
School Days.

Next day morning, I woke up and ready to go school.After the breakfast dad and I left mom at front door way and we drove to school.Dady left me at the school gate. From the moment I entered the school, the memory of Rayon began to fade around me.But I didn't want those things to happen. So I tried my best to forget him andd focus on my studies.

When I entered the class I saw some of classmates already in classroom. My best friend Keyla was talking with another friend.I went there with a smile on my face. But she didn't notice that I was there So I wanted to a little trick.I patted her shoulder and moved to the other side.She suddenly jumped up and looked behind.When i couldn't stop smiling, she looked at me intently. then she approached me and we all laughed lot.After a time teacher came to the class. we greated eachother and after the arrival of teacher I saw Rayon is coming to the classroom.Teacher stopped him anddddd asked him why he was late.He replied to the teacher , but I couldn't hear his reply.I wanted to know why he was late but my mind said me to forget it.

I saw him go behind and sit down.Then I said myself to don't look at him or don't think about him again.

However the morning was spent with study activities.The lunch break came. It passed as usual and as usual I was bored the rest part of school time.However the whole day I didn't look at Rayon or didn't going to think of him.when the bell rang I left the classroom with Keyla and steped to the gate.There I saw my dady and I wanted to introduce Keyla to him.I took her to dady and he was satisfied about my best friend.Then we left Keyla and went home.As usual mom was waiting for us at the door.She welcomed me affectionatley and she droped me all the way to my room.I had a wash and changed my clothes.Then I came to bed and began to think about college.Though I began to think about school,I remembered him.I let go of my thoughts.I blamed myself for not looking at him even once at school.If that happened then I would have drawed a picture of him in my heart.When I thought about it, I had fallen asleep.And I realized it when my mom woke up me.I don't even remember how long I slept.

Anyway when I woke up I felt a great loneliness.I huged my mom and spent a few minutes, she crassed my head with love. My lonliness gradually disappeared Mom asked me to go to the dinner table and I went with her.When we went there dady had already sat for the dinner He kissed my forehead lovingly.we started to take dinner and share our special things which happen throughout the day.The yellow lights in the room, the cool breeze at the night and the love of my mom and dad made me feel good and light.I went room with that lightness. I sat by the window and began to reading a book in my favor,but after a minute I layed in bed because of drowsiness and fell sleep quickily.

The days went by normally from the next day.I woke up early.Went school.Talked with friends and did studies.Days passed like this and I made sure to spend time not caring so much about Rayon.

Finally came friday, the weekend getaway.I woke up morning and did my morning routine of preparing to school. Momy had prepared my breakfast and I got it.I said goodbye to mom and left the home with dad.Like other days I said goodbye to my dady at school gate and walked in to the school. I climbed the steps to reach the class and walked along the corridor

Suddenly I met him face to face as entered the class. I felt like my had stopped beating.I stared at him like I was frozen.For a moment I forgot everything .He leaned in to my face and looked at me and smiled.That was the frist day that he looks at me that was the frist time he laughed with me .I inadvertently put a smile on my face. At the time, I regained my consciousness and I felt shy.He laughed again with me and left the classroom quickly.I looked down in embarrassment and came to the class. But my heart was full of joy because he smiled with me. I spent the whole time with that joy keep in my heart. After the lunch break teacher gave us some assaignments to do in our weekend holiday.In that evening I worked happily when I didn't feel the discomfort I used to feel.But when I remembered that I have to miss him for two days I feel so bad.However I made up my mind and looked at his face for a moment. But an unknown pain crashed in to my mind.

After the bell rang I left the class with Keyla.Although I didn't have much interest in the frist day I entered school,Now I feel a little pain to leave school for two days.I went to the gate and looked back at school.Then me and Keyla went forward. I saw my dady was waiting and for me and we went to him.

"My darling can you please walk to the home. Today I have a very important meeeing at the office.If I come to drop you to home I will be late."he asked.

Before I say something, Keyla replied to dad,"Okay uncle. It will be a nice thing, that Ria and I can walk along the road to home and it will be a good experience for both of us.Isn't that right Ria?"

My dad laughed and shooked his head happily."Hah hal,Okay .But be carefull when you walk along the road".

"Okay dad I can walk home with Keyla.You be careful."

We said goodbye to dady and began to walk away.I was so excited to learn about this town as we came there before two weeks .We walked along the road and there we so many beautiful scenerries on both sides of road. Trees had no more leaves because of the summer , but there was a attractive view. when we walked while enjoing the beauty of the surronding, I felt someone come up behind me and cover my eyes with his hands.I was confused and tried to get rid of him. Then I hear someone laughed and I looked behind There I saw both Keyla and Rayon was laughing at me. I couldn't understand what can I do now. I looked at them with fake anger on my face and they got a little scared.Then I laughed.Then they laughed too.

After we finished laughing,I looked at him softly.Then he looked at me too.For a moment our eyes stopped at each others. When I feel a great familiarity in those eyes, I wanted to stay in those eyes rest of whole life.The blowing cool breeze, the sounds of the birds around and the sound of spring approaching,further kept me in the same feeling.

When I regained consciousness, I saw that he was still looking at me.There I wondered if he felt the same way I did.Moments later,when we both regained consciousness, we saw Keyla staring us blankly.I felt my cheeks heat up and Rayon smiled when he saw it.It was the seconed time that he smiled with me.

"Hey miss,can I know your name "to my suprise ,he spoke to me.I'm confused iot.At the same time I felt my body tingle.

"I'm Ria." I said in a soft law voice and turn my face down.

He decorated his face with a nice smile.By then that smile had became a prettey weak poin of mine.I wish I could make that smile mine forever. For a few minutes we were staring at us and then he said"Nice to meet you Ria.I'm Rayon."

He held out his hand towards me to shake hands.I'm confused again and held out my hand slowly.The moment our hands touched each others my whole soul went crazy.

"Nice to meet you too."I said.Both of us forgot to take away our hands till Keyla makes a croaking noice.We took away our hands and smiled with shy.I felt all environment sa aheaven and felt him as a angel made my god only for me.

We spent a little time saying nonsence and making jokes at each others. Three of us enjoyed the moment and finally it was the time to separate us.Rayon looked at me to say good bye and I could see that the pain had set her seal upon his browes.I felt the same feeling and I said him goodbye.

I felt very bad to left him there and I felt like I left my heart there.But the happiness of his kindness for me could recover my pain.I looked back and saw he was still staring us. I felt as I was in a fantacy dream and that day t slept with that fantacy dream..

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

umesha_chamoicreators' thoughts