
Spider-Man: The Successful One

It's about a strong Spider-Man who gets married, has a kid, is wealthy, and is successful in life. [It won't be like the disappointment of the official writers' story and it's just my imagination on how Spidey will be like if his character is not... ow to say restricted? by the ever-changing writers]

Fire_Boy_5319 · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs



17, January, 2036

"So guys, let's do this one more time," I say as I swing through the buildings,

"My name is Peter Parker, I was bitten by the radioactive spider, and for 18 years I've been the only Spider-man, in my universe that is," I said to myself and waved back to the kids who were waving at me.

"And I saved the world, again and again and again" I chuckled at the ridiculous amount of times our world was almost destroyed.

You may wonder why I should save the world right? It wasn't for some cheesy reason like, 'With great power comes great responsibilities' my some other variations say. It's true I was like that till I reached a point in life where I forgot I was Peter Parker before Spider-man. I killed all the sinister six after that. I thought I would change and be arrested on sight after killing someone but, they hated me for a while for it so I just stopped putting the mask back on for a few months and Boom, the public wants me back now.

I started spending less time as Spider-Man after that and focused on being me, Peter Parker.

"I started a company" I swooped on a lady who was about to be hit by a truck and dropped her off on the platform, Parker Inc. I started it 14 years ago to put the use of my intelligence and knowledge somewhere other than fighting a crazy billionaire who has daddy issues and a lizard who can talk but chooses not to. The company is now fully run by A.P.A.I the first, best, and only A.I I created and will ever create, I don't want to repeat an Ultron again.

It can't even be called a company anymore, it seems that giving an A.I who doesn't need any rest and has full access to all the stuff on the internet a company to develop is really a good idea. The small tech and research company I started, became a fucking enterprise. I *Cough* We meaning, my All Purpose Artificial Intelligence and I have the full monopoly over mobile phones, PC, basically all tech-related stuff, electric transport, medical tools, and gaming industries.

I am a billionaire who has no need to work, I overtook Tony in wealth which made him sulk,

"Haha, that party was fun" I laughed as I looked at the kid who was trying to do some tricks on his black hoverboard with neon green stripes, which looked like a very cool design, and must have been made by a man with the best taste, definitely not me being narcissistic. I lowered down to the boy and gave him a high-five.

"Have a nice day Spidey!"

"Stay focused when using a hoverboard kid"

I am still irritated at my history regarding hoverboards, the first product which made my company grow at the beginning, the mess I was pulled into because the 'authorities' basically wanted to know the whole blueprint behind it and its whole working process and all the other company who tried to steal my invention, but the joke's on them cause the current materials It is made of isn't even from Earth.

Anyway, we should not get distracted, You wonder why I'm still protecting the city no, the world no, this universe, no the Multiverse, even though it was only once right? Well, the first reason is that I'm one of the idiots living in it and the second is I really like being Spider-Man, it has become my hobby and now the real reason is… I don't know what else to do really with my free time that I would enjoy as much as being Spider-man, and I'm free from the web of life after I found out it was the cause of my Parker luck more specifically all the misfortunes I faced, the death of my parents, my aunt and uncle, and Gwen.

"'Canon event' that bitch said I really wish Living Tribunal Didn't interfere back then" Well let's not ruin the mood by thinking about that stuff.

"Where was I? Ah, I fell in love" I said as a nostalgic smile made its way into my face and my previous anger came back. *Sigh* Gwen… I miss her even after all these years. I should have just killed that green bastard when I had the chance.

"Now there is one distinctive difference between my other variants and me," I say and I enter the Mexican Mafia family's base which crossed the line I put as the current Kingpin, "It's not Killing, you may be surprised but most of my variants already did that at least once either directly or indirectly, with or without their knowledge" I camouflaged myself becoming invincible and told,

"A.P.A.I match my temperature and smell to the surroundings"

"Yes Pete" I am still wondering why she picked a sexy MILF's voice when I designed her. I made it so that she could choose any voice she wanted to speak, must be my horny teenage mind influencing her when I was teaching her.

"Now you want to know my specialty right?" I moved in quickly after hacking the door, which was made by my company so all I had to do was use the Administrator Privilege. I activated my Penance Stare to check their sins and see if they were eligible to live. After seeing that it wasn't any of them who kidnapped Alice This morning, Alice is Ford's daughter, he is the CEO of Ford Steels, an industry that supplies the basic materials to most of my production factories. I just quickly knocked out everyone one by one while still being invisible.

No matter how much they shot randomly with their shock guns and ran around I was too fast for them and my ever trusted spidey-sense came in clutch like always, after knocking them all out I bundled them together and tied them with my webs,

"So can you guess it now?" I asked again,

"Pete, Your main character syndrome is getting worse, should I inform Mrs. Parker?"

"Can't you just let me have my fun? I wanted to see if acting like Wade is hard" She's getting more and more like Aunt May, which is nice but kinda annoying at times.

"Let's focus on the rescue, turn on Clairvoyance," I said as my vision changed, my whole vision turned blue and the outlines of the walls and objects were in white, I looked around and saw the girl's figure in the basement. I quickly broke the door to the basement to see the girl tied, she was unconscious but not injured. I untied her and did a whole body scan on her to check if she was really safe.

I hugged the girl and lifted her up and carried her with my left arm,

I dialled my favourite police commissioner,

"Yolo Yuri, It's your ever-efficient detective spidey," I say trying to rile her up like usual

"Sigh… did you find the girl, what about the boss?" She really knows me very well, guess one will get used to my shit after 10 years.

"The girl's fine, sent the cops to the location I sent a minute ago and the boss escaped but don't worry he won't live to see tomorrow." I already saw his location from his PC.

"Fine… so how's Lan-"

"Sorry Yuri, I should finish my hero stuff before 6 got to go, Sayanora!" I ended the call and went to the nearby Parker Hospital which was free and had an exclusive mascot, Spider-man which was me. I admitted Alice to the clinic and gave the nurse there Ford's number to inform him.

I saw the clock to see it was already 5:30 pm, shit There's only half an hour left. I can't sleep on the couch today. I immediately rushed out of the hospital and told,

"A.P.A.I show me that bastard's location" I ask as a hologram appears in my view, Tony who makes the screens appear 'inside' his suits, I made them look like they appear outside the suit, It was a lot more convenient for me as it was hard to use spidey-sense when there was like a hundred LEDs in my eye.

I saw that he was really far away, fucker ran away and was already in Washington DC. Well, I still haven't said my uniqueness compared to my other variants and how I escaped my 'destiny' and 'fate' right? See for yourself the answer.

I activated my transformation. My whole body got engulfed in blue flames and the skin and hair including my face started burning off, but unlike the previous hosts of spirit of vengeance my muscles didn't burn off so I'm not a walking skeleton, it's just my head which is a skeleton.

I opened a portal to my spider cave, and entered the dungeon inside it, I asked,

"A.P.A.I show me the live feeds of what was his name again. Yeah! Antonio"

"Right away Pete." She hacked the security camera to show him traveling fast in a hover car I made on the highway at 300 miles/hr. I didn't waste any time and opened a portal before his car and to the space in a way that he would be directly thrown to the sun, I didn't feel like killing him in my base and cleaning up the mess.

I came out of my Ghost-Spider form, so now you should understand it right? Yeah, it's a long story, after Gwen got killed I was depressed as hell, I killed all the villains who made any problem, then one night when I killed both Eddie Brock and Venom, an old man in a suit with a walking stick appeared, he introduced himself as Mephisto, he gave me the contract to become the spirit of vengeance, which I didn't even hesitate to do at that time and things were not nice after that.

I decided not to think of any of that and asked my ever wonderful A.I, "What's the time?"

"It's 5:40 Pete"

Ohh it seems like I still have some time, I should surprise her by coming home early like a good husband, shouldn't I?.

Ahh, I forgot to mention, do you know all the spider-mans who took the path of violence have a happy ending compared to the ones who follow the 'righteous' path, the same applies to me, the moment I started killing those who caused unnecessary chaos and became Ghost-Spider things started going well to me.

I met my wife, Wanda Maximoff in hell when I was trying to kill Mephisto and come out of his control, she helped me very much in that process really, she manipulated the reality so that all his contracts were 'blank' for a second except his contract with me and that's all the time I needed to become the next ruler of hell. Her power's really scary but she stopped using her reality manipulation as it makes her crazy, but even without it her chaos magic is busted. We started dating after that and got married later.

"Retract" As I said the suit retracted itself to the necklace in my neck, Nanotech for the win, and I fixed my dress and my hair before leaving the base.

I entered the lift in my base which was beneath my house, I went to the ground floor and as the lift's doors slowly opened, I checked to my left and right to check if Wanda was near, I tiptoed and walked silently to go unnoticed and surprise my wife, I searched for her in the living room but after not finding her in there I went to the Kitchen to see if she was experimenting with food again,

There I saw my wife leaning over the kitchen counter waiting for the microwave apparently, Seeing her wear a shirt of mine which was big for her, and tight yoga pants, made something in me rise.

So as my right and obligation as a husband, I raised my right hand and pulled it back to give a meaty smack on her sexy cheek,

"Ahh~" She released a slight moan and looked back at me with a pout which made her incredibly cute.

"I told you to not do that!" She seemed a little angry, so I decided to diffuse the situation before it got serious.

I lifted her up and sat at the counter

"I'm Sorry" I whisper slightly in a seductive tone near her ear which gets her flustered, She's still cute like she was on our first date.

I didn't waste any time and kissed her lips, she reciprocated quickly. The long kiss ends as she pulls back to catch her breath, but still has her arms around my shoulders and her ankles around my waist.

"Someone's hungry today…" she whispered in my ear and started biting it and just as I was about to lift her up and rush to our bedroom I heard,

"Why is Mom biting you, Dad?"

Ahh… Did I mention that I have a son?

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