

Being rejected by her mate hurt but having the moon goddess throw a harem of men her way was something she was not prepared for.Its a give and take world and because she had dared to complain about the way the moon goddess chose mate he got marked by what? she has no clue but she knows she will not let destiny control her. "I am not having a harem of men I can barely stand one man,what the hell do you have expect me to do with a bunch of them" will she be able to save herself from the terrible fate that awaits her?will she eventually give into destiny?will she break or grow? nobody knows but the moon goddess just needed a little amusement in her dull godly life she decided to find fun in messing up someone else's life

Shania_Portagas · Fantasy
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4 Chs


Looking back at my younger years,I should have expected this but knowing that I was going to be rejected didn't stop it from hurting.

Eyes as red as rubies looked down at me,his icy glare would make anyone tremble but I refused to give him him that satisfaction.I glared right back at him,I could feel my temperature rising and my heart raising but I ignored those feelings as I looked at the man in front me his white hair was a mess and scowl on his face made him look even more intimidating than usual.

He looked around before his eyes focused on me once again he seemed to be satisfied at the amount of people surrounding us,his lips curved into a smirk before the words

"Akira AI,I reject you,you're not someone that's needed"

Even though I had prepared for this the words still stung but for the time being I had successfully managed to shut my emotions off.

I took a deep breath,looked at the man in front of me simply said



"Yup okay so I'll be leaving now"

I pushed through the crowed and began walking away not bothering to look back I could feel the pack members looking at me but honestly I could care less while thinking of the members in the I forgot to look where I was walking and bumped into a brick wall or at least that's what it felt like looking in front of me,I noticed I had actually bumped into someone.

I apologized before raising my eyes to see who I bumped into jade green eyes stared at me and I remembered the omega who stood in front of me the pack didn't like omegas much like other packs but our alpha considered everyone in our pack useful it was honestly a pity that the alphas son didn't receive his personality.

The young man in front of me was stuttering and trying to apologize I could tell from his body language he was nervous.

"I-i'm s-s-sorry"

"Its OK it was my fault"

I smiled at him before walking away no need to be mean for no reason especially to someone who is already being bullied relentlessly knowing how it feels being bullied I wouldn't be comfortable treating another person in that way.

I went home wanting to get some rest instead I got home to see my sister sitting with my ex mate she sees me and gives me a sad smile.

"We were waiting for you"

"For what?" I question glaring at the two

"Its not what you're thinking akira" she says this while clinging to his arm and smiling innocently

He frowns at her actions and pulls his arm from her.

"I wanted to talk to you but you weren't home"

"I have nothing to say to you"

"Yes but I just wanted to make sure you're OK after you know,can we talk in private?"

He questions looking at my sister annoyed while she gives him heart eyes,being the alphas son brings a lot of people wanting to get on his good which made him one of the populars,so its pretty obvious why he rejected me at least to me it was obvious I've never been one of them I'm the girl who likes to be alone,I dress in baggy clothes and hoodies and I hardly talk to people.

My life is similar this way and him rejecting me was probably for the best l wouldn't have been able to deal with the popular a and definitely couldn't force myself to be one of them this fact did nothing to console my wolf kuro who whimpered at the sight of 'our mate'.

I denied his request and he left silently my sister no longer his her vicious glared behind her innocent face she glaredvat me openly.

"Stay away from him"she practically scream the whole pack probably heard her.

"I'm not interested stop talking shit "

"Then why'd he come talk to you?"

"Go interrogate him not me"

I went to my room I've had an annoying enough day without dealing with my sister having to just look at her made it a thousand times worse my head was pounding and my wolf didn't help especially with her crying over her lost mate.

You'd think the moon goddess would be better at picking a werewolves fated mate but I guess not,I grumbled about my life and eventually I'd fallen asleep.

"Wake up my child"

Waking up to a voice I didn't I was blinded by a bright light,I looked at the beautiful woman in front of me,her black wavy hair and golden eyes were striking she smiled at me gently and for a moment I was in a daze so entrance by her beauty I forgot what I was about to say.

"I see you're not happy with the mate I have prepared for you my child"


"You're mate you're dissatisfied with him,its understandable though I don't choose made expecting them to get rejected,that isn't something I wanted for you"

"So wait you're the" before I could finish my sentence I was cut off

"Yes I'm the moon goddess"

"Why? Why am I here with you?"

"Well I sensed you were unhappy,so I've decides to help you"

"Help me with what?"

"I'm going to let you pick your own mate"

"Not possible"

"Very possible I am going to have you chose from the multiple men you will meet in the days to come since you don't think I'm picking the right mates you'll get to choose your own"

"I never asked for this"

She smirked almost sadistically

"You're right that doesn't change the fact that this is what will happen even if you don't want a mate I'm hoping that you will help them heal"

" if you want them to heal go find a doctor"

"You're very rude you'd think you'd have more respect to the goddess that made you"

"I don't care if you made me you don't have the right to force a person into a situation they don't want to be in"

"Oh my silly child,what am I to do with you"

She stopped smiling and the once bright place that surrounded us started turning dark her eyes looked at me as if I was her prey and before I could do anything she pounced on me fangs digging into my shoulder as I whimpered in pain.

"You'll learn to accept your destiny"

That was the last thing I heard before blacking out