
Spirit War

In a dark world where the strength of one's companion spirit determines one's chance of survival, a boy is left to fend for himself as he goes on a strange adventure that lets him discover his special power and defend against a race of monsters that is planning to destroy what is left of the world.

Ezero · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Human Filth Pt. II

 "Your turn…"

 The man raised his hand in surprise, afraid of biting his own finger, he asked for a pen.

 "Argh!... Y-you… You fucking crazy bastard!" The tip of his pointer finger, along with two other fingers, due to poor aim, were cut off.

 "You do what I tell you to do."

 "Yes, yes! I'm sorry!" The man finally signed with the stump of his finger, and they felt each other's soul squirm.

 "Will… Will you let me live?"

 Avis smiled, the guilt of killing completely disappearing from him.

 "It says here that you have four orders you can disobey before the contract is broken, each one bringing more pain… Kill yourself."


 "Did I stutter?"

 "But… Please don't joke, cancel the order, please!" The man threw himself to Avis' legs, looking up at him, and smearing Avis' already dirty clothes with blood.

 "Fine, I will cancel that order if you don't make a sound."


As the man asked, Avis stabbed his scimitar through the man's leg, the blade went into his thigh and calf, only stopping as it reached the floor. 

 Once the man registered it, the pain rushed him, and he screamed, the pain in his soul being overshadowed by the physical one, he grabbed onto the sword, cutting his palm as he tried to take it out.

 "Shut up."

"Please, please! I am innocent! I'm as much a victim as anyone here, the man cried." Even breaking another order didn't stop the man, his soul was in pain, but the prospect of living was more important.

 "Only say the truth."

 Only at the new order did the man shut up, in addition to being an order, it was also a clause in the contract, but it would only activate if the master ordered it, he would prematurely die if he broke this one.

 "Kiss my boots." Avis ordered.

 The man could only look up at him, begging to take back the order as the sword stopped him from doing so, but eventually, he gave in and bent his body, cutting more and more into his leg while he tried wiggling his head to the floor, eventually managing to reach the boots, only for Avis to take a step back.

 This was the third strike, the man knew his end was near, only one more order until the contract would kill him.

 "What shall be my final order?..." Avis wondered aloud.

 As Avis said last, the man knew he was going to die.

 "Oh, I know!" Avis bent over to take the sword out of the man's leg, being very clumsy as he did so, cutting the man even more as he took it out. "Now, hop on one leg to the door and back."

 "Please, have mercy!"

 Yet, the man didn't lose hope, he leaned on the wall for support, took off his shirt, and tightened his bleeding leg up so it wouldn't touch the floor as he jumped on his good leg. With each hop, a new wave of pain overcame him, having to use the wall just to keep standing, he endured, and eventually, completed the task.

 "I… I did it, please, have mercy… On me…"

 "You should have never touched my things. Good job completing this task, now, do it with the other leg, it's an order."

 All the hope the man gained was banished from his body as he heard those words. Having given up, he fell to his knees.

 "Just kill me already…" The man tried to take the easy way out, having his head cut off would be better than his soul and body slowly being dissolved.


 Even Jason was looking at him with a disapproving look, death by contract was the most painful, and the harshest way to kill, as it not only rotted the body while the person was still alive, it also rotted the soul, the people that still live don't know what this does, or what happens after death, because of it or not, but they knew it was not good.

 It wouldn't take long for the man to die due to the contract, he could already feel that his body was barely able to move itself, and soon, he fell over, lying on the floor.

 Avis walked past him, suddenly remembering why he even did this in the first place. He scanned the room for Maizy, but she wasn't among the prisoners. Then, he saw a door, and barged through it, where he finally saw her, tied up among other women, her clothes were in shambles and her chest was exposed, but she tried to hide her lower body.

 He rushed to her, cutting her bindings before covering her with his shirt.

 "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Maizy, it's all my fault, I'm ashamed I ever called myself your protector, I'm a complete failure!"

 Before he could say anything else, Maizy buried her head in his chest, clutching his arms whose scars were burning red, she cried.

 "I-I'm sorry, I promise this won't ever happen again… A-are you hurt? Maizy, say something!" He tried to speak to her, but she wouldn't stop crying. Finally realizing what she wanted, he hugged her tight with his arms and he picked her up. She finally began to calm down, and eventually, she fell asleep.


 When she came to, she found herself in a comfortable bed, wearing new clothes, and a strong smell of food permeating the air.

 As she climbed out of bed, she felt some pain, she was bruised, but she got up, and after opening the door, found Avis sitting at a table and eating something, a portion for her being left on the other side of the table.


 When he saw that the girl was up, Avis dropped what he was holding and rushed to her. 

 "Maizy! You should stay in bed! Your body didn't have any visible wounds when I checked you but I'm sure you are exhausted both spiritually and mentally! Even while you were alone suffering in that room… I-I still took my time torturing that man…I'm so sorry, please, don't hate me, I will never leave you alone again."

 "... Never?" She asked.

 "Never! Not until I die!"

 She wrapped her arms around him.

 "Thank you, Avis, this makes me feel better… But it wasn't your fault, it was mine, I provoked that asshole, and I wasn't even paying attention to my surrounding… Yet you still came to my rescue, you even put your life on the line… But I feel like I didn't… I feel useless…" *SOB*


 "It wasn't your fault… Avis, thank you…"


The door to the room was opened, and Thorne and Peregrine entered.

 "...Did we ruin the moment?" The woman asked.

 The two were each holding a basket with food and equipment.