

Being rejected by her mate hurt but having the moon goddess throw a harem of men her way was something she was not prepared for.Its a give and take world and because she had dared to complain about the way the moon goddess chose mate he got marked by what? she has no clue but she knows she will not let destiny control her. "I am not having a harem of men I can barely stand one man,what the hell do you have expect me to do with a bunch of them" will she be able to save herself from the terrible fate that awaits her?will she eventually give into destiny?will she break or grow? nobody knows but the moon goddess just needed a little amusement in her dull godly life she decided to find fun in messing up someone else's life

Shania_Portagas · Fantasy
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4 Chs


Gasping as I woke up I felt my head pound I guess sleeping didn't help my head feel any better.

My mind felt foggy and I felt like I forgot something important every time I tried to think about what it was I forgot the pain in my head would intensify getting off the bed I went to my bathroom to have a hot shower.

My body ached and as I stepped under the scolding hot water I felt my shoulder burn but paid no attention to the pain,once done showering I stood in front of the basin brushing my teeth,when I saw a mark on my shoulder that seemed to be branded into my skin the mark looked like a phoenix rising from the flames.

"What the hell is this?"

I made the mistake of touching it the pain was almost unbearable.

Sweat trickled down by brow as the mark in my skin kept burning almost as if someone had set it on fire after a while the pain began to fade and I could finally breathe.

How do I find out what this mark means its not like I have anyone to ask while my mind was filling with thoughts like this I almost didn't notice the mark glowing it glowed a dark red color and I felt my body heat up but the feeling only lasted for a second.

Deciding that the mark was bothering me too much I got dressed and walked to the library I don't what I was expecting to find in the library but there is no section named weird marks that appear out of nowhere but one specific book caught my attention.

The book was titled creator of werewolves, I sat down on the floor of the isle I was currently in opening the book I began reading,the moon goddess creator of werewolves her name seems to be unknown since in everything I've read she is referred to as the moon goddess,A beautiful woman with long black hair,place skin and bright golden eyes.

Why does her description sound familiar to me I gave up trying to figure out where I had seen someone similar and continued reading,every few centuries the moon goddess reveals herself to someone directly from her bloodline often times its because they are unhappy in their lives and she sensing something in the person that could be of help to others in ways they may not understand.

Reading the book didn't explain anything to me it just spoke of the werewolf gods and goddesses like Fenrir and lupa but its said nothing about marks.

I was reading about zeff the wolf of strength,power and stability when I Del someone stand next to me,naturally me being the anxious person I am I refused to look next to me but the anxiety I had been feeling only grew when I realized that the person standing next to me was the alpha.

I instantly shot up not looking up at him his presence commanded respect and even though I hadn't done anything wrong I still felt nervous my heart was beating a mile a minute and my wolf was whimpering.

"You missed the pack meeting" his deep voice echoed through the library and the silence that followed was deafening.

"Um sorry I uh forgot"

"Is a pack meeting something that's easy to forget?"


"The could you explain how you forgot?"

"Um well I was reading a book and lost track of time "

I finally looked at him and to say it was a bad idea would be an understatement I felt as if some invisible force was gluing me to the spot where I was standing,He looked very similar to his son he had the same white hair and red eyes but he had a more mature look to him his eyes studied me and I felt even more uncomfortable dragging my eyes away from him I looked down again.

He was quiet for a moment before saying "make sure it doesn't happen again"

"Yes Sir"

He was done talking so I started walking away and as I was walking past him and the mark started burning again the pain made my body tense and I flinched when I saw him staring at me once again I walked away as fast as I could the uncomfortable feeling not leaving my body until I was out of the library the pain began to fade at that time too.

As the black haired women walked away the older man watched her,she looked uncomfortable and nervous and at some point when she walked past he saw her tense up as if she were in pain the whole of him coming was to find out why the mind link between her and the pack were severed but in her nervous state he couldn't ask and if she still saw him as her alpha it was clear that she had no clue the link had been severed once she was out of sight he went and picked up the book she was reading.

"Why was she reading this?"

"Father the other alphas are here"

The white haired man looked at his son


"Yes father?"

"I've been told that you've found your mate,when will I be able to meet her"

"That will not be possible father"

The man glanced at his son who was refusing to meet his fathers eyes.

"I rejected her" the younger male said it almost proudly but his father could see it was not something he was proud of,the older man said nothing as he walked past his son.

Hideyoshi left after his father walked out he was walking towards the forest when he nose picked up the scent of his mate.

He thought she must be close by and since he still had something to say to the black haired girl he followed her scent,when he found her he almost called out her name but stopped himself when he saw who she was with.