
Stand Among Them

Imagine being a regular college student one day and waking up in a world of ancient martial arts and magic. That's exactly what happens to our protagonist, armed with the legendary Uchiha bloodline from the Naruto series. As they journey through this unfamiliar realm, he discover incredible powers within himself. It's a journey of mastering these powers, facing enemies, and aiming to become the strongest in a world that's completely different from their own. Get ready for an adventure where the Uchiha legacy takes on a whole new meaning!" "Author's Note: This is my first fanfiction story, and English is my second language, so please expect some grammatical errors."

XiaoXiuu · Others
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30 Chs

Chapter 9

In the morning, three individuals can be seen on top of the hill near a small village. One of them is engaged in a discussion with the two seated on the lush ground.

"Do you both want to become cultivators?" she asked the two youngsters.

Upon hearing this, the two exchanged glances, and one of them spoke up.

"Sister Xiao Yun, what is a cultivator?" Madara asked.

"A cultivator is like a spiritual martial artist. They practice a special kind of training called cultivation to become stronger and gain magical abilities. Cultivators follow stages of progression, getting more powerful as they go."

"If I cultivate, what benefits will I gain?" Li Lu inquired.

"When you practice cultivation, you become stronger, live longer, and gain cool abilities like controlling elements or flying."

"If that's the case, why do some people not continue with their cultivation when its benefits are good?" Madara asked with curiosity.

"Not everyone chooses to be a cultivator because it's really hard and dangerous. Some people might not have the special skills needed, while others prefer different jobs like trading, studying, or just living a simple life."

"Cultivation often involves tough choices, facing strong enemies, and possible negative effects, so some folks decide it's not for them. Additionally, not everyone wants superpowers or immortality; some are happy with a regular, peaceful life. So, people have various reasons for not becoming cultivators, depending on their personal goals and preferences."

When Madara heard this, he immediately asked his sister, Xiao Yun,

"Sister Xiao Yun, are you also a cultivator? If yes, where did you learn it?" Upon hearing this, Xiao Yun quickly responded,

"Yes, I am a cultivator. I mean, I am a sword cultivator, and I learned it from my late father."

"Wow, Sister Xiao Yun, your father must have been amazing. Was he also a sword cultivator like you?" Lilu asked her.

"Yes, Li Lu, for me, my father was the greatest swordsman of all," she replied while holding the hilt of her sword.

When Madara heard this, he immediately asked, "Sister Xiao Yun, aside from sword cultivators, are there other types of this?"

"Yes, aside from sword cultivators, there are also:

Qi Cultivators: These cultivators focus on refining and cultivating their qi, which can be used for physical enhancement, martial arts, and sometimes even magical abilities.

Alchemy Masters: Cultivators who specialize in alchemy focus on refining elixirs and potions that enhance their cultivation or grant special abilities.

Soul Cultivators: These cultivators focus on the cultivation of their souls and consciousness. They may develop psychic abilities, have mental attacks, and gain insight into the spiritual realm. Soul cultivators often have unique methods to strengthen their spiritual power.

Body Refiners: Cultivators who concentrate on refining their physical bodies, making them incredibly strong and durable. They might practice body-tempering techniques and use special exercises to enhance their strength, speed, and endurance.

Beast Tamers: cultivators who form bonds with magical beasts or mythical creatures. They may have the ability to communicate with and control these creatures, using them as companions or mounts.

Formation Array Masters: Cultivators who specialize in creating and utilizing formation arrays—complex patterns of energy that can be used for defensive, offensive, or strategic purposes. Formation arrays are often employed in battles and can have various effects.

Dual or Multiple Cultivation Paths: Some cultivators follow more than one path simultaneously, combining elements of different cultivation types to create a unique and powerful skill set.

Dao Seekers: cultivators who pursue the Dao, which represents the natural order and laws of the universe. They seek enlightenment and aim to align themselves with the Dao to achieve transcendent power.

Demon cultivators typically draw power from demonic sources or dark energies. They may cultivate demonic techniques, summon demons, or have a demonic lineage.

Evil cultivators are individuals who deviate from conventional moral standards and may engage in dark or malevolent practices to advance their cultivation. They often pursue power at any cost and may use forbidden techniques, dark arts, or engage in nefarious deeds to achieve their goals.

A forging cultivator is a type of cultivator who specializes in the art of forging and crafting weapons, armor, and other items through a combination of martial skills and metallurgical knowledge. Unlike other cultivators who focus on direct combat or magical abilities, forging cultivators contribute to the cultivation world by creating powerful and extraordinary weapons.

When the two children heard this, they were amazed because there are apparently many types of cultivators aside from sword cultivators.

"That's all I know. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask," she said to them.

Li Lu raised her hand, and her question was, "Sister Yun, what cultivation stage are you in now, and at what level are you in sword intent?" Upon hearing this, Xiao Yun immediately answered,

"My cultivation level is in the middle stage of Qi condensation, and my level of sword intent is still at the basic stage."

"I know you might be wondering why, at my age, I'm still in this stage. It's because I want to live peacefully, and it was also the wish of my late father," she said with a smile.

"I will ask both of you again: do you both want to become cultivators?"

When they heard it again, both of them immediately responded.

"I want to become a cultivator because I want to protect my mother from the bad monsters," Li Lu said, bowing her head while tightly holding onto her clothes. Slowly, she lifted her head. "Because my father died protecting us so we could leave the forest, that's why we're here in the village," she added with sadness in her eyes.

The two turned around when they heard this, and then:

"Madara, do you want to become a cultivator?" his sister, Xiao Yun, asked.

"I want to become a cultivator because I want to rebuild my clan, have a long life, soar through the skies, and protect those dear to me," he said with dignity.

Upon hearing this, especially from Xiao Yun, she remembered the small pendant she saw when she first saw Madara as a baby. So she immediately took it out of her storage ring and gave it to him.

"Madara, I'm sorry if I'm only giving this to you now. I know that you still carry the burden of your past," Xiao Yun said with a hint of sadness in her voice.

When he saw it, he carefully took it and immediately put it on his neck.

"It's okay, Sister Yun. I understand why they did that. And besides, I'm thankful that you didn't abandon me, sister," he replied with a smile, looking at his sister.

Upon hearing this, she breathed deeply, as if the heaviness she felt had lifted.

"Sister Yun, when will we start cultivating?" Li Lu asked her.

"When you purify your bodies from impurities or toxins using the body cleansing technique," she replied, suddenly pausing.

"Wait, aren't you both 7 years old?" she asked, and they quickly responded,

"Tomorrow, there will be a purification of impurities from the children aged 7–10 in our small village, allowing them to enter the early stage of body tempering."

Madara was curious about this and asked, "Sister Xiao Yun, why do the children need to remove impurities from their bodies?"

"This purification process is believed to contribute to the strengthening and refinement of the physical form. Once you surpass body tempering, the next stage is Qi condensation, and that's when you'll decide what type of cultivator you want to become."

"Sister Yun, why do we choose only Qi Condensation?" Li Lu asked.

"Because body tempering is a cultivation stage where individuals focus on strengthening and refining their physical bodies through special techniques and exercises."

"So that when you reach Qi condensation, your body will be capable of handling the absorption and release of Qi."

"When you reach the late stage of body tempering, there's a high possibility that you can live up to 100 years even without advancing to Qi condensation. So, you have plenty of time to decide whether you want to continue as a cultivator," she explained to them.

Madara was about to ask a question when his stomach growled, catching the attention of the two.

"It's already noon; our conversation was enjoyable, huh?" Xiao Yun remarked while looking at the sun, signaling that it was almost lunchtime.

"Where would you like to have lunch, Madara?" Li Lu asked.

"It seems like you two are forming a bond, huh, hahaha," she added.

Madara was about to answer when Li Lu responded, 'You're right, Sister Yun. Madara wants to eat at our house,' she said while suddenly grabbing Madara by the arm and pulling him away."

"Sister Xiao Yun, that's not true," Madara protested, trying to pull away from Li Lu's grip.

"Take care, both of you!" she shouted to them as they moved farther away, disappearing from her sight.

As he was being dragged away, he saw that Li Lu was smiling while carrying him to her house.

He couldn't help but think, "She looks cute when she smiles," and he smiled slightly, secretly admiring Li Lu.

Because of that, he couldn't bring himself to resist, and in no time, they reached Li Lu's house—a simple thatched-roof house adorned with mystical carvings, surrounded by a garden of magical herbs.

And when they entered the house, someone greeted them—someone resembling Li Lu but older. "Li Lu, have your lunch; you might catch a cold," the woman said to them, abruptly pausing.

"Oh, you have company. Is he Madara?" Li Mei asked her daughter.

"Yes, Mother. He wanted to eat here," Li Lu replied while still holding onto Madara's arm. Upon hearing this, he couldn't respond.

"Well then, let's eat before the food gets cold," her mother said.

So, they began eating, and in the midst of the meal, Li Lu spoke up to her mother, causing them to pause. "Mother, I want to become a cultivator so that I can protect you, Mom," she said while looking at her mother.

Upon hearing this, Li Mei immediately approached her daughter and hugged her. "If that's what you want, I'll support you, my child," she said. When Li Lu heard this from her mother, she hugged her back and said, "Thanks, Mom."

Seeing this, Madara was reminded of his previous life on Earth.

"Well then, let's finish our meal before it gets cold," she said to both of them, and they continued with their meal.