
Star Of The Weasley Family

WARNING: This story is just porn with plot. ___________________ When the lady luck shines, you fit perfectly in the worldly designs.​ ​ At least, that's what happened to Ron Weasley.​ ​ The poor lad failed Potions Class due to spending too much time helping Harry prepare for his Triwizard competition.​ ​ Held back by Snape to do extra experiments in the lab, he chose to show his disagreement in the most unique fashion—ruining Snape's experimental potion vials. But the vial contained something he could have never expected, and when he drank it, something invisible and yet spectacular happened.​ ___________________ NOTE: These are my big chapters divided into smaller pieces. My chapters are usually 6k-10k words long. If I don't post daily, or a lot of chapters, Webnovel punishes me by drowning the book in the sea of rankings. ____________________ Join my P@treon for advance chapters, experimental AI audiobooks, and NSFW Artwork: https://www.patreon.com/MrPlotThickens Free NSFW artwork and polls for the next series on my Discord: https://discord.gg/W5FdB6WXaP

MrPlotThickens · Book&Literature
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Chapter 21 - Actions Have Rewards III

"Aargh… Don't you have ey—" Ron groaned when someone bumped into him heavily. But realizing it was a cute girl, he didn't curse.

"Mister Weasley!" the girl jumped to her feet and rushed to hide behind his broad back. Her eyes showed signs of fear, her hair was disheveled, and her white shirt looked dirty.

Do I know her? He had no idea what was happening, but when he saw two tall and somewhat plump Slytherin boys coming his way, he knew it was going to be interesting.

"Hehe, hiding now, Bones? Your aunt won't come here to save you."

"Come out, Bones."

Ah, classic Slytherins. Ron quickly took out his wand. Wait, Bones?

Before he addressed Crabbe and Goyle, he turned around and faced the girl with long, red, disheveled hair plaited down her back. However, what startled him was the sizable flesh on her bosom. "Bones? Are you, by chance, related to Amelia Bones?"

She meekly looked up, a head shorter than him. "She's my aunt."

Really? Then all the more reason to help you, I guess.

"Are they bullying you?"

"They always do." She responded, appearing frustrated.

Although tired, Ron nodded and faced the oncoming Slytherins. "Let's see if they can bully me then."

Too bad I can't use Crucio on you two. Wait, why am I loving that spell so much? He just realized. This is bad, Ron boy. Nobody will take a ginger Dark Lord seriously.

Chuckling to himself, he raised the wand at the two boys.

"Go away, Weasley," Crabbe scowled.

Goyle followed, "Just because you were lucky before, you think you can beat us, Weasley?"

Ron sneered, "Look at two big boys doing big boy things—bullying a girl. I guess the fatter you grow, the smaller your brain becomes."

"Mind your tongue!" Crabbe brandished his wand. "Let's duel."

"Sure, two against one. I've fought worse." Ron shrugged, "Let's strike at three. One, two—Three, Levicorpus—Stupefy—Stupefy!"



In no time, two Slytherins were on the floor, unconscious. Ron clapped his hands clean and turned back to look at the girl. "So, what's your full na—Where did she go?"

He looked left and right. Other than groaning Crabbe and Goyle, the girl was nowhere to be seen. With a hint of disappointment, he headed towards the Gryffindor dorms. It was certainly a very long and exhausting day, but his lips didn't utter a single word of complaint.

"I love Hogwarts," he muttered, crediting all the good things to it.


He couldn't believe it. He absolutely couldn't believe everyone had kept it a secret from him. It was expected to happen, but so soon and in such a grand manner, he had never thought.

Just a week into the November Quidditch season, after being selected as a reserve Chaser for the team, Harry and Dean Thomas woke him up one morning with a rush. They didn't tell him the reason or occasion, but they combed his red hair, gave him clean school robes, and patted all the folds away.

But once he arrived at the Common Room, a few girls were waiting for him with strange boxes. Led by Hermione and Ginny, they sat him down and threw some powdery stuff on his face with brushes.

"Have you all gone mental?" He barked, finally annoyed.

"This is important, Ron. The name of our house depends on you today." Hermione pushed him into the seat and shoved a folded paper into his hands. "Just read this when the time comes. Let's go now."


His inquiries fell on deaf ears, and before he knew it, he was ushered into the Great Hall with a number of Gryffindors behind him.

"Ronald Bilius Weasley!"

As soon as he stepped inside, he heard his name being spoken loudly from the teacher's table's side. The entire hall instantly erupted into frenzied clapping and cheers. It was at that moment he noticed the whole Great Hall adorned with colors of the Gryffindor house and other markings of the Ministry fluttering.

Even the tables seemed to show a grand feast akin to the starter of the year feast every September.

"What's this?" He asked Hermione behind him.

"Just listen and go to the stage."

Still confused, Ron walked between the tables. He noticed all the professors standing instead of sitting. Other faces, such as Moody, Amelia Bones, and other Aurors, were also present.

"There was no doubt about Mr. Weasley's bravery when he saved Mr. Diggory and Mr. Potter's lives and apprehended the Dark Lord. His deeds, heroic and just, went on to become greater further after his successful display of magical mastery in a battle against Death Eaters." Dumbledore didn't hold back his words this time, "I stand with the Ministry's decision and proudly announce the award of Order of Merlin, First Class, to Mr. Weasley."

This is really happening! Ron felt like he was on cloud nine.

He thanked his friends for preparing him for the occasion and cleaning him up. First Class? It doesn't get any higher than that! I think I really might be the greatest Weasley to ever live after this.

He walked onto the stage and smiled, shaking hands with the Aurors. He noticed a seriousness in Amelia Bones' gaze, which made him somewhat conscious of what had happened between them that night.

However, he was too excited for the award; he simply went to the podium. Alastor Moody, the current interim Minister for Magic, handed the medal box to Dumbledore, who in turn handed it to Ron. There was pride in the old man's gaze as he patted Ron's shoulder and looked at the camera for the picture.

I don't want this to ever stop. He felt a little emotional as he noticed pride in the gaze of his brothers and sister, too. Even Percy, standing on the side, looked proud despite having been ignoring family for the past few months. I hope this isn't a dream.

He waved his hand, he smiled, and took pictures with many of the professors and Ministry members. It was a grand celebration that only grew bigger as he returned to his seat at the Gryffindor table and was surrounded by his friends.

"I love you, Ron!"

Ugh, it's Lavender again. Better ignore her.

He accepted hugs from everyone, shook hands, and received a few angry gazes from the Slytherin table. But something shocking happened next, as two of the most famous girls in Slytherin's house came all the way to his table.

"Congratulations on the award, Weasley."

Ron found himself mesmerized by this blonde beauty, "Thanks, Greengrass."

"My father said you're a decent wizard." Pansy was there beside Daphne. "Good job, I guess."

This one, she can't even act. Just say that your father asked you to do this. Ron saw Pansy's smug sneer. But Greengrass is surprising. I don't even remember her being involved in anything.

"Thank you," he said and watched the two girls quickly leave the table as the Slytherin boys were on the verge of jumping on him.

However, he didn't realize his interactions with blondes weren't over yet. Just, this one was far uglier with a personality worth vomiting on.

After dinner, he had to follow Rita Skeeter to an empty room and give his interview.

He hated the woman for what she wrote about Harry in the previous school year.


"Ah!" Rita suddenly lost her foot on the staircase.

Ron was behind and quickly caught her by the waist. "Are you alright?"

Rita, shocking Ron, revealed a blush on her face that already had an extreme amount of makeup. Like a maiden in love, she placed her palm on Ron's chest and took his shoulder's support to stand up again. "You're quite strong, Mister Weasley."

Ugh, her teeth are so disgusting. To avoid being poorly written, he smiled at her remark.

"That's what Hogwarts does, Ms. Skeeter."

She giggled and led him to a room. The interview started right away after a few more pictures were taken. Her magical quill moved in the air on its own while she kept asking questions. Her eyes didn't look normal; however, her gaze was fixated on his face.

"So, do you like Hogwarts? Do you like studying here? How big of a role did the school play in making you this strong?"

Ron smiled and answered earnestly, giving all the credit to his school, friends, and family. But midway, he thought of a devious plan and chose to throw Dolores Umbridge under the bus.

"...But I believe all the progress is going to stop very soon. The new DADA Professor is different. She believes magic should be learned by reading books only. That performing magic is dangerous. I don't think that's right, because if it were, I'd be dead right now. On top of that, she's not a good human being.

"On the first day of school, I was scolded by her. She used a dark magical pen that uses the writer's blood to write and carves wounds on the hand in the shape of the words being written. It was utterly painful—I don't know—"

"What?!" Rita's eyes had gone wide by then. "Dolores Umbridge? The one from the Ministry? She hurt you with a dark magical artifact?"

Ron made the best puppy face possible. "She did, Ms. Skeeter. I'm sure she's done it to many others. I'm afraid, if this continues, the quality of education at Hogwarts will turn to rubbish."

Rita's quill wrote intensely that entire time. A few more questions soon followed about his romance, hobbies, family reaction, and what he felt about the award. But for the most part, she seemed uninterested after getting her viral scoop.

By the time the night approached, she finished the interview and left the school through the Floo Network in one of the designated places.

I hope she writes about Umbrige as badly as I described everything. Ron wished and began making his way to the dorms. He was sure everyone must be waiting for him at the party.



Once again, just as Ron turned a corner, he stumbled into a person. Yet again, he found himself at a loss of words for the same girl standing before him that he had saved. He already knew her name by now, Susan Bones of Hufflepuff, from the same year as him.

"Sorry, sorry." Susan apologized absentmindedly, fixing her long red hair. "I was looking for you this time. Can we talk somewhere? Somewhere alone?"

What does she want? Alone? Ron was constantly aware and wary of the Bones' surname. He had no doubt that after shagging Amelia, anything could happen. The woman held a lot of power, after all.

"Alone? Alright, follow me." Ron agreed and took her away to the third-floor girl's bathroom since bedtime was nearing. It is the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets, and nobody ever dared to go there. Besides, he had been there plenty of times before with Padma.

He couldn't help but glance at her multiple times the entire time. She was cute, her body was on a fleshier side, fuller than most other girls. Her height was a head shorter than him, but her figure was sinfully curvy.

"That's what most boys do," Susan suddenly said on their way.

Ron panicked and looked away, "I'm sorry. I didn't—"

"Most boys aren't the youngest OOM first-class recipient either. Nor someone who saved me from those damn bullies." Susan was slowly letting out her true self as her shyness faded away. "You can look… it's a part of me anyway. I can't remove it."

Ron still felt terrible about it and refused to look at her again. "What did you want to talk about?"

"Not here."

Eventually, the two reached the third-floor bathroom. It was cleaner now after Ron's multiple visits and even had two wooden chairs. But Susan didn't take a seat, and neither did he.

Confidently smiling, she went to the water basin in the middle and leaned against it while looking at Ron. Her arms were folded under her sizable, magnificent breasts, giving them a lift and making her cleavage more revealing with the top two buttons of her shirt open.

Ron gulped, trying his best not to look. But when he looked down, he noticed how high her skirt was. Her legs were thick and perfectly curvy, showing only a hint of her creamy pale flesh as her white socks went slightly higher than the knee. However, he felt that increased the charm.

No, dammit. I've already taken one Bones to bed. I can't go after this one, too. Ron warned himself. After having experienced so many girls over time, his confidence had started to become his enemy. Any pretty girl now felt like a possible opportunity. It was a wrong thing. He knew it, but his loins thought otherwise.

"So, what is it?" He asked.

Susan smiled mischievously. "My aunt talked about you a lot after I sent her a letter. Her praises about you were never-ending. It's shocking, Weasley. I've never seen her praise someone like that. What did you do?"

Fucked her brains out, I guess.

He forced a faint smile on his face. "Nothing, really. We just supported each other in battle and protected each other's lives. By the way, just call me Ron."

"Call me Susan then," she responded and moved a little to step closer to him. Her arms remained folded beautifully. "She said you saved her life. I'm grateful for that, Ron. She's my only family left… my mother, father, sister, brother… All I have is her."

Ron shrugged, dangling the Order of Merlin medal's box at her. "I never hoped to get this, Susan. Everything I did was because I felt it was right. Madam Bones is a great Auror. I'm glad I was able to save her."

Susan giggled; her brown eyes squinted with a blush on her cheeks. She stepped closer all of a sudden and gently placed her palm on his chest. Then, with a little force, she started pushing him back towards a chair behind him. "I know, and that's why I wanted to personally see how strong you are. Does she really have to praise you so much?"

Ron could guess where this was going, but he wanted to be sure. He took the seat on the chair as per her push and looked up, "What do you mean?"

"Hehe," Susan smirked and tugged the hem of her skirt, starting to pull it up slowly and revealing more of her creamy flesh. Milky white and spotless.

No panties! Ron was almost flabbergasted, but he had experienced enough to not show it on his face.

Her perfectly pink slit was already damp, fully ready for him. But then she started lowering her body, kneeling down between Ron's parted legs.

"Let me thank you with this." She said after adjusting herself between his legs, her dainty fingers working to unbutton his pants. "By giving you what most boys desire when they look at me."

"Oh…" Ron worded once he saw the deep valley between her glutenous hills. He couldn't wait to see the shirt removed.

Susan pulled his zipper down, her warm hand quickly capturing his hardening cock. Her other hand unbuttoned her own shirt, exposing her pastel yellow bra covering her fleshy mounds. She was so well-endowed that her flesh almost spilled out of her bra.

"Oh," Ron jolted on his chair a little, goosebumps forming on his arms as he felt her warm saliva on the crown of his cock.

Susan didn't take too long, coating her spit all over his now fully hard shaft. She gave him a sloppy blowjob, intentionally wetting his rock-hard need, sucking and licking every inch of him. She allowed her saliva to drip from her tongue far more than usual, leaving a long, sticky string entangled around the head of his cock, making a mess.

As her head bobbed up and down, she pulled on the strap of her bra, letting the prized puppies out to play. She kneaded her own burgeoning breasts, causing her sizable buds to harden.

Ron couldn't believe his eyes. They were perfectly pale, soft, and bouncy. If it were up to him, he would give them his full attention with deep, long sucks and nibbles. He couldn't wait for a chance to milk them with all he had.

Feeling that Ron's heated member was thoroughly soaked, she held both of her lovely mounds and placed Ron's rigid flesh in between.

Ron's grip tightened on the chair's armrest when he felt the soft, creamy skin engulf his own. They were different from anything he ever felt before. It felt doughy, squishy, and smooth, as if his entire length was moving through thick, heavy, hot cream.

Susan pressed them together, tightening her mounds around Ron's cock, squeezing and milking him with gentle movements. When her hands and breasts moved up and down, Ron drowned in pleasure.

Every time Ron's cockhead peeked out, Susan would suckle on the small slit above. It felt like she was sucking his soul out, completely dunking him in a sea of ecstasy. Ron couldn't help but yearn to pinch those bouncing nipples of hers.

"Gk…. Ah!" Ron couldn't stand it. Her movements were so skillful he doubted he was the first one she gave a titjob to. Pulsating waves of pleasure ran up his spine as blood rushed to his loins.

Like a fountain unclogged, his cream burst out, spurt after spurt, coating Susan's mounds and lips in white. His nectar poured all over her chest, earning a small giggle of delight from Susan.

Susan suddenly got up, strutted towards the sink in the middle, leaned over, and presented her plump ass towards Ron as she pulled her skirt up to her waist. She parted her bushing petals with two fingers, showing him how wet she already was. "Come on, Ron… Show me how strong you are."

But fate had something else planned. Suddenly, there was a furry of footsteps outside. Susan's eyes widened, and she quickly got her shirt from the floor.

"What was that?!" Ron exclaimed and fixed his pants quickly. "Someone's outside."

"I-I'll see you later." Susan panicked and fixed herself up as well, leaving his white cream still between her breasts as they started leaving wet marks on the chest of her shirt. She felt ashamed looking at his face this time and rushed towards the exit.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. My Aunt wanted me to pass on a message to you. She wishes to speak with you early tomorrow morning at the Quidditch grounds. Bye~"

"Wait!" Ron tried to ask why since he felt a little overwhelmed with that woman near him. But Susan ran away, ignoring him.

Dammit, I hope it's just her asking for another private moment.

After all, she could do a lot worse if she wanted to.


It was early morning. So early that the sun had just started peeking through the horizon and painted the sky faint blue. The roosters had begun to crow, but most of the animals were still asleep.

In that silence, Ron slipped out of his bed and headed out. Even the portraits were asleep in the hallway on the way out. It was cold, so he had put on a few extra layers of clothes. A muffler hid half of his face, while a cap covered his red hair.

He hadn't been able to sleep the entire night. On the one hand, the memory of Susan's curvy, perfect body aroused him to explore more. On the other hand, Amelia's call for a meeting scared and aroused him simultaneously.

I'm fucked up in the head. Is this why Lockhart was so weird? He must have been famous with women.

Self-pondering, he arrived at the quidditch fields. Utterly empty and covered in faint mist, he could make out a shadow of someone standing in the middle. Tall and slender, he knew it could only be one person.

With careful steps and a throbbing heart, he approached the center and looked at the graceful woman. Her stern face looked beautiful to his eyes now that he had felt her entire body. Behind that baggy long coat, he knew there was a tall, toned, and sexy figure.

Just stop thinking with your cock for once, Ron! He cursed himself and stopped after reaching half a meter away from her.

Amelia stared back at him and gave a nod of greeting. "I'm pregnant."


Yes, the star of the Weasley family fainted.


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