
Spider-Man : Brave and Bold

A Spider-man fanfiction with some crossovers . I will introduce a few villains from different places. There will be both MCU and comic elements from both Marvel and DC.

Breaking_Bad · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 15 : Busy day


Peter took a sip from the coffee that he had ordered. Currently he was sitting in a cafe along with one person and trying to enjoy the calm Atmosphere that he rarely had time to enjoy in his life.

He was trying his hardest to not think about what he had done three days ago. More specifically, how he had admittedly kidnapped Harry. He wasn't happy with himself for what he had done. But Peter just didn't know how to fix things. Harry's hate only increased and the news had exploded And now Jameson was back at it again about how Spider-Man is a menace.

Peter also had to spend almost half an hour explaining to Captain Stacy about why he had done it and another half an hour about how Harry was not involved as Green Goblin and they didn't have to take him in custody.....yet.

Honestly, Peter still couldn't stop himself from thinking that Harry Osborn must have some hand in this fiasco. And he hated himself more for that.

"Peter....." His coffee date partener, Mary Jane called his name after seeing he was going into his daydreaming mode again.

"It's Ok. You just had a hunch and you acted on it. Loo I'm not saying that what you did was right. And yes there were other ways. But you can't dwell on it every second of your life." MJ was getting worried about Peter.

He was literally spending his entire time doing Spider stuff. His grades were going down and he was acting more and more reserved around others. Aunt May had noticed his change too and had asked her to take care of him at school.

Mary Jane wanted to do that too. Not just because Aunt May, The nicest woman other than her own Aunt Anna , whom she knew had asked her. But also because Peter was her Best friend. He had helped her in her low times and now she wanted to repay him.

"How can i do that Mary Jane? When all i can think of is that. Spidey is meant to do the right thing. And lately all I've been doing goes wrong." Peter sighed.

"It's Alright. Everyone has bad days. Just.....Just take few days off from web swinging it's not like the City will blow up just because you aren't there." MJ spoke in a low tone so that others won't hear their conversation, though there were noy many people in the cafe at the moment.

Peter only closed his eyes. 'MJ doesn't understand. With all that's happening. The Goblin's return, That Prison break and all those villains free now. It feels like the city Jist Might Blow Up if I'm not out there.'

"Let's go home." He said as he got up.

They paid the bill and went out. As soon as they went out and walked a few distance away. Someone wearing a very heavy clothes came up to them. He was wearing three long coats and a hat and kept his head low so no one could see his face. But Peter's spider-sense started ringing ever so slightly.

"Mary Jane...." The man said and they could finally see his face. It was completely golden with no eyebrows. He was clearly not normal. But Peter and MJ both knew this person.

Mark Allan. Aka Molten Man. Aka MJ's ex-boyfriend.

"Mary Jane...I need help. All my family has left this city. And I'm being chased. Please help me." He said as he made a grbbing gesture and reached out to grab Mary Jane's arm.

But Peter pulled the girl back."You stay where you are Mark. You touching her can hurt her." Peter told the golden guy as he step in front of MJ hiding her from Mark.

"Stay away from her Parker and get out of my way." Mark growled. He was already angry after learning what happened to his uncle Adrain Toomes. And now he had to see Parker, the outcast of the class get chumy with his girlfriend. Even though in actuality they had broken up before He even became Molten man.

"Listen to me Mark. We will help you. But think first, you can hurt her if you get any closer. Please." Peter was getting desperate. If Mark lost his control over his emotions he would loose control over his powers too. And Mark wasn't known to be a calm type. He needed to get Mary Jane away from here.

"I Said GET OUTTA MY WAY!!" Mark shouted as he tried to grab the two people in front of him again. As he did so, his golden hand started to be covered in Fire.

He missed though because of Peter's fast reflexes. Peter stepped back a bit and then turned around and picked MJ up in his arms and started running away.

"GET BACK HERE MARY JANE!! I told you to get back and help me." Mark shouted again and raised his arm and shot out a fireball at the two people running away.

He missed though as Peter, thanks to his spidey-Senses and continued to run away before truning into an alley.

Mark or Molten Man followed them to the alley but didn't find them any where.

"Ahhhhhhh. MaryJane!!" He shouted again.

Three buildings away. On the rooftop of said building. Peter set MJ down and started changing into his Spider man suit.

"Get away from here as fast as possible. I'll try to get him to stop." Peter instructed her as he put on his mask.

"What about Mark? He asked for help." MJ hesitated to ask but did anyway.

"Listen MJ. Mark ran away from prison. He is a criminal. I'll promise you I will try to help him any way possible. But for now, The only way I can help him is by talking him down before he hurts someone again or worse. Now you need to get out of here. It's Dangerous." Having said that, Spider-man jumped back and ran in the direction where molten man was destroying things having already lost control of his powers.


Spider-Man landed behind Molten Man and sent a web at him that stopped the Fiery man's movement and pulled on the webs. Molten Man was pulled back and fell down on his butt.

"Molty. It's nice to meet you again. But shouldn't you still be in your prison." Spider-Man joked to calm his nerves and get over his spider-senses thaat were telling him to simply run away from danger.

"You. It's you again. Spider-Man. You destroyed family. Sent me to jail. Sent my father figure to jail. Now I've become like this. It's all because of you." Mark said as he got up. The flames on his body grew bigger and The surrounding area started to turn hotter. " I'll kill you. I'll BURN YOU TO DEATH!! "

And then Molten Man sent two more fireballs at the Reb and blue hero.

Spider-Man continued dodging his attacks and kept Molten -Man's attention on himself to let people escape from the area with his jokes.

"Public Nudity is a criminal offence." He joked about Molten-Man's Nude form now that all the clothes on his body had burned down.

"You think this is all a joke. You freak. Just die." Moten Man fired a heat blast that Spidey dodged but the blast continued going and hit a wall of the building behind the hero. A blast occured that destroyed the wall and some wreckage started to fall down on a young child.

"Nooo!!" Spider-Man jumped in action and with his super fast speed got to the kid quickly and jumped away along with the kid before the wreck fell down.

Spider-Man rolled before getting up with the kid in his arm. He then sent the kid away towards the crowd that was some distance away

Molten -Man aimed at Spider-Man again and fired another blast at him. Spider-Man's senses warned him and he turned around but he couldn't move away since if he dodged the attack it would hit the kid that was running away. So he took the blast head on. He raised his hand up to cover his face and then....


"Argggh!!!!" Spider-Man screamed a little as he was thrown back meters away after he took that blast on his hand and chest.

Peter got up and looked his chest where the spider symbol and part of suit were burned away. The same with his hands. The suit there was burned or charred black.

Molten Man aimed to fire again. But suddenly a bike was thrown at him and slammed into his body.

"Hey wtf man. That's my bike." A man wearing helmet shouted from far away.

"Shut up. It's just got a dent. Get it fixed afterwards." Spider-Man shouted back at the man.

Then he formed an idea. He went towards the Fire hydrant that was close to him and used his brute strength to break it open and turn the water shower towards the fallen Molten Man.

Then immediately afterwards, He took out a couple of web Bombs and threw them all at the villain.

Molten Man screamed as he was hit by water and that started to extinguish his flames. He tried to run away but at that moment the web bombs connected and he was webbed to the ground. He couldn't burn the webs cause of the water either. So he could only scream. "Noo.. ahhhhgggh"

Spider-Man jumped at the fallen and captured villain and gave a powerful venom blast punch to his face that knocked Molten-Man out of his senses.

Spider-Man stumbled back on his feet a bit and then sat down too to take a breather. The Police officers and Damage control Came in to take away Molten-Man.

At that moment A blast sound came from some distance away.

Spider-Man turned to look in that direction before he sighed. He got up and started swinging towards the direction of the sound.

Soon he reached there and the first thing he noticed was...

A leg. A metalic Leg. A 10 meter Long Metalic Leg.

'Oh God. Not him too.'

"Hehehe. Finally found you spider." The new villain showed his face.

Stilt Man.

Possibly the weakest super villain. Powers? He wore an armour that could elongate it's metal limbs. Spider-Man sighed. Last time they fought Stilt Man literally started crying cause he couldn't hit him. Funnily, there was a grown ass old man inside that metal suit.

Stilt man elongated his arm and sent it down like a whip to attack Spider-Man. Spidey simply jumped away to dodge the attack but...


An unexpected blast caught him off guard and sent the hero flying away.

"God. What the hell was that?" Spdier-Man shook his head as he got up. He turned to see stilt man holding a pumpkin bomb in his metalic arm.

"Oh God. That's cheating." Spider-Man had to dodge many such attacks from Stilt Man. He was able to dodge them all but got hurt from the flying debris from the blasts.

Spdier-Man aimed for the moment Stilt Man tried to take another Pumpkin Bomb again. He sent web at his metal hand and webbed them up.

He then used the old fashioned way and jumped high in the sky directly at The Main Body of Stilt Man that was more tan 15 meters high. He dodged Stilt Mans limbs trying to attack him and gave a venom blast punch at the Torso of the villain. That disbalanced Stilt and he started falling down.

Spider-Man jumped down too immediately started webbing up both Stilt Man's leg together so that he couldn't use them.

After Stilt Man fell down. Spider-Man went towards his face and ripped apart the armour and dragged the old man inside it out and threw him down on the ground and webbed him up.

Soon after that. The Boys in Blue reached there. And started preparing to take Stilt Man away. When Spider-Man approaches him.

"Where did you get the Pumpkin Bomb Koolney?"Spdier-Man asked about the pumpkin bombs again.

"Heh. Your best Friend gave it to us. He is back you know. The Goblin." Was all that Stilt Man or Koolney said before he was taken away.

Spider-Man sighed at the answer. It wasn't much information. He knew as much there was a Goblin in New York. But he needed more information. Maybe interrogating Stilt -Man more would give them answers. He would have to talk with Captain Stacy about that. At the mention of the Captain. Spider-Man turned to look at him.

"Great Work I guess? Do I get a pay rise?" Spider-Man joked with Captain Stacy who gave him a glare. Again.

Captain Stacy wasn't too happy with what he had done to Harry. Cause now there was another case on Spider-man filled by a billionaire himself. An attempt to murder charge at that. Media was having fun time with this case.

"This is the fourth prisoner that was reported to have run away from Ravencroft. There's still more out there. But it seems our theory was correct. They are all coming here. They are after you Spider-man." Captain Stacy said in his police officer tone.

"Yeah. I guess I'll have to just be ready for them then." Spdier-Man said.

Right then....


A sound of light metal falling came to his ears. And then his spider senses warned him of the big danger.

"Get Down." Spider-Man shouted as he tackled the two police officers and jumped along with them away from the place he was standing. And right then....


A blast occured where they were standing a second ago. And then a maniacal sound resounded in the sky.


Spdier-Man's blood chilled hearing that laughter. He had heard that laughter all to many times. The Goblin.

"Won't you welcome me Spider-Man." The Goblin said in his usual mocking tone. "It's your friend Goblin here."

The Goblin snooped down at fast speed and grabbed Spdier-Man by the neck before flying back into the sky.

"You. You are not the Green Goblin. Who the hell are you ?" Spider-Man shouted as he was finally able to see the appearance of the new Goblin.

He was wearing a Yellow suit instead of green and Over it was an orange and blue coloured coat. His eyes were also Orange.

"You are right. I'm better than that dimwit failure Norman Osborn. I'm far better than him. Stronger than him. Smarter than him. I'm his superior. I'm HobGoblin. Hahahaha...."

The Now named Hob-Goblin laughed before punching Spider-Man hard in the face many times. Spidey could do nothing but take the beatings as he dangled in the air ,captured by Hob-Goblin. His Fights with Molten Man had hurt him badly. And Stilt Man had exhausted him too. He wasn't in optimal condition to fight someone like Goblin.

Hob-Goblin punched many times. Then threw the Web-Head Hero down on top of the rooftop of an apartment building.


Spider-Man slammed hard on the ground and groaned in pain. He somehow got himself back up and then he turned his head towards the Goblin again and this time saw that he launched two missiles from his glider at him.

Spider-Man had little time to dodge the missiles before they hit and he was swept away by the Heavy Blast. The Blast was so powerful it shook amthe entire building and broke glass windows of many other buildings.

The people watching all this from the ground. Wether they be police or common citizen could do nothing but watch in silent horror as The New Goblin so easily defeated Spider-man and Destroyed a building.

The Goblin was flying around in circles as he continued to look down at the masterpiece spectacle that he had created. All the while laughing maniacally."Hahahahaha..."

He searched around for Spider-man but he couldn't find any trace of the hero.

He stopped laughing and squinted his eyes as if to look through the walls and buildings to find his enemy. Then he opened them wide and started laughing again. This time even more hesterically. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA...You can run from me Spider. But you can hide. Cause soon there will be no place to hide. HAHAHAHAH....."

Then Hob-Goblin turned his glider around and start to fly away from the scene. " This will all be Mine. Just Wait for my 'Crowning' NewYork. Just wait. HAHAHAHAH...." He gave his final message to the city and then disappeared the same way he had appeared.

All the while from the crack between the fallen debrises , A beaten hero Kept looking at the sky. In the direction his new enemy had disappeared.
