
The frist day of school

"Rayon,can you please sitdown and stop talking too much.You're making a big noice in the classroom."

Teacher shouted loudly and I turned back to see what happen there.There I saw a boy was talking too much with others.Though the teacher adviced him to stop misbehave,he was still smiling. Though he did playfull thing , I could see a special and attractive smile from him. And he was a handsome boy. His had glowing eyes exactly like stars.They were fully captured my heart.And his hair is as dark as the hyacinth blossom.

However it was the frist day of high school.All the students of our class were willing to recognize others and make new friends.we all were 16 years old when we entere that school.I was also exited to meet new classmates and I had a doubt about them. But many of them were very friendly and kind-hearted.My parents entered me to this school with so many hopes about my future. So they adviced me to behave good at school and focus well on my studies. So, from the time I entered the classroom I tried my best to behave nicely and focused on my studies.Our teacher was very nice lady with a kind heart.

After a time we were talking each other,teacher started to speak . "Kids, please stop talking and pay your attention on me". "Now, today is your frist day of school.In the morning we wormly welcomed you to the school , we treated you with delicious foods and bevaaerages.So can I know that are you guys enjoying these things."she said. we all said"yes teacher"with a happy voice.We saw that teacher also being happy.Then she again started to speak. "Now, can you please introduce yourself to the class. Then we can recognize us well and specially we can know each others names." she said."Aand also I already know a name of a boy among you,because of his playfull behavior since morning.It's okay that I know children's nature.Now I asked him to start introduce him.Rayon can you please introduce yourseelf to the class."she said and all the student laughed. The boy get little shy but he standed up and began his self introduction.He was the boy who was adviced by the teacher."I am Rayon Russel.I'm 16 years old.My father Henrry Russell is a businessman in this town and my mother is at home caring us. I have two elder brothers and I allways have argivement with them".The students laughed again at the moment, the boy stoped his last sentence.Teacher signed class to stop laughing and the boy satdown.

However, my turn came after some students introduced themselves.I standed up and looked at the teacher innocently.She decorated her face with a nice smile and I felt good.

"I'm Ria Astley and I'm 16 years old.my father Alfred Astley is a businessman and my mother is at home.I have one elder brother".I said with a soft law voice.Teacher singed me to sitdown.

All the students of class introduced them well.After few moments later I lokked around the class to recognize the surronding and suddenly my eyes stoped at his face.It was a very pleasnt face and I could find a unknown bond in his face. I felt thousands of nice feelings and I felt I'm floating on air. I lost in an unknown world for a moment.

After a few minutes I felt a little pain on my shoulder.So I looked back and I saw my new best friend Keyla was looking at my face with a question mark on her face.There I understood what happen and I shooked my head to indicate that nothing was happened.And I laughed to myself about my crazy nonsense.Though it was a crazy feeling I couln't forget that smiling face.That face deeply touched my heart and buried bottom of the heart.

After our self introductions teacher directed us to study and we all were busy with them.But a shadow of an unknown feeling wandered all over the mind.When the lunch break came I steped to the canteen with my friend.We took our lunch.We visited the school premisess and it was a fantastic area.It was the most beautifull school i had ever seen.I enjoyed all the beauty of school.While my friend and I walking in the corridor, Rayon passed us rapidly and another boy fallowed him. I wanted to look back to see him but I didn't because he didn't care about me whole the day.So I didn't wanted to be a joke infront of him.However after a little visit we went back to the classroom. After the lunch break it was difficult us to stay focused on our studies because of the heat of summer.After a long day finally we heard the school bell ring and all of us packed our bags to leave the school.After the next bell rang all the students took their backpacks and ran away from the classroom.I felt someone push me ,i looked back and I saw Rayon run fast along the corridor.I felt a pain. It was the pain of neglection. I couldn't understand why I feel bad feelings when that boy ignoring me.He was only a random guy I met at my new school.But I felt I had known him for a long time.I walked towards the gate while thinking.My dady was looking at me with a smile on his face near our car and for a moment I f had frogotten everything.

Half an hour after leaving school,Dad and me came home.My mom waited for us at the door way and after I saw her I felt the exact feeling I feel when I saw dady at the school gate.I missed my parents lots.It was because I left them after a long vacation . I was really happy to see them again.I hugged my mom tightly and felt that warm feeling for a moment.Then three of us left the living room.I went to my room for take a wash.While I taking a bath suddenly I remembered that smiling face.When water drops touch my body ,that smile touch my heart. I felt a strange sensation as the water droplets flowed along my body.I wanted to get out of that unfamiliar feelings but my heart yearning the same feeling again and again.I spent a long time get lost among my thoughts and finally left the bathroom and dressed in a nightgown. Even when I went to the dining room, mom and dad ready for dinner.They affectionately welcomed me to the dinner table.Those days my elder brother Leo was not at home because he was in a camp for three months.So only mom,dad and me at home While taking dinner mom began to speak.

"How was the day my darling. Was it fantastic?"she asked.

"not so bad "I replied.

"Do you find new friends dear" Dady asked.

"Mmm yeah.Now I have a best friend named Keyla.Their family is an American family based in London.Dad she's very funny and kind-hearted.I think she will be a good friend for me ."I replied and dad said"I'm very happy to hear this darling and don't forget to focus on your study well."I shooked my head with smile on my face.

We had some jokes and few interessting insidents that three of us face throughout the day.While whole those things going on a shadow of that smiling face haunted in my mind. I went to bed with that face in mind and I doubt if I even saw that face in my dreams.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

umesha_chamoicreators' thoughts