
Spiderman: Angel of Adversity

"I just... just... wanted to be special... like you..." Those were the last words spoken by Peter Benjamin Parker of Earth-65. Peter grew up bullied for his nerdy and nebbish nature and was dubbed "Pathetic Parker" by his tormentors. With the imperfect Lizard serum down his throat, so was his fate sealed. His death would inspire Spider-Woman's heroic acts. However! The web woven around his fate seemingly took a turn, as Peter was destined to meet an Angel. Would SHE be his salvation? Would Peter define his fate? Disclaimer: I do not own anything from Marvel or other original works; this is a fanfic of inspiration. Characters and the original storyline belong to their rightful owners.

Paradox_057 · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 4: New Lizard and The Angle.

Five days had passed since the time Peter stole the serum.

Peter exhaustively threw his school bag aside as he threw himself onto the bed. Buried his head into the pillow, he breathed a long sigh of relief as he reached his safe haven.

There wasn't much going on about those five days—still the same boring school, same bullies—they did get hasher though, and Peter didn't know why, not that he cared anyway as he could put up with all of it.

Uncle Ben and Aunt May were still as wholesome as ever; even if Peter hid quite a lot of things (the bully, serum, etc.) from them, they still showered him with endless care and love. Peter smiled as he remembered their faces, seeing their nerdy godson come out of his room more often, eating healthier, and even beginning to work out more!

Little did they know it was also a part of what Peter did to prepare his body, as taking the serum would be quite a painful and relatively dangerous process. Albeit having been modified by Peter, the mishaps the Lizard Serum contained still exist; therefore, an extra bit of carefulness would do good.

About Gwen... Peter nudged his glasses instinctively, as if to see the sadness behind those hazel eyes.

Gwen and Harry had been getting closer and closer than ever; Peter could clearly perceive Harry's intention; hell, even MJ seemed to root for the two implicitly.

Peter's logical side totally gets it; they were the perfect match. A wealthy bad boy and an energetic drum girl.

Compared to a pathetic nerd with two stupid, thick as freak glasses, Gwen deserved better. And, more importantly, she smiled a lot more when being with him...

Still, what about his emotions? What about his love growing bigger and bigger day by day ever since they were five years old?

Only silence replied to his bleeding heart.

Moments passed as Peter collected his thoughts; his eyes drew their intention towards the serum raised in his had.

It was still preserved carefully and never left his side. The green vial shone with glimmers, tempting him to drink this thing right now, changing everything.

However, the image of the owl's feather once again surfaced in his mind as Peter let out a defeated groan.

"God Dammit! UGRRR"

Here came the biggest thing that had come out of the ordinary during the past five days: the scrouge of his extreme exhaustion.

Peter would randomly find the fleeting silhouette of the mysterious girl, observing him silently across the street, among the rooftops, through the shop's windows, and even sitting gracefully high on a tree's branch, catching Peter's gaze.

It was the mesmerising, mysterious looks in those eyes that sent chills down his spine as they reminded him of the horrid image of his death.

Even worse, Peter would find himself wide awake in the middle of the night, heaving hot breaths as he dreamed of the park stuck in forever twilight with the girl sitting patiently under the grandiose leafless tree, caressing an Eurasian Eagle Owl gently whilst many others perched firmly around her.

Those big, wide amber eyes shone brightly as they reflected the afterglow, giving Peter the feeling of being scrutinised. Which was utterly creepy.

As a result of these restless disturbances, heavy eye bags and messy brown hair were prone to happen, coupled with the slowly piling stress. What pissed him off was that when he told his childhood friend about this, their reaction wasn't what he wanted. Harry was laughing it off, telling him to take his mind off school work, go relax, or something like that. Gwen, she did show some concern; though Peter could feel her pity in it, the girl probably regarded this as a fiction of his already troubled mind.

Sigh, Peter was really exhausted.

He would still need to wait a few more weeks, probably a few days before prom's night, to take the serum.

With a final thought, the genius boy drifted into a peaceful state. Unbeknownst to Peter, tomorrow would be a big day for him, a faithful day.


Well, right off the bat, school today was suck! Totally suck as Peter found himself drowning in disgusting food as Ned and his gang poured it on him along with their unusually hash laughter and slanders.

Earlier in the day, the moment Peter set foot in the classroom, Ned and his gang had put him under various mean pranks and bullies, spit-balls, breaking his glasses, hitting him, his locker...

Gwen was nowhere to be seen; the same was true for Harry; therefore, Ned could freely let out his rampage on the Pathetic Parker under everyone's gaze.

Shame, helplessness, rage—all those negative thoughts that piled up finally surfaced and exploded.

"ARG!" With all his strength, Peter gave Ned quite a hefty punch before dashing off out of the school.

He ran as fast as he could away from all those curious gazes, into a seemingly abandoned warehouse somewhere on the outskirts of the city.

Peter sprawled on the ground, breathing heavily, as he was indeed running as if his life depended on it. The boy let out a hearty laugh, despite the fact that it might hurt his bruises.

It was quite some time before Peter could calm his dilapidating heart and regain his strength.

His body was tattered with bruises while his mind was filled with extreme rage and resolved, seemingly nulling his logical thoughts as he clutched the lustrous green serum in his hand. The brown feather was nowhere to be found; it must have been lost during the run.

"To hell with the wait! Time to change!"

Peter muttered with heavy breaths as he composed his state before gulping the serum in one go.

Second passed as nothing really happened...

"Well, the taste was not that bad-"

Peter's sight turned blurry all of a sudden as creeping pain spread to every fibre of his body. His body was hot and cold simultaneously, as if his body were shredded and pieced together crudely.

Peter sprawled on the ground, clutching his heart tightly as he tried not to succumb to the pain. His nail was buried into the skin, blood sipped down, and even his ears were feeling like they were being pieced with needles... Blood sipped out.

His eyes were bloodshot, long gone the hazel colour as the colour of his eyes slowly turned crimson red, filled with threats and madness.

Soon, Peter's skin shredded as he could feel his body enlarging.

Minutes passed, but for the boy, it was like one hell of a process. Peter knew it would be easy and was glad that he was seemingly prepared for it.

Peter finally regained his full consciousness over his new body. His red-reptilian eyes glimmered with interest while his mind assessed his powers.

He now possessed a variety of superhuman attributes.

It is worth noting that his scale was exceptionally durable, as Peter calculated that he could take a bazooka full-on without a scratch.

Next was his full-control body ability, which granted him near-complete control over their bodily functions and an inhumane sense of balance.

His tail even dripped with paralysed or deadly poison, as he wished.

He also unlocked the ability to go invisible, like Gecko.

Impressively, his Regenerative Healing Factor was much much more potent then he thought, as Peter mind told him that he could grow a new arm in less than 2 second, Though it did drain his stamina, it wasn't that much

The Serum also gave quite a boost to his mind, giving him more clarity and far surpassing brain's computing powers.

And because it is an upgraded version, drawbacks like Extreme Temperatures and tending to become more feral and berserk while in his lizard form, losing reason and strategy were nonexistent.

"Cool~" Peter exclaimed vigorously as he looked at his claws. He did try to throw a few hits, which alarmed him enough to adjust his strength carefully, lest this could bring him a lot of unwanted things.

Not only that, Peter was amassed as his view underwent a massive change. First was the Reptilian Empathy which can telepathically communicate and control all forms of reptilian life within a two-mile distance. He could even activate the "lizard part" in a human brain, causing them to act on basic reptile instincts.

This meant not only could Peter see things kilometres away clearly with his exceptional eyesight, he could sense any living being within 2 kilometres.

The next best thing Pete got from the upgraded Lizard Serum was Danger Intuition.

"Yup! Let's call it that." Peter sneered inwardly as he assessed this amazing ability. Technically, he can intuitively detect danger, thus achieving some sort of reliable short-term form of premonition.

His happy mood was short-lived as Peter suddenly heard an scream coming from an old man outside the warehouse. His running and transformation must have caused quite a ruckus, drawing unwanted attention.

Peter's mind turned frantic as he perceived the beep-beep sound of patrol police coming from a mile away. He quickly looked away and accidentally miscalculated his strength, heading the floor to collapse, coincidentally beneath the place, a sewer tunnel.

Using his new-found powers, Peter landed perfectly, assessing the surroundings. Peter quickly dashed away from the collapse point, into the dark, unhindered, as he could see the place as clear as day.

After a few minutes of tireless running, Peter stopped to collect his thoughts as he transformed back into his human form.

"Wow!" Peter Hazel's eyes sparkle as he addresses his half-naked, lean body, looking better than ever.

It is worth mentioning that, in his human form, all his power was halved.

Well, flexing time was over, as Peter needed to find a way up. But first, he needs to put something on. It got chillies down here as his trousers were reduced to shorts and his glasses, shoes, and shirt were long gone. Lucky Peter managed to grab his blue denim hoodie before the fall.

"Now, where to go?"

It was then that Peter caught sight of a feather!? scattered along the way, as if begging him to follow them.

Peter followed them sceptically as he gave them the benefit of doubt. Soon, the feather led him to a ladder leading to the ground above.

Peter steadily climbed the ladder as he braced for the worst to happen.


Welcome the Boy was a rather familiar scene: a desert park with leafless trees and yellow grass, mottle grey parkways, and antiquity filling the air. Twilight shrouded the entire area.

"Incredible," Peter muttered.

Even though he had stood here many times in his dream, the feeling of actually being here wide awake was still novel.

And there she was—the mysterious petite girl—sitting on a bench under a grandiose leafless tree. She was playing with a feather in her hand as owls of various species surrounded her. As if mystery oozed from her.

Her entire posture screamed loftiness and dignity.

Peter dared not let his guard down, especially before the one that has haunted him lately.

Gulping subconsciously, he was bracing for the worst.

Yet it never came, as the girl was the first to break the heavy silence.

"Finally, we meet, Mr. Parker." Her voice was ethereal yet clear enough for Peter to be taken aback by it.


Nice to meet you too...

By the way, cool feathers and your oddly pets... Owl...

But who are you?"

Peter's felt a chill down his spine, not from fear but rather from her loftiness.

The girl let out a light chuckle, and her dark ember eye shone with interest as she spoke in her ethereal voice.

"Allow me to introduce myself...

I'm Wanderer of Destiny

Observator of Fate 

Patron of the Good

Sympathiser of the Ugly

Angle of Adversity.

And I'm here to offer you an accord."