
Spider-Verse: Another Spider-Man

A mars researcher was bitten by a spider and was then transported into the Marvel Universe. Read as how he goes about on this amazing journey. (Starts in Spider-Man: Into the Spider Verse) ===== Patreon link for advanced chapters: Påtreon.com/BaphometFiction ===== I don't own anything. All rights goes to their owners.

Baph0met · Anime & Comics
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191 Chs

Chapter 158

The surging thunderstorm caused power outages and explosions in several nearby blocks in an instant.

It took several seconds before things returned to normal.

As for how many appliances were damaged during this period, it wasn't something Mark could control.


A pitch-black figure fell from the sky.

It was Brix.

At this moment, he was completely unlike his former composed and elegant self.

His red cloak was tattered, and the meticulously arranged golden shoulder-length hair was almost entirely gone, leaving him nearly bald.

As for his once resilient and fair steel-like skin, it had turned completely black, appearing as if carbonized.

Well, he was struck by lightning after all.

The voltage in a normal lightning strike ranges from 100 million to 1 billion volts, with a maximum current of 300,000 amperes.

In reality, 3 million volts of high voltage are enough to completely carbonize a human body.

Although family members of the Inheritors possessed bodies far surpassing any normal creature, they still couldn't avoid these physical laws.

Being carbonized was natural.

However, when Mark landed from the sky and arrived beside the astonished Spider Punisher, they discovered something unexpected. Within the carbonized charred body, two eyeballs were still rolling.

Brix glared fiercely at Mark, unable to make a sound due to his body being mostly charred.

Mark pointed at those eyeballs, smiling at the Spider Punisher, "We call this a centipede, dead but not stiff. Its vitality is remarkably strong."

Saying this, he extended his foot and placed it on Brix's neck.


A crisp sound rang out, Brix was then split in two.

And those two eyeballs had completely lost their vitality.

However, Mark didn't stop there.

He repeatedly kicked, crushing the charred parts of Brix's body, finding some relatively intact flesh and blood within.

The Spider Punisher felt a shiver down his spine but restrained his impulse, thinking of Mark and Brix's identities.

"What are you doing?"

Mark explained, "Members of this family are the mortal enemies of all Spider-Men. I'm collecting some biological samples to research and develop weapons to counter them for my companions."

The Spider Punisher hesitated for a moment and asked, "Could you tell me about these guys?"

"Of course," Mark was quite curious about this figure resembling the Punisher in battle attire, "But before that, let's leave this place."

Sirens could already be heard in the distance.


"Then let's head to the Brooklyn Bridge. I've been to several worlds in this area, so I'm quite familiar with it."

Saying this, Mark opened a portal and walked through it.

The Spider Punisher curiously examined the portal and followed suit.

Finding himself suddenly transported from a hospital in Queens to the Brooklyn Bridge a few kilometers away left the Spider Punisher somewhat astonished.

However, given Mark's previous displays of "shattering the ground bare-handed" and "manipulating lightning attacks," he didn't show excessive surprise.

On the Brooklyn Bridge, traces of the battle between the Spider Punisher and the Green Goblin from a few days ago were still visible.

Especially the blood gushing out from the pierced chest of the Green Goblin, some drops still visible here.

Due to the bridge's height, no one could clean it up afterward.

Although Mark was puzzled, he found a place to sit down and started talking to the Spider Punisher.

He began by explaining in detail about the Inheritor Family's identity, origins, their actions, and their ultimate goal—to gather three special spider totems: the "Bride," the "Scion," and the "Other." Through a ritual, they aimed to eliminate all the Spider-Men.

Then, the Spider Punisher briefly shared his own story with Mark.

This was a warrior with extensive combat experience!

This was Mark's initial evaluation of the Spider Punisher after listening to his story.

From the Spider Punisher's perspective, Mark could sense the intense aversion toward evil and that kind of ruthless attitude.

But he didn't seem as severe as Frank Castle, the legitimate Punisher.

With these thoughts in mind, Mark extended an invitation to the Spider Punisher, "This is a war that endangers all spider companions like you and me. Join us."

The Spider Punisher didn't hesitate much. In fact, while listening to Mark, he had already considered joining the battle.

Moreover, this was very much in line with his intentions.

His original intention of becoming the Spider Punisher was to take responsibility for the innocent people threatened by evil.

And now, the Spider-Men targeted by the Inheritor Family, weren't they also a group of "innocent people"?

For the sake of his own safety and to uphold his own sense of justice, he must join this war.

Even if it meant sacrificing his life, it was a sacrifice he was willing to make!

Furthermore, as Mark mentioned, the demons of the Inheritor Family were only after those who carried the spider totems.

As long as he left this world, then the people he cared about—Aunt May, Gwen Stacy, and other innocent people in New York—could be spared.

Afterward, Mark helped him open a portal to the hospital.

The Spider Punisher went to the hospital and explained his decision to his girlfriend.

He quickly settled things here, then followed Mark out of this world.




Ever since gaining control of the Master Weaver centuries ago, Earth-001 had become the headquarters of the Inheritor Family.

They controlled the entire world and subjected everyone in it to brainwashing.

However, the tragic death of their mother during the battle against the Master Weaver made them realize that despite their immense power, they were not invincible.

So, they decided to add an extra "insurance" for themselves.

The second eldest among the Inheritor Family, Jennix, sought out a technologically advanced world—Earth-802. Here, they constructed a massive technology company.

Jennix was somewhat different from other inheritors. Apart from the necessary activities—hunting down Spider-Men—he spent most of his time in his library or laboratory.

The secret of the Inheritor Family's immortality lies in the ultimate cloning technology he developed.

Whenever an inheritor is defeated, their consciousness is transferred to a new body stored in this technology company, allowing them to resurrect.

This technology is the reason the inheritors dare to roam freely.

In the distant past, the machines here were frequently activated.

After all, there were always strong entities in other worlds.

And as a local hero, Spider-Man, he always had some powerful companions.

It was normal for them to be killed by Spider-Man's companions during the hunt.

However, as the killings continued and they absorbed more totemic power, the strength of each inheritor continued to grow.

Now, the cloning bodies here haven't been activated for a long time.

But at this moment...


Bubbles suddenly surged in a circular glass container.

A researcher nearby quickly opened the chamber.

The nutrient solution in the chamber spilled all over the floor, and Brix lay naked on the ground, breathing heavily.

Another researcher immediately brought clothes for him.

"Sir, do you need to eat to replenish energy?"

Ignoring their efforts to dress him, Brix punched the glass container, shattering it into pieces. "Damn bugs!"

"Brix, if you're killed, then go and resurrect all you want, but don't damage our facility." a faint voice echoed.

Immediately after, a slightly lean man with a full beard walked in from the laboratory door.

"J-jennix, brother, I'm sorry, I was just angry," Brix lowered his head.

Jennix took the clothes from the researchers and gestured them to leave, "Smith, Madison, Warren, you can go about your business."

"Yes, sir," the three researchers left one after another.

Jennix draped the clothes over Brix and pulled him up from the ground. "Tell me, in which world were you killed, and what did the opponent look like?"

Brix put on his clothes and stretched his body.

These bodies had soaked in nutrient solution for too long, and it took a little time for his consciousness to integrate, making him feel somewhat weak.

This weakness made him quite uncomfortable.

Upon hearing his brother's question, an image of Mark involuntarily surfaced in his mind, and he spoke with resentment, "He's a guy wearing an iron suit, his attire is similar to those with the spider totems, but he doesn't possess the totemic aura. However, he's very strong, maybe slightly less physically powerful than Daemos, but he has the ability to control thunder."

Inevitably, the members of the Inheritor Family were battle-hardened ultimate warriors.

Despite Brix always displaying irritability, he possessed sharp perceptiveness during battles.

Within just a few minutes of interaction, he had memorized all the displays of power demonstrated by Mark and made certain analyses.

Jennix's eyes flashed, "A physical strength comparable to Daemos? Could he be that thing called the Hulk?"

As he spoke, he retrieved a monocular from his chest pocket, inquiring, "Do you remember the approximate location of that world?"

This was his quantum peeping glass, capable of traversing layers of quantum space to locate a target.

Brix pondered for a moment and pointed in a direction, "Based on the web of the Weaver, it's probably in that direction."

Changes immediately appeared on the quantum peeping glass in Jennix's hand.

In his vision, the final scene was astonishingly Mark leaving that world with the Spider-Punisher!

"A guy with the ability to cross worlds, seemingly obstructing our hunt for the spider totems? Could he be the one from the prophecy? Interesting, very interesting."


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