
Standing on top of the worlds

Don is the ruler of the world earth, but gets betrayed by his ally, after his death he finds himself in a new world way diffrent then the one he was in before. Don sets his sights on conquering this new world and getting stronger, striking everyone agains him or even those that’s not against him all to relise his new goals.

dad_song · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Outside the house

After Zei woke up from his tired exercise, he went to eat, you have to have much nutrition to be on good health and grow. After he was done eating with his mom, he looked around, but did not find his dad in the house.

"Guess his out" Zei said before going to do some exersises himself.

After Zei was done exersicing, he went to clean himself. But as he got out from the shower, he found his dad there, holding onto a sword "come with me my son"

Zei was suspiticos because of the sudden change. His dad had a serious expretion, when Mark wannted to train Zei he was not that serious and had a smile. but now he was more serious. But Zei knew if his dad wannted to kill him he would be dead long ago, so he went with him.

After they got out of the house, Zei saw that his father had no intentions of stopping here, they continued walking untill they reached the gates of the house.

"This is the first time in this life going outside the house i wonder what it's like out there both mysterys and power" And as Zei thought this, his dad openedthe gate. You could see through the gate because there was some type of ore on it that was lined up like a prison cell.

And there was also spikes outside the gate but they where smaller then on the fence on the sides around the house.

As the gate opened they continued to walk, there was a small dirt road outside the house Zei looked at the surrounding and saw big trees, and animals, but as they saw mark with his aura, they just ran away.

They countinued walking like this for about 1 hour, Zei could now see a road made of stone infront of him dirt road they where on also dimmed so it was just plain grass now.

They stepped onto the stone road and went right.

Zei could now see something on his vision it was far away but it looked like a carrage. Mark just continued to walk, so Zei did aswell.

As the carrage got closer Zei could also see some guards on the side of the carrage, with yellow armor on them and a Z on their chest plate.

"does that mean we are in the Z territory" Zei thought to himself but just continued to move. Even if they where it doesent really matter but it's good to know where you are.

As they got within 20 meters of the carrage.

"STOP" a guard at the front of the carrage said while the other 4 on the side of the carrage also stopped, while two guards on top of the carrage also stopped the horses of the carrage.

"State your buissnes here" the guard at the front said in a calm and relaxed tone. While getting closer to mark.

Mark also steppt a little closer, and as they where 10 meters away from each other. all of a sudden "WOOM" they both dissepered from their stop and clased in the middle of the road.

Zei was thinking immediately how to escape.

"Shit of i run off in the woods i will die from the beast's while of i stay here i might get killed by thease guards" while Zei knew his dad was strong he did not beleve he could take on all thease guards on himself. and as Zei was thinking about his next approach.

He heard a laugh from the guard "HAHAHA"

"Hahahahah" then Mark started laughing

"Mark my friend how have you been" The guard said still laughing "Ive been doing well how about you klark" Mark said before putting his sword on his sleave. And the guard did the same.

Zei was releved that it wassent anything serious.

"Well as you can see i'm doing a mission right now but otherwise i'm well. Then they both opened their arms wide. And hugged each other, both tapped each others backs "HAHaHa, it's good to see a old friend again."

"Indeed" but before they could continue their little encounter, the carrage opened up. "SOLDIER, WHAT IS THE HOLD UP" a man at the age of 20 with blonde hair and blue eyes with a Z on his armor yelled after opening the carrage.

Zei looked at him, and he did not give off a strong feeling like the guards did, but he knew he was probably a rich person or something of the sort.

"I'M SORRY SIR", "I WAS SIMPLY INSPECTING THEASE GUYS" he Yelled back "sorry Mark but i gotta go" he then said in a low tone before continuing. "NOW MARCH." He said and the team took off.

The Young man closed the carrage and they continued.

Mark took Zei's hand and also continued but he was still smiling a little. "I have to get stronger or i won't survive in this world." Zei thought before also going.

They walked for about another 20 minutes and the forest got much smaller then before and, after another 10 minutes the forest was not there anymore. There was just a stone rode and flat land. Zei could see the grass and the sky much better now.

Zei could also see a city in the distance, there was pretty big walls around it made of iron. And also towers on top of the walls for ranged attack where some big crystal balls where.

But as They got closer to the city, Zei could see a little line of people at the entrance of the town. And they also got to the line and waited.

The city had 2 entrances, one big for carrages and another for single or multible people.

When it was their turn to enter the guard with a yellow armor and a Z on top of his armor stationed there, recognised Mark "hello mark" the guard said "hello" mark said before continuing "i'd like to get a registration for my son"

"Ofcourse" the guard then took them inside the door and filled in the papperwork,

When Mark filled in the papperword and the guard read it, he was a little shocket. "Wait your son is 1 and a month years old."

"Yes" Mark awnserd

"He is very big for a 1 year old" he looks like he is atleast 3 and he also has mucles." The guard then said, "is he strengthened."

"He is" the guard was a little stunned by this and then said "damn that must have hurt your Wallet you're not in a big family."

"Well i want him to get into the school that's why"

"That makes sense, his chanses of making it is going to be even with the kids there because of the pill." "But he has to train hard"

"Well he is" mark said not wanting to continue this conversation, the guard picked up on that and continued.

"Alright now come here kid" he then took Zei's hand and placed it on the ball at the table so it will recognise him when he enters through the gate.

After that was done, it was finnaly time to enter the city.