Kohsaka said. He looked at his sister, and began to stretch her arms.

"Yeah...I'm surprised we're still even up at this hour...", Ahsoka replied, yawning after taking in the new sights. The traffic was relentless, but provided a constant flow of starships. Plo Koon's ship inched further and further toward Coruscant. Taking a moment, Plo Koon looked at the two children further in the back of his ship. It was a bit cramped, but he saw Ahsoka start nestling her body up to Kohsaka's, letting her eyelids close as she did.  

"Well, rest well, young ones. Tomorrow will be a busy day for you.", Plo Koon said, before shifting his attention back to the traffic lane he was in. Once Plo Koon's ship exited the lane, he regained control of the ship, and started to bring it toward the Residential District, which spanned across the entire planet.

Kohsaka took a moment to observe Ahsoka's sleeping position. It didn't take long for the long day of excitement and joy to consume her body, falling into a peaceful slumber. As Ahsoka's snores reached Kohsaka's ears, her body shuffled again, nestling up against his leg. A smile appeared on her lips while he caressed her head.

Will Kohsaka be able to protect such a heartfelt smile with what was to come at them?

Kohsaka remained silent as did Plo Koon, not trying to disturb Ahsoka, who had now fallen asleep. Yet as this eerie silence spread through his cockpit with the constant hum of the starship's jets, Kohsaka's eyes remained on the back of Plo Koon. Plo Koon felt a hidden pressure start to rise up, almost as if it was coming from a tiger eyeing its prey.

As the ship entered the Residential District, one thought remained on Plo Koon's mind as this silence spread inside his cockpit.

In order to become a Jedi, one must forgo worldly attachments. 

It was clear the two siblings he brought on board were close and tight-knit. Would he have the willpower to try and separate the special bond the two hold dear to each other?


Later that night, Plo Koon soon reached the Residential District of Planet Coruscant. He drew his private starship around, arriving at one of the local docks. It didn't take long for the hatch of the Delta-7 to hiss, opening on its own. Plo Koon's ship really was meant for one person to occupy it, but both siblings were enough to squeeze in.

Plo Koon jumped off his ship, and turned toward the dark brown astromech. Kohsaka saw that it was a different version, but it almost had the equivalent appearance of a popular astromech that would be used by a certain Jedi, R2-D2.

"Look after the ship, will you, R7?", Plo Koon asked, letting his large robe cover most of his body. The R7 happily beeped in response, and got to work on the Delta-7. (A/N I know it was Anakin who gave Plo this ship, but I am not sure if it detailed what ship he had before the Clone Wars, if any)

Kohsaka jumped off after Plo Koon, carrying Ahsoka in his arms.

"Are you sure you are fine to walk like that, young one?", Plo Koon asked, seeing the young Togruta sleeping peacefully behind Kohsaka's back. Kohsaka, on the other hand, felt completely fine carrying his sister. A big smile could be seen on Ahsoka's face as she snoozed away.

"Yes. This is nothing. Remember Master Plo, young ones we may be, but our tribe accepted us as Hunters. Do not forget that.", Kohsaka said, and began taking steps forward on the dock to what appeared to be a very large skyscraper, endlessly stretching to the beyond. Both Kohsaka and Ahsoka turned four years old this year, but by their tribe's custom, they had already been accepted as Hunters from the result of The Hunt. By this point, Kohsaka knew his way around both a hunting knife, as well as a blaster gun. On top of carrying Ahsoka, he carried their inherited blaster rifle on his back as well with ease.

To others though that were enjoying Coruscant's nightlife while on the local dock, they watched

"Of course.", Plo Koon said, seeing the small Togruta boy vanish from sight, taking a moment to observe him.

Hiding his lightsaber away, tucked deeply inside his waist, Plo Koon's robes fluttered as his voice hissed lowly behind his mask. He didn't say anything more, and only followed the boy in silence, ignoring the other aliens who were showing interest in their eyes.

Once arriving at the floor Plo Koon's house rested on, he guided Kohsaka to the room he would use for the night. Plo Koon retreated for the night, not offering anything else, and kept their interaction at a minimum to not disturb Ahsoka. Kohsaka felt a sudden weary feeling strike his entire body, as if all of his stamina left him. He had experienced a lot today, and it was a lot to take in, especially the new sights of a planet he hadn't seen before, but knew so much about.

Placing his sister gently down on the large bed before him, Kohsaka took a moment to gaze out on the endless stretch of the cityscape before him. Starships continued going through traffic, the constant horn sounds echoed in his ears. He could see the colorful night life of pleasure seekers going about on the ground level. Coruscant had areas that stretched well below the ground-level, but that was where the sketchy areas were, and he had no interest in them. 

Kohsaka paused, enjoying the scene playing out before him, taking a moment to recollect his thoughts of how he was thrusted into this world.

He knew there was a lot out there waiting to be explored but Kohsaka wanted to focus on the present time, in the aspiration of becoming a Jedi. Considering his current position, it probably won't be hard for the two of them to get accepted as younglings. He only hoped he could strive and get better attuned at using The Force during that period. Kohsaka's foundations were strong already, but he had plenty of room to grow.

There really wasn't an official calendar as the event hadn't happened yet, but Kohsaka used the Battle of Javin to help keep track of his time. Both the present year and the next year would play big factors in what was to come. Planet Naboo's roots would soon get twisted and churned by a looming threat of the Trade Federation. More characters would start to sprout up, including the birth of one of few Jedi to live Order 66, Kanan Jarrus, who would become a teacher figure to a lurking Jedi youngling found in the Outer Rim, Ezra Bridger.

Considering Kanan is just due to be born this year, Kohsaka probably could not interact with him. Not until he goes through youngling training like he will in the coming days.

Instead, Kohsaka's interest lay elsewhere. He already had initial thoughts of who to become a Padawan under. A few options presented before him. Plo Koon, the weird alien with the mask who brought him here was a potential option, but he wouldn't have much influence in the coming turmoil. On the other hand, there was Jedi Knight Yaddle, Jedi Knight Dooku, Jedi Knight Windu, and Jedi Knight Shaak Ti. 

Of the four, Master Yaddle was the most mysterious to him, considering she was of the same race Grandmaster Yoda was. No doubt she was as in tune with The Force as Yoda was. If he wanted to improve his force techniques, with Yaddle's neutral stances on Jedi affairs, Kohsaka might find himself well-suited to be her Padawan. He could focus on training in The Force that way.

On the other hand, Jedi like Master Dooku was well-versed in the art of combat and deceit. His mind was often an enigma and hiw way of approaching things may be viewed as inappropriate to others, and minus his identity as a Sith in the future, people like Dooku did have the ability to view the big picture of things happening. In fact, Dooku even tried to warn of looming darkness to spread over the Jedi High Council to the others, but was immediately shot down.

But no. While those two figureheads might antice Kohsaka, his interests fell on Master Shaak Ti. Not only was Master Shaak Ti a fellow Togruta like he and Ahsoka was, one of the main places Kohsaka wanted to visit was Planet Kamino. While not actively present on the Jedi High Council, Master Shaak Ti still held the title of Jedi Master. Eventually, Yaddle would pass her seat onto Shaak Ti in the coming year. But just by not being on the Jedi Council didn't mean one couldn't become someone's Padawan.

And Master Shaak Ti was Kohsaka's ticket to entry on Planet Kamino. He wanted to witness the birth of two popular clones, Boba Fett, and Omega. Both would get created in Kamino's cloning facility in the coming year. Unlike Boba Fett, however, Omega would likely be under strict supervision, as she would eventually become the perfect clone that could wield The Force. That was why Clone Force 99 took such an effort to protect her from The Empire. Omega's blood alone could turn a normal non-force sensitive human into one that wielded The Force.

High-risk, High Reward, as they say. Omega alone could turn into a powerful ally to Kohsaka.

Still, aiming to become Shaak Ti's Padawan was still a ways away. At least for now, Kohsaka knew who to get in contact with, should he decide to live at the Jedi Temple. With how scarce force-sensitive children were. It was likely Kohsaka would come across Kanan down the line too prior to wanting to visit Planet Kamino, so maybe he could take the time to befriend him. He was curious to see if there were any other younglings that he should become friends with too.

With that thought concluded, Kohsaka knew time was scarce, so he had to take every advantage he could until the Clone Wars began. He had another look at his sister, who was now in deep slumber. Ahsoka, too, would play a big role in the coming Clone Wars. Moreover, Ahsoka was his dear sister now. Was there even a reason to protect a loved one?

Thinking that, Kohsaka revealed a heartfelt smile. Coupled with the constant distant horns of traffic, and other constant happenings of Planet Coruscant's nightlife, it created a cozy atmosphere. The dreariness Kohsaka felt a few moments ago was now sweeping his entire body, and he could feel his eyelids start to shift around. Kohsaka took a moment to stretch his tired body. He was only four years old this year, along with his sister, so it lasted for an entire day, surprising him, even if it was already adapting to The Force. A lot of energy was spent today with both The Hunt, saying his goodbyes, and coming here to Planet Coruscant.

He tucked himself snuggly beside Ahsoka and was quick to wander off to dreamland with a hopeful look in his eyes. He knew well that what he was seeing wasn't some sort of dream. Kohsaka really had crossed into the Starwars-verse.

Don't forget to drop some power stones!

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