
Spider-Verse: Creeping Hunger

In a wild twist of fate, I, a random person from another universe, find myself transmigrated into the body of Peter Parker from Gwen Stacy's universe, Earth 65B. But there's a catch - this version of Peter Parker was destined to die, paving the way for Gwen Stacy, the Ghost Spider to fall in love with Miles Morales. Well, let me tell you, I'm not going down without a fight! First things first, death is not on my to-do list. Nope, not happening. Secondly, did I mention I refuse to die? Yeah, it's a firm no from me. Thirdly, you guessed it, I absolutely refuse to meet my untimely demise. P.S: Just to make things interesting, I am gonna put some dirt in everyone's eyes!! ~ I will be posting on RR as well.

_oinkchan · Anime & Comics
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61 Chs

Prom Begins

"One, two, and then a one-two-three-four..." Flash found himself on the podium, sharing the stage with The Mary Janes band.

His beatboxing skills, though admittedly a touch unpolished, added a certain charm to the performance.

Nevertheless, a 70s rocky sweet melody flowed through the prom hall, creating an atmosphere that was both painful and strangely delightful.

Meanwhile, the band's leader, Mary Jane wore a constant scowl that couldn't hide her longing. As she strummed her electric guitar, her eyes darted towards the door, searching for a familiar face she hoped to catch a glimpse of.

Within the hall, students fragmented into various scenes: some lost themselves in the dance, others engaged in smoochy woochie, and a few simply gazed into the distance, their loneliness palpable.

Just outside the washroom doors, girls wept, their makeup smudged, while a group of observant boys kept a distance, contemplating the opportunity to console those whose hearts had been broken.

After all. A shoulder to cry on is a dick to ride on.

At the counter stocked with nonalcoholic beverages, a young man held his drink, savoring each sip with deliberate slowness. He sat in silence, his gaze fixed on the horizon—or at least, what little he could discern through the bandages that enshrouded his face.

This was Harry Osborne, he wore a dashing suit and was without a date with a sprinkle of a disfigured face. Across from him were his two friends who had turned on him at the final moments, calling him a trust fund.

However they too had faced their own share of challenges, one of them, who was in a wheelchair, had the added burden of wearing a sling across his shoulder due to the unfortunate fact that both of his arms were fractured.

Harry took another sip and sighed, it was not like as if he had any other friends nor did he have a date. So, in the end, he began to walk toward them with a vape in his hand but right as he was about to call out to them, he bounced into a tall person wearing a Santa Claus's elf's outfit at prom.

Harry's eyes scrutinized the stranger with an air of daddy's boy disdain. From the hood concealing most of the person's face to the attire that seemed out of place, Harry couldn't resist making a condescending remark.

"This ain't Halloween, ugly goblin."

Harry briskly brushed off imaginary specks from his impeccably tailored suit, maintaining his course toward the fake friends. However, just as he was about to move on, a strong hand grasped the fabric of his suit, tugging at it firmly.

Harry's scowl deepened but his expression slowly shifted from growing annoyance to dread. His gaze locked onto the person he had insulted

The person had his face covered with a corona mask however, what truly sent chills down his spine were the piercing, laser-red eyes that peered out from behind it.

They held a hint of alarm, as though they were warning anyone who dared to gaze deeply into them. It was a silent plea to halt like on a road if defied would lead to insanity.

The man finally spoke, his voice carrying an eerie quality. It was a tad raspy, a touch slower than normal, and held a slightly high-pitched tone. This unnatural combination sent another wave of shivers down Harry's spine

"Goblin huh?" A grin crept onto his face as he began to remove his mask. "I've got some unsettled scores with you, Osborne... you and your daddy... oh how I wish to see the light in your eyes fade... but here's a head-scratcher... seen Peter Parker round here anywhere?"



Peter's grip on Gwen's boobs tightened, and she let out a playful yelp as she parked the bike. She turned around, lightly tapping his head before speaking.

"Whoa there, Lizard King! Keep those slimy hands in check while I'm parking."

Peter chuckled as he replied playfully, "Sorry, it's just sometimes my hands have a hand of their own."

Gwen laughed, she pecked Peter's cheeks, taking him by surprise.

"I guess you deserve it."

Peter chuckled. They had come close to crashing six times while riding at 160mph. If it hadn't been for Peter's hand on Gwen's supple boobies tightening, causing her to choke at one point and narrowly avoiding a crash, she would have pushed the speed even further.

He chuckled, finding the situation quite amusing, and teased her.

"If that's the kind of reward I get, maybe I should 'accidentally' do it more often,"

Gwen grinned mischievously, arching an eyebrow as she playfully replied in an amused tone,

"You're not fooling anyone with that 'accidental' excuse. But... I wouldn't mind if you 'accidentally' did it again sometime."

Peter was momentarily taken aback as Gwen strolled ahead of him, but a delighted smile slowly spread across his face when she turned, winked at him, and continued to walk with a playful skip in her step.

A warm, fluttering sensation filled his chest as he watched her walk, his gaze briefly wandering to her petite ass. He couldn't help but silently thank Stan Lee for this moment before he quickly ran to catch up with her

With his arm around Gwen's waist, the two of them made their way toward the prom hall. Students were scattered all around outside, and many couldn't help but stare at them. After all, they had arrived on a superbike, drawing a considerable amount of attention.

Peter casually glanced at Gwen and, with a mischievous grin, lowered his face to steal a surprise kiss. Their lips met for a brief moment, tasting like a delightful blend of pomegranates on a cheesecake.

Winking at her, he playfully strode ahead. Now it was Gwen's turn to stare at Peter's departing figure with a mix of surprise and bewilderment.

Her fingertips brushed against her lips, her face turning a delicate shade of pink as a swirl of emotions danced within her, causing her stomach to flutter and her heart to feel strangely weighty.

Her gaze then lingered on his ass, and her blush shifted from surprise to a trace of desire, mixed with a playful sense of amusement and lust. She raised an eyebrow and lampooned self-depreciatingly similar to Peter.

'Mother Mecree, let justice be done, though the heavens may fall.'

She hurriedly caught up to him and gently ran her fingers along his hand. Tilting her head, she met his gaze and realized he was already looking back at her.

Their eyes met, Peter slowly peeked into her eyes which were light blue, deep as the Atlantic, sparkling with a tranquility that caused him to drown in them while Gwen stared into his, entranced by his hazel that possessed flecks of golden radiating comfort and warmth causing her to feel as if she was sitting near a fireplace knitting a blanket and drinking hot coffee on a snowy Christmas day.

Peter maintained his smile, keeping their eye contact unbroken as his fingers slid gently across hers, gradually tightening into a firm grip. With a nonchalant seductive wink, he gestured for her to enter the prom hall,

"Ladies first."


Send da shtones.

[Image of my palm if anyone wanna see. Gore Warning.]