
Spider-Man: The Successful One

It's about a strong Spider-Man who gets married, has a kid, is wealthy, and is successful in life. [It won't be like the disappointment of the official writers' story and it's just my imagination on how Spidey will be like if his character is not... ow to say restricted? by the ever-changing writers]

Fire_Boy_5319 · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs



[Peter Parker's POV]

I immediately rolled to the right of my bed when I felt my Spidey-sense buzzing about the incoming danger.

I got up and saw my son sitting in the place where I was sleeping with a disappointed look on his face.

"That's not how you are supposed to wake someone up Olive *Yawn*" I told him as I got off the bed yawning as I stretched my body.

"Don't call me 'Olive', it's embarrassing!" Olive had a serious look on his face while saying, damn he's cute. But I sense hypocrisy here, Wanda calling him Olvie is acceptable but me calling him Olive is embarrassing? I should get my revenge by embarrassing him in front of his friends… He did say that they were coming home today right?

"Mom said to brush your teeth and come eat dinner." He said and went out of the room.

"*Sigh* Kids are too mature these days… and why do I even need to brush? It's not like my breath is bad or my teeth can get cavities. If I even get a cavity I'll just pull out those teeth and a new one will sprout."

I grumbled as I entered the bathroom, I washed my face and fixed my hair, "Really Peter, How do you think a face as handsome as yours gets bullied at high school?" I asked myself while looking at my handsome face in the mirror, Wanda too asked this question before and the answer for that is, "Fucking web of life".

That shit should be destroyed, If the Living Tribunal didn't interfere, 712 Peter and I would have destroyed it. I should meet him if possible. That guy was as smart as me and was the current ruler of his Earth. He collected all his universe's infinity stones and is researching it which made me a little envious as I only had the power stone, my trump card.

I brushed my teeth nonetheless and exited the bathroom, "A.P.A.I what's my schedule today?" I asked my ever-faithful AI as I was wiping my face with my Spider-Man towel. What? I make my own merchandise.

"You sound like you ever had and followed one", Replied my ever-not-so-faithful AI.

"You are supposed to aid me, Wanda's influence on you is sometimes bad," I said in a sad voice acting like I was disappointed.

"Track Bolivar down and delete all his company's data after making sure we have the important ones, That guy doesn't learn from his mistakes", He already got his ass kicked by the X-men and still comes back for more. Those guys should really just finish off their enemies.


It seems like creeping on your own house pays off sometimes, I made myself invisible and sneaked behind Wanda who was arranging the plates and dishes on the dining table.

She's really focused on stuff like this, Even when I told her that all the nanobots in our house can do the same stuff a lot more efficiently and faster she just said that it was her duty as a wife. I really didn't know how to proceed with that conversation after that so I just remained silent.

I closed the distance between us while taking slow steps and hugged her waists while burying my head on the back of her neck, kissing her and inhaling her scent.

"Ahh Peter! I told you not to surprise me like that!" Woman I know about you, When I didn't do this for a day you looked at me like I cheated on you.

"*chu* Good morning Wanda, what's for breakfast?" I mumbled while still burying my face in her hair.

She turned around and looked at my face, She got closer and kissed me, "Bacon, eggs and cheese grill".

"Ewww, that's gross" ahh there comes our resident cock-blocker, I should make the schools open early.

Wanda pulled back and was flustered, Sigh you can warp reality and you get flustered for this? Very cute.


The breakfast was as good as usual, to be honest, all the food Wanda made tasted great… except the ones she made while experimenting with food.

Wanda just left with Oliver to drop him off at his school, Technically it is my school as I own it. Fate works in different ways, My son is getting Harry's treatment. But I made sure to not let him be arrogant but considering that the school he's going to is Elite Academy. A school where nearly 20% of the students come from a rich background even though the school offers free education. And that's because of all the schools in the world only it has enough security, the school's not even in the ground it's floating 700 metres above the ground level.

The school is filled with mutants, inhumans and even some aliens. It has a protective dome covering it which could withstand a full-powered punch from The Thing, it's true and Ben lost that bet with Peter and had to call him boss for a week. And even if the barrier was breached all the teachers were trained X-men who separated from Charles after they found out his tendency to achieve 'Greater Good'. Ororo Munroe was the principal and Jean Grey was the Vice-Principle. Just those gave the school a high level of protection, an avatar of god and the nexus of all Psynoic energy across all realities. They were very strong and they too were dragged into the 'dark side' by me if you ask Charles.

They were strong but not the spirit of vengeance and king of hell strong, that is not considering my Wanda who can do anything she desires with the cost of her sanity. It's a not-so-great cost but she does have chaos magic. Ever since I became the King of Hell, the first thing I did was merge myself with the spirit of vengeance as Wanda told me that she can easily separate me from the spirit of vengeance. Ever since then, there was no spirit of vengeance, just me as I asked her to destroy its personality.

"A.P.A.I are there any crimes happening in the world now that require my attention?" I ask while lying on the couch in my living room looking at the hologram screen of two cats playing with each other.

"No Peter, today's one of those days" She replied and showed Trask's live position, "The individual Trask seemed to have injected his own body with some nanobots and modified his body, but its security is not that strong enough to be safe from me." Is that pride I sense in her tone, Aww that's cute.

"So all the nanobots are in your control right?" I asked.

"Yes" I guess even lady luck couldn't withstand my charm, "Stop his heart and brain functions," I say as I didn't feel like wasting my energy to kill an asshole like him.

"Finished Peter, the individual Bolivar Trask is dead and all his company's server and data is destroyed while collecting the useful ones you picked" Yah One less problem for me.

I heard the front door open and saw Wanda entering, "So do you want to go somewhere?" I asked her, I didn't feel like doing Spider-man stuff… Maybe I should go pester Tony or Wade.

"I want to but Susan wanted to go shopping with me today, you can come if you want" Ohh Susan huh? I wonder how things are going between Reed and Her. Wanda said that they were not on good terms.

"Nah, you girls have your girls time I'm good" Do you think I will fall for that? I will not experience that heaven of being your bag carrier the whole day.

"Your loss"


[3rd Person's POV]

Tony is annoyed.

He just created a new lightsaber for his daughter but Pepper took it away from Morgan's hand the moment he told her its name.

He is currently alone in his mansion sitting on his couch while his wife is managing his company and his daughter is in that bastard's school.

"Why didn't I think of having my AI manage my company? It would have made my youth even more fun!" He said frustratedly.

"Sir, Mr Parker is currently waiting outside." His obedient AI with a British accent, Jarvis said while a screen appeared in front of him showing Peter standing on his front door.

"Why's this bastard here? Let him in Jarvis" As he said that the door opened.

"Are you still salty that I got richer than you?" Peter asked as he entered nonchalantly, he wore the necklace which contained his latest suit and a cooler. He offered a handshake to Tony whose lips twitched at his question.

"You just gotta rub it each time we meet don't you?" Tony replied through his teeth and shook his hand with Peter.

"So did Wanda kick you out after being fed up by your behaviour?" Tony asked as they both sat on the couch, taking the bottle of Whiskey and pouring a glass for himself and Peter.

"Those things just happen to you Tony" He took the glass and sipped some of its content, " We are in a happy and strong relationship.".

"So why are you here? I won't believe it if you say that you missed me" Tony too took a sip of the Whiskey.

"What? Can't I spend some quality time with my friend who doesn't do anything productive except play with his daughter?"

"Says the bastard who used to wear red spandex while swinging from one building to another in the middle of the day."

"Sheesh, what got you so riled up this early?" Peter asked and placed the glass down after finishing the whiskey, it didn't have the least effect on him.

"Pepper didn't allow me to give Morgan the special lightsaber I made for her, it was for her self-defence it even had kid-safety mode." Tony sighed at his wife's actions.

"That's why you should be secretive, I never told Wanda I gave him a hoverboard, she's scared that he'll hurt himself but who's gene do you think he inherited? I have already checked his DNA. He's Mutant but also inherited my spider and demon side. If falling down gonna hurt him he better fall from the atmosphere." Peter said with a slight pride in his tone.

"Morgan is also a mutant and she already created a small mech from Gundam, and who do you think she inherited her gene from? Me" Tony said as he stood up.

"Are you saying she's better than Oliver?" Peter too stood up and they both faced off against each other.

"What if I am" Tony didn't back down.

Both their suits appeared on their body, Tony's from the arc reactor attached to his chess and Peter's from the spider necklace on his neck.

Tony's armour was black in colour with blue lines, the cosmic energy, He made it after they dealt with a hungry Galactus. The metal of the suit was silver surfer's board and blue cosmic energy started coating him.

Peter's body emitted red demonic energy and small specs of blue flame started to come out of his armour.

"SIr, Please calm down" "Don't be stupid Pete" came the sound of two AIs which made both of them back off and retract the suit.

"This is not over," Tony said with a serious look.

"Yes, it isn't," Peter said in a dramatic way.

They both stared at each other and couldn't hold it back any longer,

" "HAHAHAHAH" " they both laughed hard.

"You should have seen your face! Haha! it looked so hilarious when you tried to look serious!" Peter said in the middle of laughing.

"You talk like you were any better! Haha!" Tony laughed so hard as tears started to come out of his eyes.

They both continued laughing for a while before stopping, they sat down on the couch,

"So what can we do today? I don't have anything to do today." Peter asked Tony who took a thinking pose.

"Why don't we go to the Avengers base? It's been a while since I was there." Tony slammed his fist on the palm of his other hand after finding a way to cure their boredom.

"Hmmm… Not a bad idea, it's not like I have anything else to do."