
Spiritual Energy Rejuvenation: I Began Cultivating By Farming

Others transmigrate to the world of cultivation, with a Golden Finger all the way till the end; Jiang Tang, however, gets slapped by reality until he becomes reclusive. After honestly farming for three years, Jiang Tang suddenly discovers that he now has a Spirit Field Space, and the Spirit Field is actually producing rare Spirit Grass, Spiritual Medicine, martial arts manuals, and even ancient treasures that had vanished long ago! Thus, Jiang Tang also gains his own Golden Finger. Years later, Jiang Tang accidentally cultivates himself into an All-Around master and ascends, teary-eyed, he exclaims— “Transmigration has been fair to me, the Golden Finger comes of its own accord.”

One word, that's settled. · Sci-fi
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146 Chs

Chapter 10 Magic Artifact is Farming Tool, I'm Proud and I Boast (1)

Translator: 549690339


The disciple heard the words, a look of astonishment crossed his face, followed by a sigh, "Thank you, Junior Brother, today is not the death anniversary of my family."

It turned out, the disciple named Yao Xuan, had joined the Immortal Sect with Jiang Tang. Because he was older, he became Jiang Tang's senior brother.

Yao Xuan's talent was not high either, having reached only the second level of Body Refinement by now.

He diligently and earnestly farmed for income, keeping a little for himself and sending the rest to his only living relative down the mountain, his elder brother Yao Sheng.

Yao Sheng was not a cultivator, he was a scholar.

After about ten years of hard study by candlelight, Yao Sheng's health deteriorated badly, and in recent years, his condition had become progressively worse, preventing him even from attending the autumn examinations.

This greatly worried Yao Xuan.

He practically had to call a doctor every month to take Yao Sheng's pulse, filling prescriptions, entrusting others to decoct the medicine, and also purchasing herbs to concoct pills to treat his brother's illness.

As a result, Yao Xuan's hard-earned silver was all spent.

During this period, because Yao Xuan was overly exhausted, he failed to contribute his farm produce, thus did not receive any compensation.

Seeing that Yao Sheng was about to die from the illness, Yao Xuan could bear it no longer, and poured out his grievances to his late parents by the gravesite, crying as he spoke.

"Senior Brother Yao, I have a bottle of First-Stage Cleansing Spirit Pills here that can cure diseases. If you don't despise it and trust me, then take them for your brother to consume. The medicinal effect is better than those from outside, I concocted them myself." After listening, Jiang Tang took out a bottle of pills from his Qiankun Bag and handed it over.

Pills are graded by their patterns, one pattern for the first grade, two for the second, up to nine. Nine Revolutions Elixirs, never mind the Mortal Realm, even in the Immortal Realm, are extremely rare.

Because during the concoction of Nine Revolutions Elixirs, the pill could develop sentience, which could trigger heavenly tribulation commonly referred to as the Pill Tribulation. Should the Pill Tribulation be overcome, the pill would be successful; should it fail, the pill would be destroyed and the person could die.

Throughout the ages, those who could concoct Nine Revolutions Elixirs were only several great figures from the Medicine Sect and Holy Medical Valley from the ancient times.

They have long since passed away or ascended, and now that spiritual energy has begun to recover in the Mortal Realm, someone capable of making a Fifth Grade Pill can be praised as a living Immortal on earth.

Yao Xuan and Jiang Tang had a good relationship, being neighbors, they always looked after each other.

He also knew that Jiang Tang had recently taken up the study of medicine and alchemy—his concocted pills were genuinely good.

At this moment, he was willing to reach out to help, and Yao Xuan, being at his wits' end, could hardly refuse.

Yao Xuan immediately received the small porcelain bottle with both hands, treasuring it as he stored it into his Qiankun Bag. Then, he knelt down toward Jiang Tang, preparing to kowtow in gratitude.

"Please don't do this, Senior Brother, you fluster me," Jiang Tang was startled and hastily pulled Yao Xuan to his feet.

"It's only right, this is a life-saving grace," said Yao Xuan, his eyes reddening, on the verge of tears again.

"A grown man like Senior Brother shouldn't be crying," Jiang Tang patted his shoulder, "It's best if this fire is put out after the spirit money has burned. If someone else sees you, they'll surely gossip, and Senior Brother would be punished."

Yao Xuan nodded heavily and watched Jiang Tang leave. He felt as if a weight had been lifted from his heart.

Without hesitation, he applied for leave to go down the mountain the next day, heading for his brother's home.

Jiang Tang, on the other hand, went to see the Outer Sect Steward and presented the batch of pills he had concocted for them to inspect, and then sold them to the Sect.

When it was confirmed that all these pills were indeed concocted by Jiang Tang, several Stewards from the Outer Sect were simultaneously amazed.

They had not expected a Servant Disciple to be capable of concocting such high-quality pills.

"What a pity, if his cultivation weren't so poor, I would've considered bringing him to the Outer Sect," one Steward said, watching Jiang Tang walking to collect his silver, and sighed.


"What's the rush? This kid has cultivated to the fourth level of Body Refinement in just three years, already far surpassing other Servant Disciples by who knows how much," a nearby Steward said with a slight smile.

"Exactly, did you hear about it? Not long ago, Jiang Tang fought against Du Long on the platform, and with his third-level Body Refinement cultivation, he completely overpowered Du Long, who was nearly at the peak of the fourth level. And now, it hasn't been much time since then, and he has already reached the fourth level. This kid has been toiling in the fields for three years, he's honest and sincere, withstands hardships, and is diligent. Isn't it a done deal that he will enter the Outer Sect in the future?"

Several Stewards nodded their heads in silent approval of Jiang Tang.

After Jiang Tang had left, he counted his silver with delight, then went to sell a batch of Spirit Plants. He was about to rush over to help his friends with the harvest when suddenly a group of Servant Disciples blocked his way.

A basin of cold water was suddenly thrown onto Jiang Tang.

It was the height of summer, and with the hot weather, the sour and stinky smell of the rancid water immediately wafted out.

Not only did Jiang Tang frown, but those who had thrown the water also pinched their noses and kept their distance.

Once they had moved a bit further away, they loosened their grip and unabashedly sneered with wide grins.

"This is for killing Brother He and Brother Wang! This basin of water is us paying back on behalf of the two brothers," the disciple who threw the water sneered coldly as he raised the wooden basin in his hand.

Endure, endure.

Jiang Tang took a deep breath, nearly fainting from the disgusting smell emanating from himself.

He forced a slight smile and gritted his teeth as he said, "Brothers, there must be some misunderstanding."

Jiang Tang did not even recognize the so-called Brother He and Brother Wang.

"Misunderstanding?" The water thrower spit on the ground and looked sideways at the people behind him, pointing at Jiang Tang, "Listen everyone, he's killing people outside and denying the debt! Our Sect has produced such a scum, and we must take action to teach him a lesson, to seek justice for the two brothers, right?"


It was then clear to Jiang Tang that their clamoring for justice was for the two people who had intended to kill him outside. If he didn't understand this, then he would truly be foolish.

"I'll say it again, it wasn't me who killed them," Jiang Tang said with a hint of displeasure in his eyes.

Even the best of tempers would evaporate along with the stench covering his body at this point.

Damn it, he felt like hitting someone.

"Attack!" The leader among the disciples brandished a wooden stick and charged at Jiang Tang.

His name was Chu Zuo, and he had a close relationship with the two killed disciples. Knowing that Jiang Tang was the last person they encountered before they died, he was convinced that it was Jiang Tang who had killed them, harboring a grudge ever since.

Finding an opportunity that day, Chu Zuo led his followers to this secluded place, intending to give Jiang Tang a severe lesson.

Seeing this, the other Servant Disciples also drew their long sticks and struck at Jiang Tang.

"A group fight? Are you playing dirty?" Jiang Tang was shocked, and the anger that had been stirred up suddenly vanished.

While activating the Golden Body Spell, he quickly ran towards his own courtyard.

He had laid poison powder in the courtyard, which would knock out anyone with malicious intentions as soon as they got close.

However, these disciples all had the cultivation of the fourth level of Body Refinement, and Chu Zuo was already at the fifth level. Their speed was almost the same as his own — in fact, Chu Zuo was even faster.

Seeing Chu Zuo about to catch up, Jiang Tang gritted his teeth and suddenly stopped.