
I heard you like sandwiches

Jay's phone rang. He looked at the number, pressing talk, "Jay here." He answered, he looked at Harriott, "Yeah, we found them."

Aiden stiffened behind Harriott, Harriott saw a glow start to fill the room as he started to warm up his ability.

Jay's eyes widened as he saw this, "Okay, I need to go. Shay will call you back." He hung up and looked at Aiden, "I promise I'm not here to hurt you." He said, his voice gentle. Harriott tilted her head, had he seen Aiden's light? In her experience she was the only one who could see him do that. She had never seen Risin sense Aiden's growing power. Maybe Jay too had a gene, she hadn't sensed anything like that earlier, but he had only stopped his call when Aiden started to gather his power. The light was something Harriott could always see, she could see Ricin's darkness as well, but Aiden had never seen that. She wasn't sure how that skill related to her gene, but it had to be linked in some way.

"What's your plan, then?" Aiden's voice was low, a frightened animal about to snap. Harriott moved closer to him, placing her hand on his shoulder, he wasn't alone. She was here with him and she wouldn't let anything happen to him.

"We're going to take you to one of our safe houses. No one will be able to hurt you there. Then, we'll figure out why people are coming after you. Once we know you'll be able to resume your lives." Jay said, glancing at Shay. Harriott transferred her attention to the girl, who started to fig into her jacket pocket.

Aiden frowned, looking at Harriott, Harriott squeezed his shoulder, they needed help and it was too late to back out of this. She saw light start to shine through the window. Day wasn't too far away, soon the early risers would be going out for runs, or going to work, they had to be inside before that happened.

Shay walked up to them, "Here's proof that we aren't with our wonderful overlord." She handed a crumpled paper to Aiden, giving herself a satisfied smile.

Aiden uncrumpled the paper, sharing it with Harriott. Harriott looked at it, then back at Shay, "This is you?" She asked.

Shay nodded, taking her headphones off her neck and handing them to Harriott, "I'm this town's most wanted. The Komodo! I destroyed the town hall three weeks ago."

Calvin rolled his eyes, "You had to clean it up too." He stepped backwards as Shay swung an elbow at him.

Harriott met Aiden's confused face. The paper Harriott had handed to them was a wanted poster, a blurry picture on it. All you could really see was a set of headphones with the picture of a diamond on them on a shaded person in a cloud of smoke.

Harriott cleared her throat "I never heard of the Town Hall being destroyed."

Shay froze, stopping her assault on Calvin, she turned around, a sheepish grin appearing as she accepted her headphones back. Calvin started laughing behind her, a soft chuckle sounding repressed.

Shay shook her head, "That's because I'm good at my job." She put her hands on her hips, "I'm a Lantern afterall, it's my job to clean up the messes of others."

Calvin started laughing harder, his chuckle becoming a chortle, "Please, you cause the biggest messes around here." He wheezed, supporting himself on the rock wall.

Jay walked in front of them, his eyes serious, "It's time for us to go." He took off his jacket, passing it to Aiden, "Use this to hide your hair. We'll have to be quick. Once people notice Harriott's tracker disappear they'll assume it was us."

Calvin stopped laughing, standing up and putting his green glasses on again, "Got it."

Shay smiled, putting her headphones over her ears "I'll start the distraction."

Calvin nodded, tossing her a bag, "Make it a good one." He said, stepping out of the rock. Aiden put Jay's jacket on, flipping up the hood. Calvin handed Harriott a beanie, "You can use this to hide your hair."

Harriott took the hat and put it on, stuffing her hair inside.

Jay moved behind her, "Let me help." He said, rearranging the hat so the tips of her air showed. Harriott took a soft breath, trying to still her beating heart. Jay moved to her front and brushed some hair in front of her eyes, "This is only a last resort. We're going to move where people hopefully won't see us."

Harriott nodded, ducking her head to avoid Jay's gentle gaze. She didn't want the rapid beating of her heart to be transferred into her face. She glanced at Calvin, watching him whisper to Shay, his eyes lit with conspiracy. Aiden put his hand on her beenie, helping ground her, this wasn't the time to lose her head. This was the time to get out of here.

"Okay, it's time to get going." Jay said, walking out of the rock. Calvin waved Aiden and Harriott through. They walked out of the rock, seeing no one in the square to see them emerge. Harriott walked behind Jay, Aiden by her side and Calvin behind them. Shay had exited the rock on the other side of the square.

Jay looked back at Harriott, "I need you to press your watch one more time, this will scramble the tracker inside." He turned to Aiden, "Your bracelet is in that jacket pocket." He then turned around and began walking away from the square, towards the park they had been in yesterday. Harriott pressed her watch's button again, wondering how this would stop her tracker. After her press there was no change in her watch, no flash of light to signal her new freedom, she hid a chuckle, not sure why she had been expecting anything.

Harriott felt a hand on her shoulder, she looked back, seeing Calvin looking at her, he smiled, "It worked. Trust us, but we need to hurry now." Harriott nodded, jogging to catch up with Aiden who was talking with Jay. she glanced back, seeing Calvin behind her, he too started jogging, but his eyes weren't in focus, they looked like they were spacing out. Harriott shook her head, it probably had to do with his gene. He had seen through their camouflage, so he had to have one.

The threesome ran to an old subway shaft, this town had had sprawling subways, but they had been sealed since the subways shut down. There were too many shadows there for the subways to stay open.

Jay walked to the shaft, rapping an elaborate sequence on the door, Harriott stood next to Aiden, watching her surroundings closely. She saw a group of men starting to approach them.

"Harriott." Jay said, laying his hand on her shoulder, she looked over, seeing the subway shaft open, Jay smiled, "Time to go."

Harriott nodded, walking into the shaft, there were stairs leading down. Aiden was walking down them, glancing up after him. After he saw Harriott he relaxed, moving with more confidence. Harriott watched the walls, amazed there were no cobwebs, the people here must use this entrance quite a lot.

Harriott reached the bottoms, stopping on the last chair. A group of people waited around Aiden. One had a platter of sandwiches, which he let Aiden choose from. Aiden took it, looking back at Harriott with a shrug.

"Hi! Welcome to the Lanterns!" The boy with the sandwiches said, he smiled, "We heard you liked sandwiches."

Hey guys! Sorry this is soooo late..... I'm trying to figure out where this is going and it's taking me much longer than I thought it would. On that note, I'm entering a writing contest! There's an idea that I've been wantign to explore for about a year now that I would like to try. So I'll be updating daily on that one. It's about a girl who gets turned into a werewolf. I would love to see you there! Thank you for reading! See you next chapter!

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