
Spider-Verse: Another Spider-Man

A mars researcher was bitten by a spider and was then transported into the Marvel Universe. Read as how he goes about on this amazing journey. (Starts in Spider-Man: Into the Spider Verse) ===== Patreon link for advanced chapters: Påtreon.com/BaphometFiction ===== I don't own anything. All rights goes to their owners.

Baph0met · Anime & Comics
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191 Chs

Chapter 104

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Having gone through numerous battles, even if he had mainly been a pendant for Iron Man before, Spider-Tom had still gained a considerable amount of combat experience.

The four iron spider legs behind him instantly sprung out, thrusting towards the person in front of him.

However, several slender iron tentacles also emerged from the person's body, engaging in a fierce battle with Spider-Tom's iron spider legs.

"What the hell?" Spider-Tom couldn't believe his eyes.

The iron tentacles extending from the opponent seemed to employ a deconstruction similar to fish scales. They would sometimes become soft and elongate, and other times harden and shorten. They were more flexible than his iron spider legs and had a broader attack range.

Moreover, it appeared to be controlled by artificial intelligence or the person directly, showing great orderliness in combat.

This reminded him of the battle against Doctor Octopus on the bridge before.

Spider legs against tentacles, man against man; both parties engaged in a frenzied battle amidst the blazing flames.

Some of the surroundings they impacted were instantly destroyed.

Soon, this building, which was already on the verge of collapse due to the fire, was dismantled into pieces.

"Who are you?" Spider-Tom's neck was gripped by the person, but he continued to struggle vigorously, roaring, "Who are you!"

"Me? I'm a Avenger!" The person's fist smashed into Spider-Tom's face, the force so heavy that even through the Iron Spider's face mask, Spider-Tom felt the pain.

"Avenger?" Spider-Tom was slightly stunned. Images of Avengers such as Captain America, Hulk, and Thor flashed through his mind. Then he said, "Impossible, you're none of them!"

"Them?" The person also paused for a moment, realizing that he was no longer in his own world, a world that once had a team called the Avengers.

He sneered, "Huh, you mean those guys who call themselves the Avengers? I never said I was one of them!"


He suddenly delivered a heavy punch.

However, during the moment he spoke, Spider-Tom had secretly accumulated a wave of strength and struggled violently.

At the same time, he also controlled the spider drone on his chest to detach quietly. It circled around to the person's back and sprayed a volley of bullets at him.

The person managed to evade.

Spider-Tom took advantage of the situation to distance himself.

"Hehe—" The person suddenly laughed coldly, his voice becoming deeper.

A flash of light crossed Spider-Tom's mind. "It's you! You're the one who kidnapped May! Who are you? Where did you hide May?"

Spider-Tom roared with gritted teeth.

This person before him was the true culprit behind everything.

Without him, all they needed to do was capture or prevent the Green Goblin and Sandman from causing trouble, and they could find a chance to send them back to their own world.

But because of him, the city was now in chaos, and Aunt May's life or death remained unknown!

Spider-Tom truly wanted to clench his fist and smash it hard on this person's head!

"Haha... Hahaha..."

At this moment, the person across suddenly burst into laughter, his laughter filled with desolation and madness.

"I told you, I'm an Avenger from hell! As for the name I crawled out of hell with, what's it called?"

"Are you the Ghost?" Spider-Tom exclaimed. Not long ago, Mark had provided them with information about various characters of potential villains that might appear in the Sinister Six and their respective methods, aiding them in countering these adversaries. Hence, he quickly identified the demon.

The person showed a hint of surprise. He had intended to play around with this young Spider, but he hadn't expected his identity to be exposed so quickly.

It wasn't a pleasant feeling to have this kind of pretentious act interrupted.

"How did you know?" the Ghost was puzzled.

As far as he knew, he should be unique! Whether it was the two Green Goblins from different worlds that he had killed—Norman Osborn and Harry Osborn—or the Vulture who came from another world highly similar to this one, they all claimed there was no one like him in their respective places.

Moreover, he himself knew that his "birth" was a coincidence! Because his former name was Peter Parker!

In his world, he witnessed Gwen Stacy's death right in front of him.

In his rage, Peter beat Harry Osborn, who had transformed into the Green Goblin, to death! When he woke up amidst the nearly torn-to-shreds Green Goblin's corpse, the police who had come to clean up the tragedy and reporters looking for news caught him.

Subsequently, a series of news headlines like "Spider-Man is a murderer," "Spider-Man's real name is Peter Parker," instantly swept through the entire New York City and even the whole world!

Aunt May couldn't believe that her nephew would turn into such a person, and tried to explain to others.

However, no one was willing to believe the words of an aunt who claimed her nephew wasn't a murderer.

Until one day, Aunt May died.

Someone, claiming to be a righteous individual, stood outside her house and threw Molotov cocktails inside.

When he arrived at Aunt May's house, he only saw the burnt-down building and the charred corpse.

Since then, that world had one less Spider-Man and one more lawless Avenger.

He followed the legacy of his uncle, dealing with the bad guys, but he also followed the hatred in his heart, ruthlessly killing anyone, even if it was just a petty thief, he would kill without hesitation. Until one day, he completely lost himself.

The person named Peter Parker died that day, and a new personality—the ghost—was born in his heart.

The demon abandoned Peter Parker's webs and suit, and completely discarded his humanity.

First, during the vacancies left by the deaths of the two successive presidents of the Osborn Corporation, he seized control of a high-ranking executive, eliminated all his competitors, and successfully took over the Osborn Corporation.

Then, within the Osborn Tower, he discovered the Green Goblin's secret laboratory. Leveraging the outstanding military capabilities of the Osborn Corporation, he upgraded the Green Goblin's equipment.

Utilizing his own spider genes and the Lizard's lizard gene serum, he even created a new serum in his world and formed a massive "Legion of Hell."

Every being in the Legion of Hell possessed physical qualities far beyond those of ordinary people.

By now, he had essentially become the underground ruler of that world.

Until he arrived in this world.

A brand new world, possessing even more advanced technology! As the derivative personality of "Spider-Man," the ghost, alongside his madness, also possessed intelligence far beyond that of an average person.

He quickly developed a new idea.

He not only wanted to become the "king" of his world but also the "king" of more worlds, the "king" of the multiverse! He intended to make his Legion of Hell appear in every parallel universe.

And the native Spider-Man of this universe, Spider-Tom, had caught his attention!

Spider-Tom's current situation was somewhat similar to his own past.

Both had their identities exposed and carried the burden of taking lives.

Even though, at first glance, the current Peter didn't seem like someone capable of killing villains.

But so what? The public wouldn't bother listening to any explanations!

The Ghost immediately "fell in love" with Spider-Tom, feeling a sense of camaraderie with him. He believed that Spider-Tom had the potential to become another him!

"Release May!" Spider-Tom roared, charging at him once again.

"Oh come on now, let's talk peacefully." The Ghost easily caught Spider-Tom's attack while laughing and talking.

But Spider-Tom no longer wanted to waste words with this person, unleashing all his skills and engaging in battle with the demon.

Anger even made him forget to call for Mark, Doctor Strange, and others for help. Right now, he was solely focused on defeating the ghost and rescuing Aunt May.

However, the Ghost, being an underground ruler of a world, had extensive combat experience.

Even the equipment he uses is cutting-edge weaponry developed by the Osborn Corporation of that world, not much inferior to Spider-Tom's Iron Spider suit!

In just a few minutes, Spider-Tom was once again knocked down to the ground.

The Ghost's attacks were extremely ruthless. Having personally designed a new serum, he understood Spider-Man's regenerative abilities well enough to incapacitate him without causing fatal harm—after all, this was the person he had his eye on.

However, Spider-Tom's Iron Spider suit showed several damages, and even though the nanomaterials had memory capabilities, it would take some time for repairs.

"Bow down to me, and I'll let you become the king of this world!" The Ghost crouched down, holding Spider-Tom's chin.

His eyes were crimson and sharp, seemingly capable of piercing through the faceplate of the Iron Spider suit.

"Hehe." Spider-Tom chuckled coldly. Even though his body wasn't responding, he would never submit to a villain.

"Release that boy!" A whistling sound cut through the air.

The Ghost rolled aside, avoiding the attack.

It turned out to be middle-aged Tobey Spider.

Having just dealt with a robbery on the other side of the city, he noticed the situation with Spider-Tom and rushed to provide support.

Unfortunately, he was a step too late.

Middle-aged Tobey Spider's strike missed, and without pursuing, he landed beside Spider-Tom, squatting down. "Peter, how are you?"

Spider-Tom forced a bitter smile. "My hands and feet are broken. I can't fight for a short period. I'm sorry."

Middle-aged Tobey Spider didn't reprimand him for his impulsive actions disregarding tactical arrangements. Instead, he promptly called for help from Mark, Doctor Strange, and Max.

"We have a new formidable enemy here. Peter is injured and temporarily unable to fight. I need support."

While middle-aged Tobey Spider sought help, the Ghost merely crossed his arms, seemingly enjoying the spectacle, and didn't utter a word to stop him.

He seemed to have another plan, intentionally luring people to this location!

On the other side, upon hearing the plea for help, Mark immediately signaled Max to rush towards the direction of middle-aged Tobey Spider and Spider-Tom.

He was slightly excited.

Being able to injure Spider-Tom in such a short time and prompt a distress signal from middle-aged Tobey Spider, it must be the "Boss".


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