
Sports In A Fantasy World

Anna, now Avyanna, has found herself remembering her past life on her 18th birthday. She goes through a journey of understanding herself, bonding with people, finding love, and letting people in a magic world understand the happiness that sports bring. This is my first book. Hope you like it feel free to make suggestions or corrections.

Dash_Coco · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 5 - The Inn

After walking for about five minutes, we arrived at the inn. It was a small building compared to what she was used to in the capital. It had one floor, and it was fully made out of wood. If she had to compare it to something in her previous life, she would say that it was a large log cabin.

Davis was about to open the door and walk in when he looked like he remembered something. "There are horse stables at the back. I'm pretty sure there is no cost to taking care of them, but I will ask my mom to make sure. Also, do you mind if I grab your horse and take it to the stable? It will only take five minutes."

His offer startled her, so she answered a little too hastily. "Thank you so much. I can walk him back if you don't mind showing the way. You don't need to do it yourself; I don't want to trouble you too much."

"It's no trouble at all, and your horse is beautiful; I don't mind doing it at all." Saying this, he grabbed the rain on her horse and started running to the back of the inn.

She was about to follow after him. But she paused when the door to the inn swung open. A short girl about five-one with bright red hair ran out the door. "Davis, what did I tell you about leaving people alone? Sorry about that. Come inside."

From far away, David screamed, "I'm going to be right back. I was putting her horse away."

The girl turned back to her with a smile on her face and said, "At least he was doing something good. My name is Jamie; what's yours?"

Stretching out her hand, Anna said, "Hi, my name is Anna. I'm new to the city; do you run the inn?"

Taking her hand, she said, "Hi Anna, I always welcome having another girl around here. And no. Davis is my husband, and I just help out once in a while." Grabbing her hand and pulling her inside, she said, "Come on in."

Being pulled inside, she looked at the interior. To the left, there was a big open space with tables and chairs. There was a bar counter that went to the kitchen. To the right, there was a hallway leading to rooms, which I assume were doors. And right when you walk in, there is a small desk at the front.

Letting go of her hand, Jamie walked behind the desk. "So, are you looking for a place to stay?"

Anna said, "Yup, I'm hoping to stay over for a few nights so I can find a place."

Jamie said, "Oh my gosh. You are moving into town; this is kind of perfect. If you are interested, I am selling a small shop at the very edge of town. My grandmother passed it down to me. I've been wanting to get rid of it."

Anna said, "That sounds great. But do you mind if we do it another day? I have been travelling for a while now, and I wanted to get some food and catch some sleep."

Jamie said, "Oh, that sounds great. Would you like to book for one night then?"

She said, "Yeah, one night for now sounds good. How much is the stay and food accommodations?"

Jamie smiled. "It's just the fee for the night, and the food comes with it. In total, for one night, it would be twenty copper coins."

Shaking her head, she said, "No, no, that's way too little. I will pay you one silver. Also, do you have change?"

"One silver is way too much. I should have some coins, but it depends on how much you need." She shook her hands.

Anna felt bad. "I'm sorry, but I don't have a card on me and only gold coins. Is there any way to break one?"

Jamie looked at her, a little worried. "Umm, that's too bad. Since you are looking to stay in town for a while, I will just put it on a tab for you. You should go to the bank and get a new card. It's about a 40-minute horse ride from town. If you decide to buy the store, we would need to go anyway, so I will show you the way."

Anna said, "Thank you so much. That works for me. I'm going to take a quick nap before I get a meal."

At this moment, Davis walked into the inn. "Thanks for taking care of her, Jamie. Do you mind doing the rest? I don't want to leave John by himself for too long, and I also said I would bring him food."

Jamie smiled at him while handing me a key. "No, problem. There's food ready for you guys on the counter. See you when you get back."

David smiled and said, "Thank you so much. Anna, I hope you have a good stay. See you both later."

Anna bowed and said, "Thank you for your help."

Jamie said, "Davis, get going. I'm about to show her to her room. Anna, come on." And grabbed Anna's arm to pull her along.

While she was waving at David, she started being pulled away. Jamie gave her the room farthest from the door.

As she was opening the door, Jamie said, "This room is the farthest, but I recommend it because it has the best bed and the best view." Walking to the door, she was about to leave and said, "I will be in the hallway, so if you need anything, tell me."

Before she could answer, she shut the door. Finally, with some alone time, she put her bag down and locked the door. She opened my bag and changed into a big T-shirt, which she sometimes used for training. Then she took off her shoes and lay down on the bed. She looked out the window and saw a view of a blue lake. She smiled and closed her eyes, falling asleep.

I wil probably go in and change the perspective later. It might swich next chapter idk yet.

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