
Stand as Titan

Guiding Light had, for centuries now, sought out his partner. His Guardian. When earth offered nothing, and he found his purpose there ended, he reached out to the rest of his home - Sol. When even that failed, desperate, he pushed beyond it. Across the stars, he journeyed, seeking his Guardian. Until, at last and on a far-flung world, he found him.

Twisted_Fate_MK2 · Video Games
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20 Chs



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Beta(s) :


Beyond the dim, murky light cast by the drones and wall-lights, the woods were dark. Only a few minutes of walking and it was near-pitch darkness, save for what moon-light could peek through the clouds above. But there was precious little of that, and the distant sound of rain pattering against the woods further out told him it would stay that way. And the quiet crackle of thunder promised it would get worse, too…

But, with his new helmet, he could see well enough. In a world of greens, blues and washed out greys, but well enough to see his way. And without a flash of light to give him away, too. But even without the flash…

He turned as the sound of heavy foot-steps reached him and thrust up, into the blind charge of the loping, bear-like Grimm. It's roar died in a gargle and it swiped, flailingly, at him with a claw. But it couldn't see, not in this, and he could. So he ducked it easily, yanking the rifle around with him and carving through muscle and sinew with his bayonet. It shuddered as he came up, standing behind its shoulder, and he thrust it deeper into its chest. It collapsed in a heap and he turned tracking the sound of lighter, faster steps coming from ahead of him.

A Creep leapt out of the darkness, eye trailing streaks of rusty lines as his optics lit it up. He slid to the side and snapped out with the butt of his rifle, knocking it away. It landed on its side, scrambling in the dirt to get up and snarling lowly. But before it could get up he leapt on it in turn, burying the bayonet in its side and up, towards its head. It snapped weakly as it tried to rise and he yanked the bayonet further up with a wet sucking sort of sound. And then, with a last shudder and groan, it finally sagged to the side off his blade and he turned, moving on without a second thought.

"It's all they know, Guardian." Guiding Light said, trying to ease the anger still boiling in his chest.

He paused, cocked his head, and asked, "Did the Old World- Your world, have this kind of hate?"

"Of course." He answered, "In the ancient days."

"And they learned better?"

"Well, yes…" His Ghost answered, "In time."

"These people should know better than them." Cerulean argued, ducking under a low tree-limb as he followed the map waypoint, pinned to his helmet's display by his Ghost's tinkering. "The Grimm are attracted by hatred. Lured by malice. To hate people simply for being different, and bring them down on you-"

"Is exactly what you're doing." He came to a dead stop and cocked his head, listening, and the Ghost went on. "These people are hateful, yes. And wrong for it. But your anger at them for it, right now, is bringing the Grimm to you."

"I handled them."

"Yes, a lone Ursa and, before, a lone Creep." Guiding Light nodded, "What happened when you find a pack? What if it's when you find the survivors?"

"If there are any…"

"Don't dodge the question, Guardian." Guiding Light countered, materialising in front of him and looming in close. "We are partners. I don't want to lose you so soon after finally finding you because of some… Flea bitten beasts!"

"...Fine." He sighed, letting out a breath and setting his emotions aside.

But that was a trick that was easier said than done. His Ghost hovered closer, pressing up against his side reassuringly and affectionately, and he couldn't help but smile for it, And, after a few moments of listening to the distant rain and slow, deep breathing, he felt calmer. Not completely relaxed, of course, but calm enough that he didn't feel like hitting something. Which had to mean the Grimm wouldn't be able to sense him as well.

"Come on." He grunted, "Let's hope for survivors…"


Teal shivered, curled up into a tiny ball in the little pit the tree she was hiding under had built with its roots, held up a bit into the air under its trunk by its own gnarled roots. A bush had grown up in front of it, mostly hiding the little hollow, and because of that it had served as her favorite hide and seek spot for a couple years, now. Usually, just against her friends and sometimes her mom and dad. The last couple days, though…

"They can't find you." She murmured to herself, shivering in the cold as the rain came down, filling up the very bottom of the little hollow. Tucking herself into a tighter ball, her little shell facing the entrance, she kept muttering the words through her shivering. "T-They can't find you. T-They can't-"

She was cut off by a chuffing little snort a couple feet away and clamped her hands over her mouth, staring off at nothing as it sniffled and snorted closer. Like her dog had, when it was hunting mice. But this was heavier, deeper-

And went quiet as it neared her, the bush over her rustling loudly and dropping leaves, dirt and bugs down on her.

Rolling over, she looked up into scarlet eyes glaring down on her, and felt her tiny heart race as the Beowolf growled. Turning, she scrambled up, through the bush, as it shoved its arm in through the thorny bush. The thorns and brambles caught on it, slowed it down, but it caught on her clothes, too. She tugged herself through the thorns, cutting her arms and legs and face as she ripped her way through.

"Ah!" She cried as the Grimm finally got its claw through and caught her on her shell with a clawed swipe. She felt her shell crack a bit and went rolling through the mus of the forest. Pushing herself up on her shaky arms she tried to stand, but her foot slipped in the mud and she fell.

Before she could get up again, the Grimm ripped through the bush and leapt over the hollow, looming over her and staring down at her. For a second, they just stared at each other, the huge monster heaving for breath and flexing its claws while Teal could only really… Stare up at it, frozen to the bone by the rain and her own terror.

Then, it lunged, and she scrambled away, screaming, "No- Agh!"

Its jaws closed around her shoulder and she felt a fire lance through her shoulder and down into her chest as it wrenched her around and hurled her away. She slammed into a tree hard enough to crack her shell and landed in a heap, sobbing as she tried to drag herself away with her other arm.

"Mom…" She called, "Dad…"

A shadow passed over her, and she closed her eyes-

But then, a gunshot split the air and she heard the Grimm snarl. Rolling onto her side, she watched the Grimm stagger back as two more quick shots split the air, making her ears ache as a man stepped to her side, a huge gun in one hand and an axe in the other. The monster snarled and lunged for him, and a last shot caught it in its face and blew it apart. Then another Beowolf came, leaping over the hollow like the first had, and the man waited for it to reach him before pivoting sharply, his axe coming around and destroying its head, and pitching its body to the side as he completed his turn and sank to a knee, his revolver coming up and barking one more shot that caught a third Grimm trying to make the leap and pitched it back.

Two more came, rushing on from off to the side, but the man seemed to already know they were coming and pivoted again, hurling his axe up as he stood. It slammed into the leaping Beowolf's neck and he bludgeoned it aside with his pistol. But then the last slammed into him, bowling him over and ripping at his armored chest. The Hunter, because he had to be a Hunter, landed on his back and bellowed, lightning crackling out from a fist as it slammed into the monster's side and hurled it away, trailing electricity.

Rolling over, he pushed himself up and tossed a little ball into the woods, over her hiding spot and back towards the village.

It exploded and a tree fell, and he stood, sighing, "Is that all of them?" No one answered, but after a second, he nodded and grunted, "Good. Get up there and look around. See if there's more to this pack."

Finally, at long last, the armored man turned and looked down at her. Standing so tall, his cloak whipped in the wind behind him and his gun shimmered in the dim night-light of her eyes. And his armor sparked, little specks of light winking in and out of existence all along his body as he stood, watching her and listening.

His visor grinted green in the night and, bleary-eyed, she blinked and asked. "A-Are you here to save me?"

"I am." He knelt beside her and nodded, reaching out to run his fingers through her hair, just like her daddy had always done, and she sucked in a choking breath. Quietly, he asked, "Are there others?"

'No…" She muttered, "I-I don't think so… Everyone was at the big house, talking 'bout stuff, when they showed up. Ran 'way. Hid in m'hidey hole."

"You did well." He nodded, leaning over to inspect her arm. "Is that fresh?"


"Can we do something about this?" He asked, cocking his head and looking away from her. She was confused, because she couldn't see anyone, but she knew he had to be talking to someone. Maybe his helmet had one of those walky radios? After a minute, he turned and said, "I'm gonna need you to keep a secret. Alright?"


He held up a hand and a little… Thingy blurred to life, its sides spinning slowly as its light-bulb face lit up. She flinched, surprised at the sudden brightness, and it spoke, voice calm and soothing, "Don't worry, little one. I'm not going to hurt you."


"My name is Guiding Light." It said, bobbing gently, "I'm not sure how much I can do, but… Please hold still. I'm going to try and help you."


While the thing moved around her, zooming in close on her throbbing arm, the man turned to her. Watched her, for a moment, and then asked, "Why aren't you crying?"

"Tired." He answered quietly, "Cried all day. Just… Tired."

"Mhm." He nodded, then hesitated and reached down to take her other hand, holding it in his much bigger one. Squeezing it gently, he said, "My name is Cerulean. What's yours?"

"Teal." She answered quietly, "Teal Shell."

"Shell?" He cocked his head, "Ah. Your shell is teal-colored. I see."


"What's wrong?"

"Most Humans hate my shell. Makes 'em mad…"

"Well, not me." He chuckled, "I think it's pretty. And I think they're stupid."

"Heh…" She hissed as the little thingy sparked to life, casting a weird, white light along her arm and shoulder. It hurt, a lot, but the Hunter reached out with a hand to press down on her tummy and keep her still.

"It'll be okay in a second." He promised, voice calm and soothing. "I promise, okay."


After a couple minutes, the pain suddenly stopped, and the little thingy said, "Lean her forward. Her back is hurt."

"Okay." Cerulean nodded, taking her by her shoulders and saying, "Sit up for me. Okay?"

"Mhm…" Her back exploded as she did, and she hissed and choked on another sob, but he helped her.

With him keeping her upright, slipping a hand around behind the back of her neck to support her shoulders. And the little guy slipped behind her, the same burning pain lancing up along her shell as it… Did whatever it was doing. After a few seconds, it stopped, but her back still hurt.

It slipped around her and sighed, looking as sad as a little ball could, and said, "I just… I did what I could, but a turtle shell is… I don't know how to fix it."

"Okay. Thank you." He nodded, and she shivered as he eased her back. He noticed and reached up, under his armor, to unclip his cloak and hood. He laid it out on her other side and then reached under her, lifting her up as gently as he could and laying her on it, then wrapping the way too big cloak around her like a blanket. Quite, he asked, "Is that better, Teal?"


"Good." He nodded, "I'm going to carry you to Pinewood. They should be able to help there. Alright?"

"Daddy said we aren't allowed there…"

"If they try and kick you out when you're hurt, they'll have to go through me." He promised, slipping an arm under her knees and another under an arm. Lifting her up, he laid her against a shoulder and let her sit on his arm, standing and grunting, "Guiding Light, can you get my axe?"

"Got it, Guardian."


"I'm like a Hunter." He explained quietly, "But remember, you can't tell anyone about my friend. Okay?"

"Okay." She nodded, pressing her face into his armored neck. The metal chafed and scraped at her skin, but as he stood, she felt… Comfortable.

And, after a few seconds, she finally fell asleep.


"C'mon, we gotta get going, see if we can't find the heavy metal dumbass." Cardin sighed, stepping through the open gate and shouldering Executioner with a grunt. His team formed up behind him, ready to head out…

But they all paused as he appeared, right at the edge of the forest with a tiny thing wrapped up in his cloak.

"What the fuck…?" Russel grunted as the man came up the hill. About halfway, Russel pushed past him and grunted, "It's a damn kid!"

Cardin blinked as Russel took off, jogging down the path and sheathing his knives as he went. Cerulean only paused as he reached him, pulling back the cloak and flinching… But then Russel grimaced and took the kid off him, letting the man shake his no doubt exhausted arm out while Dove and Sky pushed ahead and, finally, Cardin trailed along behind them to meet up with their professor.

"She's hurt." Russel grunted as he passed him by, headed up to the gate, "Her shell is-"


"She's a Faunus." Cerulean grunted as he pushed through them, following Russel up the hill. "Only survivor that we- That I found. Managed to survive a Grimm attack."

"Fuck me…" Cardin muttered, jogging to catch up with Russel and picking the hood up.

The girl under it was dirty, covered in mud and little cuts, and her blue hair was matted against the side of her head. And couldn't have been more than ten, at best, and looked exhausted and scrawny for everything she'd no doubt gone through over the last few days. But she was sleeping, arms tucked up in front of her and head on Russel's shoulder, now. Looking at her, she looked so much like his sister had, until you looked past her at the edge of her shell, peeking around her shoulders.

"No Faunus are permitted within the city." One of the drones grunted as they reached the gate and it stepped in front of them.

"It's a kid!"

"No Faunus-"

"Shut up." Cerulean snapped, backhanding the machine so hard its head came off, electricity crackling and trailing along as it went. It collapsed in a sparking heap and the other drones on the wall all leaned over, leveling their rifles at him.

"Cerulean, cut the shit." Winchester snapped, grabbing him by the shoulder and yanking him back. "She ain't allowed in."

"She's a child!"

"And a Faunus!" The man bellowed back, shaking his head. How clueless was he? Turning, he barked, "Dove, Sky, get inside and get some medical crap."


"Got it, boss."

"Good." He turned and asked, "Cerulean, Russ- Whichever can look, knows, whatever, is her shell cracked?"


"A bit." Cerulean nodded, relaxing a bit and watching him, head lowered a bit. Almost like he was appraising him. Whatever he was doing, Cardin didn't give a rat's ass.

"Shouldn't have fuckin' brought her here." He grunted, shaking his head and waving at a spot beside the gate. "Russ, lay her out, on her side. Gentle."

"You know what to do?"

"Mhm." He flicked the Hunter a look and sighed as he undid the cloak's wrap and the girl shivered in the cool air left by in the storm's wake. Quietly, he asked, "How the hell did you even get her here? Storm last night was… Bad."

"I walked."

"Through it?"

"Mhm." He nodded, "No choice."

"And if she gets sick…?"

"No choice." He repeated, "She's hurt, starving, thirsty-"

"Right, right." He sighed, running his hand along the crack. He could just see the pale muscle and vein underneath and frowned as Russel dug out water and their travel biscuits. Sighing as Dove and Sky came running back, arms full of way to many bandages and medical crap, he reached up to snatch what he needed and got to work. "My dad works the sea, hunts turtles and stuff. Their shells make great containers, but if they get cracked they rot out."

"I see." The Hunter knelt beside him, watching him gently lather the antibiotic ointment into the wound. The girl squirmed and whimpered and he laid a hand on her shoulder, which seemed to reassure her on its own.

Next he lathered on the sealant, smoothing it out so that it would close up the wound entirely. Between the two, infection and the rot should be kept at bay, as long as it stayed clean. So he pulled out the little gauze bandages and layered half a dozen over her shell. By the time he was done she was awake, whimpering while he worked, but sitting perfectly still. Done with that, he grabbed her arm and started doing the same along the smaller cuts, and kept going until she was done, nearly mummified by all the little bandages.

"She should be fine." He grunted, standing and waving for Sky and Dove to clean up the mess he'd made.

"I'm surprised you bothered to do it."

"She's an animal." Winchester snapped, turning and pointing a finger in his helmet. "But a man's got to take care of animals, and a man's gotta do what he says. It's his damn job. So, I said I'd help folk if they need it. Might not go running off into a storm to save some redneck Human wannabe, but if I see 'em? I'll do my damn job."

"Ah." The Hunter sighed, "I see…"

"Yeah, fuck off with your judgement." He snapped, waving him off, "Watch the kid while we make sure the pack is gone."

The Hunter didn't respond, but Cardin felt his gaze all the way down to the treeline.

Just as he stepped into it, he heard a small voice call out, "Thank ye for fixin' my back mister!"

Shaking his head, he ignored it and kept moving, muttering under his breath, "Stupid fuckin' brat…"


Hope yall like this double feature chapter! Sorry for all the delays, I have a LOT of projects running lmao. Honestly, probably too many - but it's fun!

Anyway, trying to strike a unique tone here. Cardin's gang ARE racist goons - but as with REAL racists, most will do their damn jobs when it comes down to it. Because they agreed to it. A weirdness to them, sure, but I've known plenty bigots like this.

Also, to clarify a point my sister noted in the chapter-

He runs his fingers through her hair without hesitation, even though he's unsure about holding her hand, is because he was checking her head for injuries.



Glad you like it!

MM Browsing

That's the goal of CRDL's inclusion, here. To showcase the hate allowed in this world - and legally enshrined, too.

However, to note, BEING a bigot is still seen as wrong by plenty in-universe. The 'well actually, here's this sub-section here….' Lines were meant to allude to, in real life, the so-called 'religious exemptions' to discriminate against people in real life.

V9 has been SPLENDID and I am TERRIFIED of the finale…

Phantom 117

You shall see how it comes to life!

The Sly Sage

They really, REALLY aren't. But then, as showcased in the show and here, their racism and hate is juuuuuust legal enough Ozpin likely CAN'T kick them out. And likely needs as many bodies as he can get to throw into the fight anyways, lol.

The Baz

That's… What they are. In canon, their character traits begin and end with 'racists and bullies'. Why should I make them any more than what they are? I already gave Cardin MORE than enough of the limelight in Knightshade. Dove, too. Doing so is a rarity for me because they… Kind of aren't much else.

Like, to me, they're just illustrative of the racism of the world - to explain some of the conflict.

That doesn't mean, as illustrated above, they're dishonest people. Cardin said it himself, he'll do his damn job regardless of his opinion. But he doesn't have to not be a dick. And one can be honest and simple with this depiction and not endorse the racism - or sanitize or alter the character.

Hope you enjoy the story, and my other works, regardless.