
Spirit War

In a dark world where the strength of one's companion spirit determines one's chance of survival, a boy is left to fend for himself as he goes on a strange adventure that lets him discover his special power and defend against a race of monsters that is planning to destroy what is left of the world.

Ezero · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Human Filth Pt. I

 "Hey!" A voice shouted. Behind him was a man, maybe in his twenties, riding a horse. "Grab on!" He said as he extended his arm.

 Avis grabbed the man's hand and swung himself onto the back of the horse, almost making the poor ride fall over.

 "...My name's Jason! I was searching for that same carriage when I saw you run after it, my sister was also captured by that infuriating man, that fucking scam artist will get what he deserves! We need to hurry, otherwise they'll have the people sign a slave contract!"

"I'm Avis, in a similar situation I guess."

"Then let's catch those bastards!"

 Jason was well built but with his rough clothes and long curlyi hair, he could be mistaken for a beggar, but even so, he had an expensive-looking sword on his belt. He also didn't have a heavy accent like the other people.

 "Where the hell did they go?!" Jason exclaimed as they reached a split in the road.

 Avis concentrated on the location of Maizy's sword, and he found her much easier this time as he was away from the town.

 "Go left!"

 "You sure?"

"Trust me, I'm damn sure!"

 The man didn't stay around as he made the horse run to the left. They continued that way until Avis felt the energy stop for a while before it disappeared altogether.

 'She must have exhausted her energy, but I know where she is.'

 "Slow down, they are up ahead."

 Jason nodded, and at Avis' direction, made the horse stop so they could get off. They went through some bushes, and ahead saw the same carriage that they followed, outside of a house. The house didn't look like the average bandit hideout, so it must have been hijacked by them. Its windows were boarded up, but it was unguarded from the outside.

 As they approached, they could hear shouts and cries for help.

 "Please, I don't want to… Please stop! Agh!" *SLAP* "No!" An unknown girl's voice was heard.

 Avis looked at Jason, as he was clutching his sword.

 "I'll go through the back, you bust through the door when you hear a loud bang, kill as many as you can, and I'll take care of the rest."

 Jason nodded, taking his sword out to show its golden blade.

 Avis soundlessly launched himself on top of the house, and sure enough, there was a window in the roof that wasn't boarded.

 'What a half-assed job.'

 Under the window was a floor made out of old wood that probably had a use for storage, so as Avis raised his invisible hand, and smashed it through the window, it also went through that floor.

 While the kidnappers were distracted by the ceiling caving in, their door was busted down by Jason, and he stabbed one of them in the back.

 As Avis looked through the window frame, he counted the people in the room, and realized there were about ten armed men, and some tied-up people, mostly young girls. He searched for the man who scorched him earlier, and he found that he was right below him.

 'I'm in luck.'

 He launched himself inside, moving towards the ground at blistering speeds, and using his spirit, he punched down on the man's head as he raised it to look at Avis, but before he could do anything, the invisible fist descended on him, bending his neck until his neck ripped at the base.

 As the other men raised their weapons and charged at the two intruders.

 Avis unsheathed his sword, and opened his other eyes.

 'They aren't as strong as the pirate captain, but if they use their spirits I need to be able to react.'

 The first man reached Avis, and their swords clashed. The man tried his best, but before he could attack a second time, his stomach was already cut open.

 When he realized this, the man fell to his knees, letting go of his sword as he was clutching the falling intestines.

 "Disgusting creatures, you need to be exterminated, I'll fucking kill all of you!"

The man wasn't listening to what Avis was saying, choosing to try and conserve his life, but the tip of a sword was stuck in his neck. As the feeling of cold iron made its way to his brain, it was already too late, it was unknown if he died of suffocation or blood loss. 

 Leaving the man, Avis rushed another, but as the new opponent tried to attack, his sword, together with his hand, got flung in the air, he clutched the stump that was left, screaming in terror.

 "Please, please don't…! Agh!" The man was kicked in the neck, his throat collapsed, and he fell to the ground, suffocating. Weirdly enough, Avis chose not to put him out of his misery.

 "It's ironic that you beg the same way as your captives. It goes to show that you aren't actual people, you are just…"

 Another of the men launched his spirit at him, a great vine, leafy and real looking, but it was quickly cut down, closing his eyes for a second as his hand smashed the man's head into the ground.

 "...pests! Pests that need to be…"

 As another man was quickly approaching, his arms being doubled by a set of two enormous claws akin to those of a bear that came out of his shoulders, Avis slashed twice, and the man's four arms came off.

 'This sword is amazing!'

 "Pests that need to be exterminated for good!"

 With another slash, the man's necl was cut clean from his body, spraying some blood on Avis' face.

 "Behind you!" Jason yelled as his sword was just coming out of someone's chest.

 Avis turned just in time to see three swords descending on him. He raised his sword, but was unable to block all three strikes, as one hit him across the chest. He jumped back, but he was tripped by a body's leg, and in that moment of vulnerability, every person in the room descended on him.

 As ten blades slashed at his falling body, using his fall's momentum to turn in the other direction, he pushed off the ground, slicing four people, making one lose an eye while the others were left with different deep wounds.

 The other people were stuck for a moment as the fear they felt began to nestle in their hearts, they took a more defensive approach, as they grouped together, waiting for Avis to strike. But without Avis moving, two of them rapidly dropped dead, Jason had snuck up behind them.

 Splitting their attention, the last five were easy enough to deal with between the two of them, they completely overpowered them, crushing any sign of a fight and turning it into an execution, and as they finished up, only one was left alive, the one who was cowering in the corner since Avis took down the first man, it was the same man he met at the docks.

 "Please, I will do anything!" The man begged.

 Jason was about to put an end to his life, but Avis stopped him.

 "Go rescue the captives. I will deal with him."

 "But…! This bastard!"

 "Do as I say…" Avis said, his tone towards his accomplice shifting.

 Jason eventually left, rushing to his sister.

 Avis looked around, and near him was a sheet of paper.

 "A contract… Is this the one you made the people sign?"

 "Y-yes, yes…"

 As Avis approached the man, contract in hand, he crouched next to him.

 After thoroughly inspecting it, Avis bit the tip of his finger, and with a bloody fingerprint, signed as the enforcer.

 "Your turn…"