
Stand Among Them

Imagine being a regular college student one day and waking up in a world of ancient martial arts and magic. That's exactly what happens to our protagonist, armed with the legendary Uchiha bloodline from the Naruto series. As they journey through this unfamiliar realm, he discover incredible powers within himself. It's a journey of mastering these powers, facing enemies, and aiming to become the strongest in a world that's completely different from their own. Get ready for an adventure where the Uchiha legacy takes on a whole new meaning!" "Author's Note: This is my first fanfiction story, and English is my second language, so please expect some grammatical errors."

XiaoXiuu · Others
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30 Chs

Chapter 24

That morning, amidst the dense forest, three figures forged their way forward. Though verdant foliage obstructed their path, the lady leading the trio refrained from unsheathing her sword. Instead, she relied on the strength of her hands, wary of the telltale signs that her blade's qi might leave behind. With each determined push through the undergrowth, she imparted wisdom to the two children trailing behind.

"Stay vigilant," Xiao Yun advised, her voice steady amidst the rustle of leaves. "Keep your eyes sharp and your senses keen. We can't predict if someone is trailing us or when danger might strike," Xiao Yun instructed the two children.

The children nodded, their small hands gripping the wooden sword (resembling Jian Swords) handles at their sides, their eyes scanning the surrounding wilderness with a mix of curiosity and apprehension. Together, they pressed onward, a trio bound by shared purpose and the weight of the unknown.

After hours of trekking through the dense forest, exhaustion and hunger finally caught up with the trio, prompting Xiao Yun to call for a halt. Sensing the fatigue in the two children, she reached into the provisions stored within her ring and offered them sustenance. With appetites sated, they resumed their journey, the forest enveloping them once more in its embrace.

But soon, Xiao Yun detected something amiss. With a subtle gesture, she motioned for the children to settle where they stood. As they obediently took their seats, Li Lu couldn't contain her curiosity.

"Why have we stopped, Big Sister Yun?" she inquired softly.

"Because we've entered their territory," Xiao Yun replied gravely.

"Their territory?"

"Yes, the domain of the black dire wolves," Xiao Yun explained, her voice tinged with caution. "They're scavengers, known to feast on the carcasses of animals, humans, and even cultivators."

As Xiao Yun continued her explanation, Madara discreetly peeked out to his right, where, 100 meters away from their hiding spot, an adult dire wolf feasted upon the neck of a white deer. The predator paused its meal, sensing a presence nearby, and scanned the surroundings. Reacting swiftly, Madara retreated into hiding, his focus divided between his sister's words and the imminent threat lurking nearby.

"They also hunt, sometimes alone or in groups," Xiao Yun's voice carried on, unperturbed by the interruption. "Their cultivation level typically peaks at the early stage of Qi condensation."

"Sister Yun, how can we discern the cultivation levels of those we might encounter?" Madara whispered, his tone laced with concern.

"It's simple; once they release their qi, you'll be able to discern their cultivation level. Monster beasts cultivate similarly to humans, each in their own unique manner. However, if you can't sense their level, they might belong to a different cultivation realm or could be masking it using artifacts or techniques," Xiao Yun explained with clarity.

"Sister Yun, do you possess any techniques like the ones you mentioned?" Madara inquired, his voice a hushed whisper amidst the forest's serenity.

She just shook her head at what he asked her.

"That's okay, Sister Yun," he said with a smile.

She smiled at his response and continued her explanation.

"You might wonder why we're here in this place. It's because you need experience in actual combat. You won't learn if you're just reading or theorizing about something; you need to experience it firsthand. Because knowledge of combat comes from experience, as many say, experience is the second teacher."

"Prepare yourselves, for this will be your first true battle," Xiao Yun declared solemnly.

The two children bowed in acknowledgment. "Yes, Sister Yun," they chorused in unison.

"Good. Always be mindful of your strengths and weaknesses as swordsmen in battle. And since Madara won the tag yesterday, he will have the honor of facing the dire wolf first," Xiao Yun announced.

Li Lu glanced at Madara upon hearing this; her expression was a mix of concern and encouragement. Meanwhile, Madara took a deep breath, centering himself as he settled into a cross-legged position.

"Sister Yun, I'm ready," he affirmed, meeting her gaze with determination.

Xiao Yun acknowledged his resolve with a nod. "Prepare yourself. I trust you know the whereabouts of the dire wolf I mentioned."

With a nod of determination, Madara rose from his seat, ready to confront the dire wolf.

Step by deliberate step, he advanced towards the spot where the predator feasted. Despite the crunch of dry leaves beneath his feet, he paid them no mind, knowing the dire wolf was already aware of his presence. As he drew closer, the wolf's growls grew louder, its stance shifting into one of heightened alertness. Yet Madara remained unfazed, his gaze steady and resolute.

The dire wolf's ears pricked up, and its tail stiffened—a clear warning sign. It was a clear signal for him to retreat—a challenge from a formidable opponent. But instead of backing down, Madara saw it as a reminder of the need for relentless training and a determination to strengthen himself for future confrontations.

With the dire wolf holding its ground, Madara wasted no time. Drawing his wooden sword from his waist with his right hand, he swung it horizontally in front of him, infusing it with silver sword qi. As he did so, he also released qi from his feet, preparing for the confrontation ahead.

Without hesitation, Madara dashed forward, his right hand gripping the wooden sword and pulsating with qi. Sensing the potent energy radiating from the sword, the dire wolf matched his charge, preparing itself for the impending clash.


As the confrontation unfolded below, Xiao Yun and Li Lu perched on a branch, silently observing Madara's every move. Concern etched across her features, Li Lu turned to her elder sister.

"Big Sister Yun, aren't you worried about him? What if something goes wrong?"

Xiao Yun glanced at Li Lu, her expression a mix of reassurance and resolve, before turning her attention back to the battleground below.

"Of course I'm concerned," she admitted softly. "But as cultivators, facing challenges like this is unavoidable. It's a part of our path."

"And all we can do is offer our unwavering support to those we care about, ensuring they maintain their confidence," Xiao Yun responded, her voice carrying a blend of wisdom and affection.

Li Lu pressed on with her inquiry, her curiosity piqued. "But, Big Sister Yun, have you ever loved someone?"

Xiao Yun fell silent for a moment, her thoughts drifting to unexplored territories. Finally, she spoke, her tone tinged with a hint of vulnerability. "No, I haven't encountered someone who reciprocated such feelings."

Li Lu noticed a subtle flush coloring Xiao Yun's cheeks, a rare glimpse beneath her stoic exterior. However, they swiftly redirected their focus to Madara's intense struggle against the dire wolf below.


As the two opponents clashed, Madara's wooden sword sliced through the air, aimed squarely at the dire wolf's shoulder. Yet, with a swift step back, the predator dodged the strike, avoiding the whistling sword and the embedded sword qi. Despite the miss, Madara remained composed, understanding that in this duel, the dire wolf held the advantage of combat experience.

"I anticipated your evasion," Madara reflected inwardly, his eyes locked on the agile creature before him, unfazed by its deft maneuvers.

As the direwolf landed gracefully on the forest floor, it immediately sprang forward, its right paw charged with qi, its movements enhanced by the energy coursing through its legs. With lightning speed, it closed the distance between itself and Madara, aiming a fierce strike at him.

Reacting with agility, Madara sidestepped the incoming attack to the left, evading the direwolf's assault. Sensing an opening, he seized his moment. Gripping his wooden sword tightly, he swung it downward with both hands, the sword slicing through the air with precision.

With the power of the embedded sword qi, his strike found its mark, landing a solid blow on the direwolf's left shoulder. Blood spurted from the wound, evidence of a successful strike.

But far from deterred, the direwolf's aggression only intensified. Ignoring the pain, it launched a barrage of relentless attacks at Madara, determined to overcome him.


From their vantage point, Li Lu couldn't contain her smile as she witnessed Madara's agile dodges and precise attacks. Turning to her sister, who remained focused on the unfolding battle, she spoke softly.

"Big Sister Yun, I think he's going to win."

Though her gaze remained fixed on the fight below, Xiao Yun responded without turning. "Don't be too sure. In combat, always anticipate your opponent's hidden techniques or weapons. Complacency can lead to defeat. Stay vigilant."

Li Lu absorbed her sister's cautionary words, refocusing her attention on the intense struggle unfolding before them. With a quiet resolve, she murmured, "You've got this, Madara."


Despite the direwolf's relentless assaults, Madara remained nimble, evading each attack at the last possible moment. His sole objective was to seize every opportunity to strike at the direwolf's vital points, draining its strength with each calculated blow.

For hours, the two engaged in a relentless exchange of blows and dodges. Madara keenly observed as the direwolf weakened, its movements growing sluggish from loss of blood and dwindling qi. Determined not to relent, he pressed forward, refusing to grant the creature respite.

However, at a critical juncture, Madara felt an inexplicable compulsion to halt his assault. A crimson aura enveloped the direwolf's form, giving him pause and a warning of unknown danger lurking within.

As he observed the shifting aura surrounding the direwolf, internal questions swirled in his mind.

"How did this happen? The direwolf must possess some kind of technique. If this persists, defeat is certain, and worse, the prolonged use of qi might prove fatal."

Madara's thoughts scattered as the direwolf charged at him, catching him off guard. The strange aura enveloping the creature seemed to bolster its strength, escalating the danger of the situation.

"I must bring this to an end," Madara muttered, his gaze fixed on the oncoming threat.

As their clash reached its peak and Madara found himself running out of qi, he seized the moment to launch his own attack. Just as the direwolf prepared to pounce, he unleashed an unexpected move, slamming his left fist into the ground, infused with qi.

The sudden maneuver startled the creature, causing it to step back and leap in surprise. Amidst the ensuing cloud of smoke and debris from his punch, Madara emerged, leaping alongside the direwolf, his wooden sword pulsating with sword qi.

With swift precision, he aimed his sword at the direwolf's head. The intense sword qi surrounding the wooden weapon enabled it to cleave through the creature's skull, splitting it in half. As they landed on the ground, the direwolf's head split open, blood and brain matter spilling forth, its eyes oozing blood.

Exhausted from the intense battle and drained of qi, Madara could only kneel, clutching his wooden sword tightly.

Li Lu couldn't contain her awe at what she had just witnessed. "Big Sister Yun, he defeated it!"

"Let's go check on him," Li Lu responded to her sister's statement. They approached his location, finding him kneeling in exhaustion. Xiao Yun offered him support as he kneeled.

"Madara, you did it. I'm proud of the way you fought," she said with a smile.

He returned her smile gratefully.

"Take a rest for now, and later, meditate to replenish the qi you lost," she advised.

With a nod of understanding, Madara made his way to a nearby tree, his wooden sword in hand. Settling down, he leaned against the sturdy trunk, his intent to rest evident in his posture. After a while, he began to meditate, seeking to replenish his depleted qi through quiet communion with his inner self.