
Spiritual Earth a world with magus and cultivation

A lost soul from earth reincarnated into a universe of cultivation and magic. He doesn't have memories from his new world and he isn't not the same person either. He is immediately involved in an annihilation of a sect and learns that only strong cultivators can survive. Later on he found out there are different races that are ruling the world. The lost earthling wants to change the rules of this world and is planning to create an everlasting legendary sect while facing schemings, hardships and traitors. The length of a chapter is at least 1500 words. Chapter releases I don’t work as an author. I try to release at least two chapters a week.

HerbsTankard · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 12: plans for creating a new sect

It has been weeks before Reeves accepts his loss. Not only did Ray die, his brothers, who had made an oath with him, died as well. The sect's loss wasn't nearly as hard to accept as the death of his friends. He didn't know the sect long enough to create some emotion towards them. 'I think I should accept my fate. Let's go to the Elf's tent next to me.'

Reeves stepped into the tent of the Elfs.

"Hello… Can I see Ray?"

Erran was sitting there in a chair reading some kind of report and said,

"Yes, we did not bury her. Follow me." He stood up and walked outside. There was a stone house, which they built as soon as they thought they would stay here longer. He opened the door and pointed to where Ray was laying.

"Ray was killed by a sword. The wounds were too deep. From the reports that we collected, we are sure that the culprit has to do with this Human cultivator, which uses Demonic Qi, but he can most likely use magic as well. Necromancy is a form of forbidden magic, which is theoretical. Without Demonic Qi, it would be incomplete and not powerful. In ancient times, the Demons tried to corrupt Elfs. They had some success, but they weren't able to use magic. They found the subject of necromancy by interrogating thousands of Elfs. Until today, they could succeed." He stopped his lecture and went outside to leave Reeves with Ray alone.

Reeves thought 'I'll reconstruct your body and soul. I should at least do this. If this world isn't able to do that, I'll ascend to the Realm of gods and search there for a solution.' Saying his goodbye, he went outside. Reeves remembered the sect master gave him a mission and a ring, but they were nowhere to be found! He went again to the Elder Elf.

"I'm sorry to interrupt you again. Do you know where my items are and how I can call you?"

"I'm Erran and the other Elf is Princess Findir. I took your items since we didn't know anything about you, but we found your personality out. You can have them back here. Be at ease. We stole nothing."

Reeves was astonished the ring was supposed to be invisible to others. How was he able to break this formation? He found the letter in one of his bags. The seal isn't broken, so that means the Elfs didn't read it. He opened it and started to read.

"Hello Reeves,

If you see this, the sect must be in a hard position or has at worst fallen. Your last mission is also your fate. I know you didn't want this at the beginning. I forced you to make an oath to recreate, create, or inherit a sect. You are a descendant of some influential family who doesn't belong to this world. I can't tell you the details. The knowledge about this is very dangerous since your family was hunted down. I swore I would watch over you until the time has come where you can create a sect on your own and seek revenge. I knew I couldn't follow your journey all the way long. I had to pay a hefty price to flee here into this world to watch over you, but I'll never regret it. I'm not able to ascend to a higher realm. That was the price. Some day it was fate that I must die. I wanted to create a sect for you so you can inherit it. I transformed a low sect to a mid sect. My plans didn't work out, as you can see. The ring that I gave you has the wealth of a middle sect. With this, you can create something on your own. I placed a blood formation on it at the Nascent Soul Realm on your behalf. If you were able to break this realm, you would get the resources."

Reeves looked at the ring but couldn't activate it. He sighed, 'I forgot I lost my cultivation! Without Spiritual Qi I won't be able to look inside it.'

"I thank you for breaking the formation. This would save me a lot of time, if I actually had my cultivation! Now I'm not even sure if I can ever cultivate again!"

Findir was hearing the conservation and said "There is a way to cultivate again. Before I tell you that, I must ask you. Do you want to join our elf's sect?"

Reeves was startled and didn't know why she would invite him to their sect. He was a Human after all and couldn't use their magic, anyway. He curiously asked, "Do you want to teach a human how to cultivate? Since when do Elfs cultivate?"

"We will not teach you cultivation. That's something that you need to do on your own, since we don't use this path."

Reeves didn't know what she was scheming. He politely said, "Then I will have to decline."

Findir replied, "Don't decline so hastily! We found out you are able to use magic. You could be a powerful magus!"

"I can perform magic? This is impossible! I read a few books on my own. Humanity is unable to perform magic. I have to decline again. I also have promised two people that I will create a sect."

"But it's true you are able to interact in another way with the Spiritual Qi. Besides that, you can create your own sect after you are a Magus Grandmaster."

Reeves was getting angry. "That's too late. How long would that be? That could be decades!"

Findir replied, also angry, "We can't let you go either. You have no choice!"

"Then I simply don't learn magic!"

Erran interrupted, "If you don't want to join us. I have another idea. You can create your sect here and now. However, you must promise us to ascend to the Gods of realm. You can't stay here. Your existence is a problem and could be a threat to us."

"I have no plans to stay in this world anyway, so I can agree to that. But what if I don't simply learn magic? Then I can't be a threat."

Erran tried to explain why this was also no option. "We can't leave you alone, since the demon cultivator marked you. If he finds out that you can go both paths, the world would be in grave danger. Nobody can stop him if he can corrupt you! Learn Magic and cultivate again while reaching both the peak of Grandmaster Magus and Ascension Soul! Findir will teach you how to use magic while you can create your so-called sect here. If you are still denying it, we have to force you to come with us."

Findir was shocked. "What?! Why do I have to stay here with him? I want to go back to our homeland! I'm not a Magus Grandmaster like you uncle. You can teach him far better than me!"

Reeves replied, "I also can't accept this to create a sect so desolate from the human population. I don't even know the geographical position and the sect powers around us and the worst part is the Spiritual Qi is low here. I'm not confident in cultivating here it would take hundreds of years!"

Findir was nodding to Reeves. "I can agree with him. This is a desolate place. The Qi is also low. How would I be able to move further in the magus path?"

Erran sighed. "First of all, I don't care about your feelings. You must face hardships. Only this will help you soar in the future. Princess, you need experience with the wildness you were too long in the empire. You may not be a Grandmaster, but it's far enough to help him in the early stages. And Reeves, what can you do? You won't be able to travel without spiritual Qi. This is a perfect place to create a sect. It's desolate. You have natural defenses and can socialize with Elf Findir. In the future, you will face the emperor. Before that, Findir can teach you etiquette."

'He is right. I can't go somewhere else on my own. It's like I'm in a prison. If I want to change my fate, I need to overcome these problems.' "Fine, I learn magic while I create a sect and cultivate."

Erran smiled and replied, "You forgot to also learn etiquette."

Reves sighed. "Okay, I will also learn etiquette. I don't even know where to start. This alone is so much for me alone."

"That's your problem, since you insisted on creating a sect."

"I know, I know, but I have no choice. I swore two oaths that I need to fulfill. Findir, you said there was a way to cultivate. Since I agree with your conditions, tell me how I can cultivate with my broken spiritual root."

Findir said, "It's simple. You have two spiritual roots, one got destroyed. That's your wind spiritual root. But you have a second one. Lightning!"

Reeves was astonished and shouted, "This is impossible! I tested my roots before. I wasn't able to detect that I have a second root." while thinking, 'I have the same spiritual roots as Ray! But why must it be lightning? It's the hardest of all paths. The gods don't like me.'

"The human tests aren't as efficient as our tests. We have a magus power measure stone which can show us our aptitude and spiritual roots. Humans can't compare with us in this subject. Our tests have never failed or been false. Humans tried to imitate the function but were never successful. It has flaws, as you can see."

"This makes sense."

Erran was satisfied and interrupted the conversation. "Findir, you aren't allowed to help Reeves with human conflicts. I'll come with a few disciples in the future, so you can teach them magic as well. Findir. This will be a kind of experiment. I'm curious if Humans can be in the same sect with Elfs."

"Erran, you want me to stay here forever on this continent? How shameless of you!"

"I don't think you will stay here forever. Humans don't have immortality after all. At worst, you will be here only for 3.000 years, if he successfully reaches Ascension Soul Realm. I'm going to the empire and inform your father about this. I guess he won't have objectives against this. See you!"

He flew away and disappeared.

Reeves didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Erran! I don't want to take this mission!" she sighed and looked at Reeves.

Findir was curious and asked Reeves, "So what's your next plan since we will have a loooong time here at this place?"