
Spider-Verse: Another Spider-Man

A mars researcher was bitten by a spider and was then transported into the Marvel Universe. Read as how he goes about on this amazing journey. (Starts in Spider-Man: Into the Spider Verse) ===== Patreon link for advanced chapters: Påtreon.com/BaphometFiction ===== I don't own anything. All rights goes to their owners.

Baph0met · Anime & Comics
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191 Chs

Chapter 176

Ultimate Spider-Man shook his head, "According to Mark, the strength of each inheritor differs, so we'll have to observe each situation specifically."

"When we tested it earlier, the nuclear radiation from NRG-1 could last for about thirty seconds on the corpse of Daemos before he returned to his original state."

"However, it's said that Daemos is the strongest among most of the inheritors. So, when dealing with this guy named Jennix, perhaps it could extend this time a bit longer."

Spider-Gwen nodded, sliding the NRG-1 into the newly attached holster on her thigh, "Understood."

At that moment, Spider-Man Noir walked over, puzzled, "If it's going to explode, why not throw it after the 20-second mark, like a grenade?"

Spider-Gwen shot him a glance, saying impatiently, "That's nuclear radiation! If it spreads in all directions, it won't just affect the inheritors, but us as well."

"Erm," Spider-Man Noir awkwardly scratched his head.

Ultimate Spider-Man patted his shoulder, smiling, "Your idea does have some merit. Dr. Octavius and Ms. Liv are currently researching nuclear radiation grenades. However, if we're going to deploy them in actual combat, we need to upgrade our spider suits first."

"Radiation-resistant spider suits?" Spider-Man Noir's eyes lit up, raising a finger, wide-eyed.

"Yes," Ultimate Spider-Man chuckled.

Just as everyone was about to say something, Spider-Gwen's expression suddenly became grave.

Everyone sensed her change and turned to her.

With a resolute gaze, Spider-Gwen scanned everyone before saying, "Mark sent a message. He's going to seal off Universe Earth-31411. We've got about five hours to act! From now on, we must seize every moment and give it our all!"

Then, she extended her hand, "For the spiders!"

Ultimate Spider-Man placed his hand on hers, "For the spiders!"

Following suit were Spider-Man Noir, Spider-Girl, Unlimited-Spider, and Armored Spider.

The hands of the six Spider-Men came together, representing their determination to prevail!

"Now, activate the optical invisibility mode," Ultimate Spider-Man ordered. Except for Spider-Man Noir and Armor Spider, the other four pressed a button on their suits.

Unlimited-Spider had a built-in invisibility suit, using his cape to assist in becoming invisible.

Spider-Gwen, Ultimate Spider-Man, and Spider-Man Noir had suits previously modified with optical invisibility—a creation of Ultimate Spider-Man's technology.

However, optical invisibility could only deceive regular cameras and human eyes, not high-end cameras with infrared sensors.

This is where Spider-Man Noir came in, to seek alternative routes.

Looking at his invisible companions, Armor Spider was somewhat dumbfounded.

"Ah, forgot," Ultimate Spider-Man chuckled awkwardly, taking a vial from his waist pocket and tossing it to Armor Spider, "These are nanomaterials with optical invisibility effects. They can adhere directly to your armor."

Before the mission, Mark foresaw that a new Spider-Man would surely join their mission, so Ultimate Spider-Man prepared this in advance. Unfortunately, in the midst of calibrating the nuclear radiation gun, he forgot about it.

This oversight left Ultimate Spider-Man feeling a bit embarrassed.

Luckily, the nanomaterial adhered quickly.

Just a few minutes of delay, and Armor Spider was also invisible.

So, Spider-Man Noir led the way upfront while the other five Spider-Men followed.

Once they departed from the foul-smelling place, breathing in the fresh air outside, the pressure seemed to lessen.

Soon enough, the true face of this world presented itself before them.

As they gazed around, it turned out to be a city entirely constructed of various metallic buildings! The structures were orderly but eerily lifeless.

Involuntarily, it reminded them of the background of science fiction stories that involves the mc becoming the last person on earth.

At this moment, this lifeless steel city in front of them appeared eerily similar!

However, they quickly noticed several airships floating in the sky.

With their keen vision, they soon realized these airships were actually large surveillance devices.

At regular intervals, these devices were stationed, providing real-time control of the entire city to the actual controller behind these surveillance airships.

And undoubtedly, this actual controller was Jennix!

This discovery made them inadvertently grateful for their stealthy actions.

If they hadn't prepared the invisibility devices beforehand, they might have been spotted not long after leaving that building, perhaps even upon stepping out, they would have been detected by the enemy.

At that point, they would have faced the pressure of an entire world!

Under those circumstances, how could they possibly have found and dealt with the inheritors' cloning company within just a few hours?

Amidst their relief, the group continued to descend along the buildings.

"Huh? There's a group of people coming from over there?" Suddenly, Spider-Man Noir stopped, then returned quietly to the group.

"People?" They exchanged glances, a bit surprised.

There are people here; maybe they can inquire about something from them?

However, they quickly became disappointed once again.

Two rows of people were walking down the street—one row of men and one of women. All the men looked exactly alike, and so did all the women.

Each one of them wore a bowl-shaped metal device on their heads. They appeared dull and stiff, behaving like robots.


Armor Spider suddenly clenched his fist.

"What's wrong?" whispered Spider-Noir.

Armor Spider gritted his teeth, "These... are all people being controlled by them! In my world, there's a half-mechanical army called Namurrah. Their gaze, it's identical!"

"The inheritors have the ability to manipulate people to serve them. Spider 94 and others went to another world to fight against the inheritors' minions!" Spider-Gwen explained.

After observing closely, Ultimate Spider shook his head slightly, "The situation seems off. These are probably all clones, maybe we're in a cloning company that clones ordinary people."

"Perhaps the inheritors control the majority of the population through genetic modification to maintain order and serve them, firmly controlling this world in their hands. Just like the High Evolutionary in my world. Oh, what a crazy bunch," said Unlimited Spider.

Spider-Noir added, "Even though it's a cloning company for ordinary people, a company this large can't just have ordinary cloned people working here, right? Did you notice the behavior of those cloned people? They're like puppets on strings. There must be 'people' with actual thoughts controlling their actions. At the very least, someone needs to supervise this production line."

Deep in thought, Ultimate Spider remarked, "So, we might find the person managing this ordinary cloning company here and extract information about the real Inheritors' cloning company."

"Exactly!" Everyone agreed with this plan.

Rather than aimlessly wandering around this world, they preferred to have a familiar guide.

As for whether the other party would be willing to "help"...

With the concerted effort of the six Spider-Men, they quickly found the only autonomous "person" in this "ordinary cloning company."

Actually, this person was a clone, but rather special.

He was cloned from a person named Max Modell, and he happened to be the boss of the Horizon Laboratory!

Of course, this world evidently doesn't have the Horizon Laboratory.

After all, in Universe 616, it's a "gathering of masters" laboratory where artificially synthesized vibranium, called reverbium, originated from.

Even if this world had once existed, it's now surely fallen into the hands of Jennix.

Spider-Noir had quite a time but managed to pry the information about the Inheritors' cloning company from this cloned Modell.

What a coincidence, it's another familiar place.

The Baxter Building!

The Baxter Building is the Fantastic Four's headquarters, which Parker Industries had also purchased to use as their New York office.

Among the present Spider-Men, there was one who was "very familiar" with it.

That's none other than Unlimited Spider-Man.

The nanotech suit he wore, equipped with invisibility, sonic attacks, and more, was "borrowed" from the Baxter Building on his Earth.

After that, he went to the Counter-Earth, and even the Fantastic Four couldn't find him.

He's quite the elusive one.

The moment he heard the target was the Baxter Building, Unlimited Spider immediately perked up.

He patted his chest proudly, "I know this place well; watch and learn from me!"

Spider-Gwen asked in confusion, "Why are you familiar?"

Unlimited Spider explained the "fate" between himself and the Baxter Building, earning him some odd looks from the others.

"Ahem," Spider-Noir coughed lightly, breaking the awkwardness, "Since that's the case, let Miles and you lead the way."

Unlimited Spider patted his chest solemnly, "Count on me. Even when my suit was damaged back then, I managed to infiltrate the Baxter Building and bypass Mr. Fantastic's defenses, 'borrowing' the nanites, let alone now!"

"You're quite proud," Ultimate Spider commented, somewhat speechless.

"Huh?" Unlimited Spider looked puzzled. Wasn't this something to be proud of?

This is Mr. Fantastic we're talking about!

The Smartest Man Alive!

However, everyone had no intention of praising this guy who stole something and was now smug about it.

While talking, Spider-Noir knocked the cloned Modell unconscious with a punch, then skillfully tied him up with webbing.

Armor Spider, on the side, raised a hand halfway, "Are you always this violent?"

Spider Noir turned back, giving him a quizzical look, "This guy is an enemy minion. I knocked him out first to prevent him from revealing information."

Armor Spider took out a neural pulse device from his waist, "What I meant is, I have a specific paralysis device, no need for physical anesthesia."



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