
Hi! We're the cavalry

Aiden rubbed his eyes, "What are you talking about?" He asked, his voice tired and concerned.

"I called for help. How long was I out?" Harriott put her arm on Aiden's shoulder. He looked awful, like he had been to war.

"Five hours. I hid you here. Then I made a false trail with my bracelet." Aiden leaned on the iron wall. "They haven't found us here yet, but we should get moving." Harriott looked at her surroundings, they were in a metal room with two doors on opposite sides of the room. The room wasn't big, with Aiden and Harriott it wasn't cramped, but only 3 more people could fit in here.

Harriott focussed back on Aiden as he stood up, moving to the door, "Wait." Moving would only result in them being found faster, she had been safe in here for 5 hours, no better spot could be found on such short notice.

"There's help on its way, we should just wait here." She glanced at her watch, wishing there was a way to know if Jay heard her. She would wait here for him, but if he didn't come she would need a plan.

"Did you contact Lyle with your necklace?" Hopoe entered Aiden's eyes as he searched for her necklace.

Harriott blinked, she had forgotten about Lyle's necklace. She fished out her necklace, ready to alert Lyle. She paused, Aubree's joyful face flashing in her head. Aubree was looking forward to this break. Lyle's nervous; but determined face followed, he had been separated from Aubree for so long. She couldn't be the one to tear them apart again. If someone was after Harriott they would be watching Aubree, it would be better to let them go on their trip, she could find a way out of this without them.

She looked at Aiden, "I called Jay." She didn't want him to be surprised when Jay came. Aiden didn't trust Jay, but Harriott did. He would be here, and he would help them out of this.

Aiden's eyes widened, "Are you crazy?" He clenched his fists, hitting his leg, "Jay is the one person we can say without a doubt works for the government. He could be behind all this. We were doing fine before he showed up." He relaxed his hands and his fingers brushed an empty wrist. His words of creating a false trail returned to Harriott.

"You made the false trail with your bracelet?" Harriott asked, realizing why she hadn't been found yet.

Aiden nodden, "I put it on a cat a while ago. I'm hoping they think I ditched your watch since you haven't moved and they haven't found you. Not that it will help us now that we have a homing beacon on us." He leaned against the metal wall, his eyes closing as he took in some deep breaths.

Harriott stood up, putting her hand on his shoulder, "I trust Jay. My gut says he'll help us."

Aiden opened his eyes, looking at her, "You sure? Sure it's not just wishful thinking?" He looked into her eyes, fragile trust surfacing.

Harriott nodded, "I'm not sure how, but I know he'll help us. I don't want to expose Lyle, I want them to leave and be together without worrying about us." She looked at Aiden's tired, and concerned gaze, "But I'll alert them now if you think that's best." She took off her necklace, handing it to Aiden. Aiden took it, looking at the turquoise stone and elaborate silver wire.

He shook his head and handed it back, "I trust your gut. We'll stay hidden and see what Jay does when he gets here." Aiden moved to the door, opening it so they could see outside. Harriott moved to the other side, opening the door over there.

She looked outside, seeing the central square, empty and quiet. Harriott didn't have to worry about anyone seeing her as she looked out. She had made this with Aiden last year. Once Aiden had received a gene of his own he wanted to make sure they could escape if targeted. So he had hidden this room inside an ornamental rock he had made in school, hiding these doors with illusion technology. The rock had been a service project for the town and they had decided to install it in the central square. The months they had taken to create it had been to prepare for this exact moment.

"There's someone over here." Aiden said, making room as Harriot walked to look out his door.

Two people walked in the square, they were looking at a phone, then scanning the area. Harriott felt her gut drop, they had to be looking for them. She looked closer, trying to see if they worked for the government. One was a man, he wore a fedora and glasses. He had a white button up shirt with the top buttons undone. His partner was a girl, shorter by a head. She wore headphones around her neck and a black jacket that wasn't zipped. Her shirt was a plain orange red and she had jeans on. Harriott wasn't sure what to make of them. The girl took out her phone and dialed a number, talking and nodding as they walked.

"What do you think?" Harriott asked Aiden, watching the two closely.

"They're looking for something, most likely us, but they don't seem like government agents. I wouldn't want to approach them though." Aiden's tone gave away his tension, he had been standing in a relaxed manner, but his voice was tight.

"Yeah, those're my thoughts too. I think if they come closer we can hear their call." Harriott hoped they were here to help, she wasn't sure who was chasing them though. They expected it to be the government, they could be wrong though.

Harriott kept a close watch on the two, then turned back to check the other door. She saw Jay walking through the square, eyes searching the square. He was wearing a reddish brown hoodie, a bag over his shoulder.

"Aiden. Jay's here." Harriott felt relief flow through her, he had really come. Now she just had to see if he could get Aiden to trust him. She looked over her shoulder, watching as Aiden tracked Jay, nodding to himself before turning back to watch the other two. This was a good sign, he was willing to turn his back to him.

Jay looked up from his phone, waving to the other two. So, he knew them. The three came together in the middle of the courtyard, right in front of the rock's third door.

Harriott looked at it, wanting to know what was going on outside, "Will opening it be too loud?" She peaked out her door, still unable to see or hear the three of them.

Aiden shrugged, "We'd better not risk it. We'll have to wait and see what they do." He leaned on the wall, tilting his head towards the three of them. Harriott did the same, trying to pick anything up. She heard talking, but couldn't make out the words. She sighed, unsure how to move forward. She had called Jay here, wouldn't it seem disrespectful to hide from him? Then again, she really didn't know him well, waiting seemed like the best course of action. His smile as he talked with the star boy entered her head, she narrowed her eyes, trying to stay focussed.

The three appeared in Harriott's view, walking towards her door. The boy had traded his glasses for green sunglasses, "They're coming my way." Harriott said, making room for Aiden on her side. The man with glasses smiled and waved.

"Welp, there goes hiding." Aiden said, a bitter laugh emerging as he watched the three come closer. Harriott let out a nervous laugh, unsure what to do. Should they run? It seemed like Aiden was going to stay, so she settled for a sigh as she rubbed Lyle's necklace.

The three then made it to their door, the man with the glasses leaned on the door, "Knock knock. You guys accepting visitors?" He winked at Harriott, then laughed as Jay glared at him.

"Come on in." Aiden said, stepping away from the door, Harriott followed suit, watching as the man gestured for Jay and the girl to walk through the door. So, only he could see them.

As Jay stepped through the door he smiled as he saw Aidne and Harriott, "I'm glad you guys are alright." He turned to the other two, "I hope you don't mind, I brought the cavalry."

The girl smiled and waved, while the man gave a bow, "Calvin at your service." He took off his sunglasses, replacing them with normal glasses, winking at Harriott, she stared at him, having no idea how to react.

The girl elbowed him in the side, "I'm Shay." She said, her grin open and friendly. Harriott felt her worries lighten, she looked at Shay and smiled. She fingered her watch, glad that the button had worked.

"Thanks for coming." Harriott said, feeling Aiden's suspicious stance beside her.

Jay smiled, "I said I would."

Hey guys! Sorry this is so late.... School just started so things are pretty hectic. Things are starting to calm down so these updates should come out more steadily. Thank you for your support and reading! I'll see you next chapter!

C_L_Spearheadcreators' thoughts