
Star Wars A Galaxy Reborn

A Star Wars Fanfic where both the Republic and The Galactic Empire exists at the same time in a Galaxy that is full of constant wars and suffering. Our MC Alexander Hamilton after successfully passing a trial by a Goddess gets put into this war torn Galaxy after he dies from being overworked in his previous world. Now in his second life, he strives to never work under anybody ever again and to live his life how he wants to. Can he build up his Empire in this New Galaxy while bringing peace and prosperity to the Galaxy, or will he be overwhelmed and succumb to the Darkness.

Dr_Dred · Others
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167 Chs

Chapter 50

"Okay so what are your names?" Asked Alexander as he looked at the 5 Spartan squad Leader's in front of him.

"Lt. Osley Reporting sir" Said the first Spartan whose armor was blue. Each Spartan squad had different colored armor to tell them apart from the other's

"Lt. Kingsley Reporting Sir" Said the Second Spartan with Dark red Armor

"Lt. Freed Reporting Sir" Said the third Spartan with green Armor

"Lt. Daniels Reporting Sir" said the Fourth Spartan with White Armor

"Lt. Williams Reporting Sir" Said the last Spartan with black armor with a skull sign on the right chest piece of the armor.

While they said their names Alexander was still looking at their individual combat data to see the difference between his Clone soldier's and these Spartan soldier's. And the Difference was indeed high as the sheer strength of a Spartan was 4x that of a normal Clone soldier.

Most of that was enhanced by the Armor which provided a significant boost to the person inside of it. And the weight of the armor was no joke as it could crush any body's skull with a single step.

"Okay so right now most of your mission's will be infiltration into enemy territory with the occasional sabotage mission's and such" Explained Alexander since he didn't have anywhere to send them at this moment.

"But since we are technically at war right now I will not hold you back since I know you guys are probably itching for a real battle, so I want all of you to report to the Royal Hanger with your squads as you will be coming with me" Said Alexander

All 5 Spartans saluted and left to get their squads.

The reason they were coming with Alexander was because his scout's had managed to find the Ssi-ruu Homeworld, and he was not going to waste this chance and was going to attack it with his Main fleet.

Taking their Homeworld will put an end to the Ssi-ruu Imperium and bring them under Alexander's Empire. Before his encounter with the Ssi-ruu Imperium Alexander thought they would have some powerful ship's, but it seems not to be the case.

The Ssi-ruu Imperium couldn't handle the Advance technology that Alexander's fleets and soldier's had, so really it was a one-sided beatdown as the Ssi-ruu Imperium stood no chance.

After the Spartan's returned with their Squads Alexander boarded his transport and went to his Capital ship. He had already amassed a fleet of ship's to take the Ssi-ruu Imperium Homeworld and didn't want to waste any time.

So once he was aboard his Capital ship he immediately had the fleet get into formation to jump into hyperspace.

Once the fleet jumped to Hyperspace Alexander had begun meditating in his room aboard his ship to prepare for the battle ahead.

He found that meditation was a really calming thing and at times if he concentrates he can see certain events in the future using his foresight.

This time while meditating he saw the location of where the Leader of the Ssi-ruu Imperium was at. He was located in a massive Palace like structure located on some hills somewhere on the planet.

Meaning that his Palace was separate from the city which was even better since Alexander could just take the Spartan's and attack the palace with all teams while his other forces gain control of the planet.

And he had a lot of forces with him as he brought 30 Million MK VI Sentinel Droids with him as the Clones and Rakata were under the command of Aina.

And taking control of the planet would be easy except for the invasion part since even if their technology is a little primitive the Ssi-ruu prove to be very resilient when it comes to defending their planet's.

Especially since this was their homeworld Alexander expected a very long and brutal battle but even then the outcome would be the same.

It has been 30 minutes since Alexander started meditating but to him, it felt longer than that. That's when Yrena had walked in the door hoping to wake Alexander up but what she found was that he was meditating, so she stood to the side and waited for him to get done.

Alexander was already aware of her presence and knew that it was time, so he stopped meditating for the time being and turned towards her.

"Have we arrived yet" asked Alexander

"Yes we have already exited Hyperspace and I have ordered the fleet to advance towards the planet and attack any ship that is hostile" Answered Yrena

"Okay then I guess we best get into our armor for this battle" said Alexander which made Yrena a little surprised

"Master are you going to personally fight in the battle?" asked Yrena

"Yes, is that a problem?" Asked Alexander as he thought she was going to pretest him fighting in the battle

"No not at all it's just you never personally fight in the battle and instead just leave it to us and the soldiers" Said Yrena

"Well I'm not going to fight in the space battle since I still have to practice a little more in the simulation, but I am going to personally assault the Leader of the Ssi-ruu's Palace with the Spartans" Said Alexander

"And you want Yona and I to command the force on the ground" Said Yrena

"Precisely" Answered "But let's prepare since we are already here and don't get much time until the battle starts"

With that Alexander had gone to put on his custom armor that TB and Cortana had made for him.

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