
Spiderman Prime

Unknowingly entangled in a Great Web, a conservative Damien Dark living in Marvel dies from a suspicious spider bite, only for his life to be taken over by a less conservative Damien Dark. Follow Damien as he discovers and advances how to swing with magic, just so that he can protect his Life Force from Marvel’s gallery of rogues. This is fanfic is a what-if case on the first Spiderman's story - Earth-001 (Spiderman Prime). I own nothing but my character and plot.

SorcererPrime · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 6. The Unlucky Spider Part 1


(Damien's POV)


If I wasn't sure before, I am now. 

I am Damien Dark. 

I am not your typical Spider-guy.

I was bitten by a suspicious, gold-colored spider that I believe to be mystical in nature. Now, I swing with magic among other, proportionally augmented, spider-abilities.

However, magic in Marvel is annoyingly consequential. And the consequence of having magic spider abilities is finally starting to dawn on me.

(To be Continued...)



The accounts manager had decided to continue her birthday celebrations at her specific joint, before considering what other crazy things she wanted to do with her subordinates.

"Drink! Drink! Drink!" 

Nothing made me cringe harder than seeing a bunch of thirty-year-olds trying to reignite the flame of their younger days. I'm not trying to be judgmental with this, but they were definitely overdoing it; cheering like a bunch of college undergraduates.

Being the only twenty in their group, I honestly didn't think I could manage to hang around my seniors much longer. 

And so, after the first round, I distanced myself under the pretense of getting more drinks, leaving them to cheer the boss on as she cleared a bottle of alcohol, while the rest took shots.

The place the boss - the accounts manager - had chosen to celebrate her thirty-something birthday was a small bar/restaurant joint with a touch of middle-class aura.

She could have of course chosen a fancier place for the celebration, but she appreciated the sense of nostalgia that came with being in that specific place.

Personally, I appreciated the counter that came with it, that allowed me to get a good drink without having to be associated with the 'weirdoes' in the left corner.

But that's just an excuse.

Honestly, all I wanted was to have a clearer and uninterrupted view of the bartender. You could say that she was gorgeous, but more than that, it's how she made me feel that really mattered.

Her look made me feel a tingling sensation all across and around my body, and her accidental touch shook me to the very core of my being.

My heart had to keep up with alternating from pounding extremely fast to beating regularly. I found myself mesmerized by how she mixed the drinks, and I kept ordering impulsively just to retain her full attention.

Besides smiling at me, she hardly talked to me, or anyone else for that matter. She seemed to be completely aware of all the people lusting for her, with some of them practically drooling while shooting some cringe-worthy shots.

I could have talked to her, and I was not afraid of swinging and missing, but the idea that making contact could make the thrilling feeling I was experiencing dissipate made me choose to wait a tad bit longer.

There was always the probability that I could lose the chance of interacting with her personally, but I was very confident in my LUCK. 

I was the only guy she hadn't stopped serving drinks personally, despite ordering non-stop. She kept looking at me while smiling more times than I could count as if acknowledging the otherworldly connection I was feeling.

She even stirred my drinks with her pointing finger, or while assuming a seductive pose..., all with a flirtatious glance that flooded my system with an indescribable set of hormones that felt too good to be human-secreted.

And as the time passed and the other dudes gave up trying to match the little attention she was giving me, I felt completely in love with her and started dissecting her features.

She had blonde flowing hair, and her skin looked smooth as silk. Her heavy bosom elegantly popped, and if you looked a bit closer, like all the men obviously did, you could make out both her nipples.

I was sure that she had deliberately left out putting on a bra, but I didn't feel any desire to judge her. Not especially while I was distracted considering just how firm and enticing her breasts looked underneath.

However, I was very cautious not to spook her, and I kept delivering the drinks I ordered to the accountants' table. But I was certain that she appreciated catching my untrained 'bombastic side eye'.

From the name tag on her chest, I figured out her name to be Jenny, and everything else about her was marvelous.

Jenny's pink lips and red eyes made me covet her to be mine, and after what felt like an eternity of shaking with desire, I finally made the move. I had had my fill of the allure and was now ready to move to the next step.

I approached her as she dried a couple of soaked glasses with a clean white towel.

"Thanks for the drinks." It felt relaxing to finally talk and release all that vent up energy. "You have honestly served me well tonight. I'm sure the tip reflects that."

I placed a bunch of notes I hadn't really counted on the counter before her, but their weight just felt right.

"That's very kind." As she received the money, Jenny gave me a keener look that purposefully turned to a stare. The tension between us only got stiffer, but I was certain that she was gauging my confidence.

However, the music and sounds in the background eased things.

"It's Jenny, right?" I remained composed while avoiding telling her she looked beautiful so early in our conversation. Also, there was probably no other person in the world who could outrank her confidence in knowing that she was extremely beautiful.

She delicately nodded as she purposefully stashed the money in a very specific area on her body and continued her job.

"And what's your name?" Jenny asked while still giving me that look that used to make me feel jittery.

"Damien." I replied while matching her tone.

"How are you feeling tonight, Damien?" She inquired with a teasing smile.

"Something tells me you really want to know." It was crazy how we looked at each other for so long and neither of us seemed to flinch or feel awkward. However, I kept feeling the need to appreciate her beauty.

"I did ask, didn't I?" She said.

"I feel like," I started without breaking eye contact. "I feel like the greatest night of my life is a few moments from happening."

"I was almost convinced from the way you said it." Jenny chortled, causing me a slightly nervous chuckle. Damned fool, why did I have to be that frank?

Our eye contact broke from that experience, and it became more natural from their.

"Yeah, me too." That was all I needed to say to get back on track.

"What about you. How are you feeling tonight?" I boomeranged her question.

"Tonight? I'm feeling curious about this guy I've had my eyes on all night. I keep wondering what makes him so special that he would catch my attention so quickly, and wholly." Jenny replied.

"Sounds like you've got a mystery to solve." I suggested, feeling privileged.

"Except, I have the mystery solved already." Jenny said. "He's either got a delicious secret, or one that could land me into a lot of trouble."

"But you still don't know what the secret really is." I pointed out. "The mystery remains unsolved."

"Okay, I'll play ball." She started. "So, Damien. Got any secrets I need to know about?" Jenny asked genuinely.

"Mmh." She had no problem revealing that I was her mystery guy.

"And if you lie to me, I'll know Damien." She said her words kindly, but they gave me shivers like I hadn't experienced all night. I felt like I could tell her every little detail of my life, and it wouldn't change how she looked at me.

My roller coaster of emotions only seemed to go up and down faster, and in rhythm with my now struggling heart.

Once I got calmer, I replied to her. "I don't have any secrets."

"Good. I'm convinced." Jenny said as she retired from the drying and undid her apron while walking away and disappearing on the opposite end of the counter where her colleague worked tirelessly to cater for the remaining customers.

After several shot moments (literally), she came back with a red coat on.

"Come on. Not this again," The remaining bartender didn't seem happy with seeing Jenny stashing her apron underneath the counter.. "Your shift isn't over yet Jen."

"I know. See you tomorrow, Freddy." Jenny said while pecking Freddy's cheek with her lips. I don't wanna describe how jealous that made me feel.

And from how confidently she walked on from Freddy, one could guarantee you that she'd still have a job the following day.

The way she walked with her hair flowing naturally would make you think she was either moving in slow motion, or the counter was really long.

She even had the time to button up her red coat to conceal the perfectly-fitting, uniquely styled, black dress she had been wearing.

Once again, she made my senses go crazy and calm down at the same time. 

"Got a nice place?" Jenny asked directly as soon as she had gotten close to me again. I didn't need telling to know what she had in mind.

"You'll love it." I replied without a stutter.

"Good." She said as she led the way to the door. "I always enjoy doing it in a nice place."

I was pretty sure my boss would yell at me some point for ditching her celebration that early, but I had gotten a more enticing alternative. 

Besides, the account's manager was already wasted AF, and she was sharing some pretty darning secrets about her.


From the joint, Jenny and I had already gotten pretty busy on the street side before we could even consider flagging down a cab. I didn't wanna read too deep into it, so I stacked up thoughts about pheromones at the furthest corner in the back of my mind.

With her lips and body attached to mine, I felt as if our very souls had intertwined, and we were soaring across the heavens. There was no denying that our connection was nothing shot of ethereal.

"You got drinks in your place?" She was breathing heavily from the palpable kiss as she asked, her lips detaching from mine with the sound of it leaving me to beg for more.

"$##%!" I remembered that Marvel me didn't drink alcohol, and I hadn't gotten around to correcting that slight error.

"How glad are you that I got these?" She showed me two bottles of wine in her possession. It was impressive that she had not only been able to smuggle them from work, but also the fact that even I couldn't detect them during our embrace.

"Prepared. I like that." I nodded while finally flagging down a cab.

She was first to go in to the back seat, then I followed her via the opposite door, only to find that she had already opened one bottle and was on the verge of absorbing its contents.

I wasn't about to let her get drunk and emotional on me before the appointed hour came, and I stopped her from taking even a sip.

"Trust me. It'll be more exciting if we do it together at my place." I reassured her while taking the bottle from her.

"Well, that's a first." Jenny had observed, sounding a bit surprised. "Normally, guys like it if their prey is completely wasted." 

She payed me a keener eye as if looking through a microscope. 

"I know what you mean." I replied knowingly. "But I've recently began living in the moment, and I'd like to keep a clean sheet on that experience. I hope you are up for that."

"All night, I've been wondering about you." Jenny started. "You are a handsome guy. Younger than usual... but you got great hair, and you even sound and look like you care. But you see, there's something very unique about you that got me into this cab."

I couldn't pretend that I hadn't heard 'younger than usual'. Just how many dudes had been through her?

Was I making some sort of mistake?

But I couldn't deny what I was feeling. It would be damning if I refused to see where all this went.

"I hope it's something freaking amazing, because that's all I've been feeling all night." I replied, hopefully.

"There's something special about you, and I'm gonna find out tonight, Damien." Jenny said while genuinely looking at me curiously. 

"Now, kiss me hard and let's make the driver horny." Jenny threw herself, her lips interlocking with mine perfectly once again, and it was the best damn kiss I had ever experienced in all of my existence.

"You know I can hear you, right?" I'm sure the taxi driver regretted pointing that fact out.

(To be continued...)