
Spirit of the Black Wolf

Paul is an 18-year-old trying to find a purpose in his life. He usually spends his time hanging out with his godfather, Wes, who everyone in town knows as “The Town’s Witch” and is also teaching Paul, witchcraft. One day while out fishing with Wes, Paul was involved in an accident that changed his life completely. Now, Paul must figure out why this happened to him and why he is the last of his kind.

AthanLevi28 · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Mathew vs Us Pt 2

We know just how skillful Mathew is, and he knows just how strong we are, but without Wes here, we are just child's play to him.

He stood across from us waiting and probably plotting out how he will kill each one of us.

Rae, with Mathew's sword at hand, was reflecting the sunlight off it, blinding anyone who looked at it.

The bodies of the hunters who attacked us earlier were still laying around the crater that Anthony made.

Even though all three of us are standing here together acting tough, it is not enough to take down Mathew.

Rae must have noticed that I was struggling with myself on what to do next, "Paul, we got this. We can take him down and win this. I will go ahead and take the lead and let him hit me with all that he has, so no one else can get hurt. I know that I am not skilled enough with weapons, but I have to try to keep him distracted long enough for both of you to attack him at once when the time is right. He is alone and has no one to help him, but there are three of us and the odds are in our favor. So, we will now see who is better, his skills or our friendship."

Rae actually seemed ready for this fight; I had never seen this side of her.

This is crazy!

"Rae! Don't be reckless about this. Attacking that guy head-on will only result in death. We need to come up with a better strategy if we want to win, or better yet live."

"We can't wait anymore, and I am not going to surrender either because we will end up getting killed anyways, at least like this, I can go down fighting."

"Earlier, you could not hit him once, or even land a scratch, how are you going to do it? This man has some serious moves."

Rae still did not break eye contact with Mathew, "Paul, I have to try. I do not want to see any of my friends getting hurt or dying in front of me. I will gladly give up my life if it means that it will save all of you. So, I am begging you, please, let me defend each one of you, this is the vow I took whenever you and Bryanna came to class and I saw how badly my friends were injured, I cannot stand by and allow any of this to happen again."

"What happened to Paul and me is not your fault! You do not need to blame yourself for that night, you weren't there."

"Exactly! I wasn't there for you when you needed me the most and it is my fault, I will never be able to forgive myself. I think about it every night when I lay down in bed. It torments me all the time! I could have lost both of you that day."

I had no idea that what happened to us that night was eating Rae up the whole time. I must be the worst friend ever to not have ever noticed that she was hurting inside. I feel like a complete ass for not knowing how she felt the entire time. She should have talked to someone, better yet, one of us.

I stood there in silence feeling sorry for what happened when Rae gripped the handle of the sword and launched herself at Mathew.

"Rae wait a minute! Hold on!" I yelled, but it was too late to stop her from attacking.

Mathew raised his left hand motioning her to come at him, "So you are the one to die first! That's it, just keep coming at me! Once I kill you, the feelings that I have for you will die alongside you!" and prepared to engage in their fight.

Rae raised the sword skyward and swung straight down as she closed the distance between them.

Mathew evaded the attack by sidestepping, "You are going to have to be faster than that to land a hit on me. I will say, that was an impressive swing, you were able to leave a scar on the ground, but unfortunately, the ground is not your opponent, I am!"

Bryanna and I both stared at each other in surprise acknowledging that if she had landed that blow, it would have been over.

I am glad that Rae is on our side and not an enemy because I would hate to have to pick a fight with her. I know that we are not skilled warriors, but she is starting to swing that sword recklessly and might end up hurting herself or one of us if we tried to jump in and help.

Rae seemed unfazed by his comments and started to copy his sword movement from earlier when he was switching his blade back and forth between his hands.

I can see the pure focus on her face with the intention to kill this guy. I can tell that Rae is not playing around anymore and is serious about taking Mathew down.

"Pathetic, it is time for me to end this and put you out of your damn misery." Mathew twisted his body to the left and swung his sword as if he were playing baseball, "Who's next? Will it be you Bryanna for throwing that rock at me or will it be you, Paul?"

"Your fight is still with me!"

Mathew ducked and rolled out of the way to evade Rae's attack, "I thought you were dead?!"

"You thought wrong!" and started to taunt him with a grin on her face, "You missed me!"

After her attack, Rae backed up giving herself space and ready for the next attack. As I stared at Rae, I noticed that she was acting tough again because her shirt on the right had a huge cut on it and I could smell the heavy iron of blood. It does not seem like the cut was deep, if it were, she would not still be standing.

Bryanna yelled at Rae, "Your shirt has been cut!"

"I am not worried about this shirt; I can always buy myself a new one." Rae ripped off her shirt and smiled at Mathew, who still looked confused about just what happened.

"Rae?! You pervert! Trying to seduce me in the middle of the fight by taking off your clothes! I won't fall for such tricks even though you have some amazing boobs, it won't work on me!" Mathew shouted.

I wish he would stop looking at her like that, only I can do that! I also would not mind if he cut off any other clothing.

Mathew quickly got his composure together, "I am curious about one thing, how are you still standing? I was sure that I hit you. This is an impressive feat because not just anyone can avoid my hit."

Rae still grinning at Mathew, "It was easy, you were not paying attention and I memorized your moves by now."

Mathew paused for a moment, "I knew coming here we would have a fight in our hands with Wes, knowing that he is a high caliber witch, but never did I expect for any of you to try and give me a tough time. Anthony with a lightning strike and Rae with some combat skills. I must say that I did underestimate the situation. I wonder now what both of you are capable of."

He would be shocked if I were able to transform and control myself. I think I would have won this fight when he stepped into our yard.

"Rae, keep doing what you are doing, and we will win this fight!" I turned to Bryanna, "Are you ready?"

"Let's do this!"