
Spider-Verse: Another Spider-Man

A mars researcher was bitten by a spider and was then transported into the Marvel Universe. Read as how he goes about on this amazing journey. (Starts in Spider-Man: Into the Spider Verse) ===== Patreon link for advanced chapters: Påtreon.com/BaphometFiction ===== I don't own anything. All rights goes to their owners.

Baph0met · Anime & Comics
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191 Chs

Chapter 160

A/N: I'm so sorry for the super late chapter


Mysterio handed a wine glass to his companion, saying, "Then, a new king will rise in this city! Stronger than the Green Goblin, more powerful than the Crime Master—"

Knock, knock, knock.

The knocking interrupted the his boastful speech.

A servant pushed the door slightly ajar and peeked in, "Excuse me, sir, there's a Mr. Wilson Fisk here."

A large hand pulled the servant back and forcefully swung the door open.

Following that, a burly and imposing figure, resembling a black bear, appeared in the doorway, "Good evening, Beck. I've found someone you'd definitely want to meet."


Mysterio accompanied Kingpin into a dimly lit underground room.

A man was suspended there.

According to Kingpin, this man was a remnant of the Green Goblin, named Bull.

With Mysterio's magical smoke, he effortlessly extracted secrets from Bull regarding Spider Noir, including how he was bitten, the origins of those who bit him, and their past encounters with Spider Noir.

"So, tell me more about Felicia Hardy," Mysterio grasped onto a key point.

It was said that this woman, Felicia Hardy, was Spider Noir's lover, and they frequently met.

Therefore, by capturing this woman, they could force Spider Noir to appear voluntarily, and then trap him!

Things unfolded just as the Mysterio and Kingpin had planned, quite smoothly.

Kingpin led a group to break into Felicia Hardy's home and forcibly abducted her.

Subsequently, Mysterio published this news in the Bugle and officially declared war on Spider Noir:

"In this week's special event, the 'Magnificent Mysterio' will challenge the 'Famous Outlaw' Spider Noir, to see if he can save a masked woman's life. Spider Noir must offer his blood to the spider god anansi or else this masked woman will become the sacrifice in his place!"


On Thursday, due to the newspaper's promotion, the theater was packed.

A huge portrait of the 'Spider God Anansi' was displayed on the theater's backdrop.

In the western part of africa, there were many stories about the "Prankster Gods."

These mischievous gods fought against the gods through pranks, gradually bringing order to the world while causing countless troubles for humans.

Among them, the most famous was the Spider God Anansi.

He was a deity of the Ashanti people, not only a mischievous trickster but also a beloved cultural hero. His pranks brought the world night, the moon, the sun, stories, debates, diseases, and death.

Mysterio was leveraging this gimmick to make his performance seem more "legitimate."

Of course, the audience present believed it was just a well-rehearsed act.

Despite Felicia Hardy's graceful figure being tied with her hands bound in the center of the stage.

Despite Mysterio holding a visibly sharp dagger.

Spider Noir didn't know if this was a trap, but he couldn't afford to take the risk.

There had indeed been some fleeting emotions between him and Felicia Hardy, and in a previous battle, he had inadvertently caused her disfigurement, which left him feeling guilty.

Therefore, no matter what, he couldn't allow her to fall into danger again.

"I know you're watching, Spider Noir! The wrath of the Spider God Anansi must be appeased! Are you prepared to sacrifice your own blood to save this innocent woman?" Mysterio shouted loudly.

Spider Noir leaped down and landed in the center of the stage. "Since you know she's an innocent woman, why not put the knife down, Mysterio?"

"Oh, welcome, Spider Noir! It's so great that you could make it!" Mysterio eyes lit up.

Peter stared at him and said coldly, "Now, release her and stop playing tricks."

"Sure, sure," Mysterio actually sheathed the dagger back into his belt, "But my dear boy, you must know, I'm a magician. I live by playing tricks! Ella, please!"

Mysterio companion, Ella, standing nearby, immediately tossed out a magical smoke ball.

"What is this?" Spider Noir exclaimed in surprise.

But the poisonous smoke began spreading continuously, penetrating his mask and entering his nostrils.

He quickly held his breath but still felt a bit lightheaded.

'Dizzy, this isn't dry ice; it's some kind of gas. I need to finish this quickly!' Spider Noir thought.

At that moment, Mysterio seductive words echoed in his ears, "Come on, I'm right in front of you, come and strike!"

Although Spider Noir sensed the danger, he still raised his hand and threw a punch!

But he struck nothing!

Mysterio wasn't there at all!

"This is his illusion? Using neurotoxic gas combined with hypnotic suggestions," Spider Noir immediately understood the situation, but even though he analyzed the situation mentally, his body began to lose control.

And then, Mysterio appeared behind him, wielding a cudgel, and viciously smashed it towards the back of his head.


A figure suddenly appeared behind Spider.

The cudgel struck down heavily but only landed on the arm that person raised, producing a clang of metal hitting metal.

"What's going on?!!" The rebounding force of the cudgel made Mysterio's hand ache, shocking him.

Before he could react, a metallic-armored arm extended, gripping his throat tightly, lifting him up. "What do you intend to do to my friend?"

A pair of glowing red eyes appeared amidst the poison gas, staring intensely at him.

Terrified, Mysterio had no idea what was happening.

Mark extended his hand, exerted a little force, and disarmed Mysterio.

Then he tossed Mysterio into a transparent coffin prepared nearby. "I heard you can escape magic tricks, care to perform?"

"No, no, this is murder!" Mysterio panicked.

He didn't have any escape magic. He only used pre-dispersed hallucinogenic gas and verbal hypnosis in the theater to create an illusion for the audience, causing a false appearance.

In reality, during the performance, the real him had been standing behind the scenes the whole time!

Mark sneered, "You're the 'Great Mysterio,' countless successful underwater escapes, and now it's just another performance for you. How can that be called murder?"

As he spoke, he directly closed the coffin lid, then pressed a button on the transparent coffin.

A rush of water immediately flowed into the coffin through the copper pipes.

Then, Mark grabbed Spider Noir with one hand and snapped the chain binding Felicia Hardy with the other, leading both away from there.

Both of them were affected by Mysterio's neurotoxin, but fortunately, it wasn't lethal. They were both in a paralyzed state now.

Mark simply ignored them and waited quietly.

A few minutes later, Spider Noir, who had better physical resilience, woke up first.

Upon awakening, he found the scene around him had changed and then noticed Mark sitting beside him.

However, Mark was still wearing his Nano-Spider battle suit.

Spider Noir asked in confusion, "Did you save me? Are you a Spider-Man from another world?"

He had visited the Ultimate Spider-Verse over half a year ago and had seen advanced technology, so he wasn't surprised.

He was just a bit puzzled about how a Spider-Man suddenly appeared in his world.

Mark smiled, stood up, and retracted the nanoparticles on his head.

"Take another look at who I am."

Spider Noir paused for a moment, then exclaimed with joy, "Mark?!!"

He laughed and quickly stepped forward, giving Mark a hearty hug, "You've actually come to my world! It seems you've truly mastered the power you call 'spacetime'!"

Mark hugged back, feeling a myriad of emotions, "Yes, and my journey has been much more exciting than you can imagine!"

"Oh? We definitely need to talk about that!" Spider Noir was ecstatic.

The two were among the earliest Spider-Men to know each other.

Back then, Mark had just gained his abilities, unconsciously triggered his spacetime powers, sensed the fluctuations from the Ultimate Spider-Verse's particle collider, and ended up in that world.

However, because he didn't obtain the accompanying stone tablet, he couldn't access the "startup funds" provided by the Master Weaver and consequently, after running at an overload, fell into a weakened state and became an ordinary person.

After that, Spider Noir trained Mark, enabling him to skip many stages that most Spider-Men faced as newcomers, granting him some combat abilities despite initially being powerless.

It was Spider Noir's guidance that allowed him to have sufficient strength to change everything when he later went to Toby's Spider-Verse, Andrew's Spider-Verse, and more!

If the Master Weaver was the source of his current achievements, then Spider Noir was the foundation for everything he had achieved.

Without Spider Noir, there was no way he could have grown to become a base-level force within less than a year.

Therefore, for Mark, Spider Noir was not just a friend but also a teacher!

At that time, Spider Noir also accidentally arrived in that world.

And then the two directly met.

While Spider Noir's feelings weren't as deep as Mark's, Mark, as the first Spider-Man from another world he encountered, held a special place in his heart.

Now, meeting an old friend, their joy was beyond words.

"Oh, Felicia." Spider Noir looked towards Felicia Hardy lying on the ground, feeling a bit concerned.

Mark reassured, "Don't worry, she just fainted. It's just that her body is weaker, so she hasn't regained consciousness as quickly as you did."

"That's good, but why did you suddenly come here? Did something happen?" Spider Noir asked, relaxing a bit.


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