
Spider-Verse: The New Hero

After a tragic accident involving a truck, teenager Ren awakens in a mysterious laboratory. Confused and disoriented, he learns that he has been injected with a serum containing a blend of spider and human DNA. As Ren struggles to comprehend his situation, he begins to manifest incredible powers, including heightened agility, strength, and the ability to generate web-like substances from his wrists. Using these newfound abilities, Ren manages to escape the laboratory. (The original world of the the MC is a crossover world while he also travels the multiverse of marvel. This is a rewrite of my other fanfic Spider-Verse: The Devouring Spider)

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20 Chs

New Body

It was dark.

All he could see was pitch black just like as if he was in the abyss. There was not even a shred of light. The only light in the entire plain was his glowing body which was his soul.

Confusion engulfed him as he questioned his surroundings, pondering his existence in this new form.

"Where... where am I?" Ren murmured to himself, his voice echoing into the void.

He started to walk in the dark plain. He don't even know how he was able to walk in the darkness. He walked in any direction as he could only see blackness everywhere.

But the a distant light caught his attention. With an instinctual pull, he began to traverse the desolate space towards the beckoning glow. With each step, his luminosity intensified, casting an ethereal aura around him.

Approaching the light, he discovered a colossal screen, flickering with scenes from someone else's life. The screen was glowing brightly and was floating.

Intrigued, Ren focused on the unfolding memories, witnessing the tale of a child with the same name as him, bound to a wheelchair, his lower body paralyzed by tragedy.

In the silence of the void, snippets of dialogue echoed around him:

"Why can't I walk like everyone else? I-Im just a burden" the child's voice trembled with longing and frustration.

"You're not a burden, Ren. We love you just the way you are," reassured his older brother.

Ren observed the struggles and triumphs of the boy. From the loss of his parents to the weight of his disability, each moment etched a profound story of resilience.

Then, a pivotal scene unfolded before him—a desperate teenage Ren, haunted by the belief that he could never be "normal." Driven by hope, he volunteered for a medical experiment, seeking a cure for his condition.

"I just want to be like everyone else," Ren's voice echoed in the darkness, tinged with desperation.

Ren watched with growing horror as the boy became ensnared in the company's cruel experimentation, his body subjected to the horrors of gene splicing. Each injection brought him closer to death, a tragic culmination of dashed dreams and broken promises.

As the memory reached its crescendo, It was when 'it' took place.


Suddenly the screen shattered, morphing into a countless pieces that got absorbed by Ren's astral body.

The memories that was shown in the screen started merging with him, every time a shard of memory entered into his body he could feel pain.

And moreover, there were zillions of shards entering his mind making the pain more overbearing making Ren lost his consciousness.



Huff!! Huff!!

Suddenly, he jolted awake in a new body, confined and restrained, with metal locks binding his limbs.

"W-Where is this?" A question escaped his lips as panic surged through him, his eyes darting around the unfamiliar surroundings.

A voice pierced the silence, cold and clinical: "Subject-02 is awake; we shall now proceed with the final phase."

The metal platform beneath him lurched into motion, tilting him upright and enclosing him within a cylindrical glass tube. Through the transparent barrier, he could see figures in lab coats, their faces illuminated by the glow of their tablets as they observed him intently.

"Start injecting the serum," commanded one of the scientists, prompting a prickling sensation to ripple through Ren's arms as the serum coursed through his veins.

Suddenly he was hit with an intense sharp pain all over his body and, it feels like thousand of needles have just been inserted inside his body.

"Grrr... What the hell is this!!"

He start to grunt as his whole body tenses and it feels like his heart is about to explode out of his chest by how fast it is beating.

"Arrrghhh!!" Ren scream in pain as the serum run amok in his bloodstream.

Burn, everything is burning, every inch of his body was like on fire. He started to bleed out in his eye, nose, and ears as his skin started to turn red like a tomato.

'IT HURTS!!!' Ren thought as he feel the pain grew stronger. He felt the tearing pain on his back as he feel something protruding or coming out of it.

He felt as if his entire molecular structure was being overwritten.

Truthfully, he wasn't wrong.


Ren broke free from his bindings as his body shuddered inside the enclosure, his muscles convoluted. The visible part of his skin – his face – became pale white in colour, his canine teeth enlarge as fangs grew out of his mouth. Like that of a vampire. His red eyes shone, his nails became sharp like talons, while four white bones erupted from his back like spider legs, and at last a single black claw erupted from his wrist of his either hands.

"Subject-02 is showing aggressive response after injection. Administering the sleeping gas." Smoke billowed from the confines of the glass tube, engulfing Ren in a suffocating haze of white.

Ren heard the distant voice of a scientist that slowly became unclear, and soon his vision went blank-


His painful grunts from a second ago were no more, he roared. He sounded like a beast now- no, he had become a beast, a man - spider. Someone who would destroy anything in front of him.


White smoke started to be release in the enclosed room filling it with a sleeping inducing gas.

As the man-spider inhaled the smoke he only got irritated and became annoyed.


With a guttural roar, he lunged forward, using his newfound appendages to stab and tear through the glass barrier.



Spiderwebbed cracks appeared across the surface, splintering under the force of his assault until finally, with a deafening crash, the enclosure shattered, granting him freedom at last.

Emerging from the wreckage, he towered over the trembling scientists, his eyes ablaze with feral intensity.


With a primal snarl, he unleashed a deafening roar, a warning to all who dared stand in his way.

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