
Spider-Man : Brave and Bold

A Spider-man fanfiction with some crossovers . I will introduce a few villains from different places. There will be both MCU and comic elements from both Marvel and DC.

Breaking_Bad · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 14 : Goblin's Shadow

[ A/N :- Before we start , I would like to ask a little help from the readers. You see , I've been able to decide how I'm going to write THE Movie events. Like Age of Ultron and Infinity Saga with something original added from my own mind.

But I haven't been able to decide how to change the story of first Avengers movie . Now as you can already tell, We are soon going to reach that point in this fic. In fact it will start right after this arc concludes. And I've no good ideas yet.

I don't simply want to copy down the movie and only add Spider-man in there. So I'm asking if you have any good ideas do tell me. Thank You.


It had been a week since the mutant Incident.

Peter couldn't help but feel down for not being able to save the Kid. It felt like recently he couldn't save anyone he goes out to protect. And he had this foreboding feeling that the worst has yet to come.

He felt like every time people keep dying whenever he is around. And he helplessly watches. Peter just felt.... Tired. There was only so much failure one could take. The city was finally trusting him. But the weight of their trust felt too heavy for him.

Not Jolly Jonah though. He was still against Spider-Man. Peter was still living on his usual schedule. Going to school , clicking photo's for bugle and Patrolling city at night. Life was much more normal. But he knew it meant that life was preparing to throw another big problem at him.

Peter threw his hands behind his head and arched his head back and stared intently watching the boring ceiling like it had the solution of all his problems written on it.

Then the mobile phone in his pocket started to beep. It was connected to the police voice channel so that he could get news of anything big happening immediately. This beeps meant there was something bad happening in the city again and Peter took it out and opened it.

# Bank Robbery happening at 110th Street . They are all determined to armed with weapon. We need more force here. #

Peter got up and stretched his body a bit before starting to change into his suit. This was the only remaining suit he had left now. He put on his web shooter as he continued to listen to the reports from the Police channel. And once he finished changing he jumped out of the window.




Spider-Man reached the Scene in a few minutes. The robbers were still inside and Thank god no hostages have been harmed yet. He turned to look at the police force assembled in front the Bank's gate and saw Officer Gordon.

He jumped down near the officer and saluted him. "Hello officer. Maybe i can help you here a little?"

Gordon was startled that someone appeared in front of him abruptly. Though when he saw it was the Web-Head he relaxed.

"Spider-Man it's good that you are here. Those guys inside , they have 23 people hostage. The culprits number to 10. And all of them seem to have a fetish for goblin as they were all wearing Goblin mask." Gordon told the hero.

Spdier-Man pondered over it but he didn't think it was work of Goblin himself. It's not possible cause Spider-Man himself saw him die. "Must be some run away rats from a costume party. How do you plan to take them?"

"They haven't said any demands. They are still inside, for over an hour." Gordon sighed.

"I'll take care of them. Just find me a hidden door to get inside." Spider-Man said. He wasn't in the mood for some fun and games. He just wanted to web the robbers up and go home.

"There's a ventilation window at the second floor. You can maybe try getting in from there." Spider-Man nodded and jumped away.




He soon found the window and it was easy to open with his strength. He got in pretty easily. All the Robbers and hostages were on the ground floor. He decided to be swift and incapacitate the Thiefs first so that they can't harm the hostages.

As he started going down he saw two robbers coming up from stairs. They both were wearing the green Goblins mask and had guns. Spidey didn't want to alert the other robbers so he picked up a couple of Web bombs and threw at them. The bombs detonated and covered the two robbers in Web from head to toe.

Spidey jumped down near them and ripped apart the webs from their face and only webbing their muth so they don't suffocate but can't scream either. After that he continued heading down.

He was soon at the ground floor. And he could see two robbers at the gate looking outside. Three of them keep watch over the hostages. And he could make two inside the managers office. Last one couldn't be seen.

He took a moment to decide his next step. And then threw web bombs at the Robbers near gate too, binding them the same way he had done earlier. He jumped at the robber closest to him , kicked his gun out of his hand sent a web string from one hand at the next robber's gun yanking it off his hand while hurling a table with another web string from the other hand at the robber farthest from him who was preparing to shooting.

This way he incapacitated 5 of them at the same time and then turned towards the hostages. "Run away now."

The hostages came to their senses and started running towards the bank's main gate. And Spider-man turned to go towards the Manager's office where the final three robbers remained.

"Welcome Spider-Man." One robber came out of the office towards him and took off his mask. He had some accent. From some European country. Or maybe Mexican. Anyway he sounded rather too cheerful in contrast to the situation he was in.

"My name is Jonas." The man said.

"It doesn't matter what your name is." Spider-Man as he leisurely walked towards the man.

"Oh but it is actually. You see, we were waiting for you to join the party. We have some work with you. Somebody has put up a heavy bounty on your head. Killing you can easily get us ten times the money there is in this bank." Jonas the robber said.

"Ohhh! And you thought you could kill Little old me? Really man, I'm scared shitless here."

"Joke all you want. But you should be. Cause we might just have what's needed to take you down." He shouted the last part before bringing out Gun like machine from behind him and started it.

The Machine came to life and sent out some kind of electro magnetic pulse that lifted the hero off the ground and made him hover in the air. The men beside Jonas aimed their guns at him before open firing.

Spider-Man sense warned him again and he sent a web string towards a wall on his left before pulling himself towards it. Getting out the the bullets range. He started running around in cricles trying hard to not get caught up by that machine again.

He jumped from the ceiling where bullets drilled in a second later and tried to close in the distance betwen himself and the robbers. But he got caught by the device again and was lifted in air.

This time though he aimed his web shooters and sent a web string at Jonas's leg before pulling. This disbalanced Jonas and he fell down and that weird device stopped working. Spidey took advantage of it and jumped awy dodging the bullets again before successfully closing the distance this time he punched one gunman and yanked off the gun from another with his hand had smacked hin across the face with the back of the gun.

Jonas tried reaching for the device again but Spider-Man turned one gun towards the device and shot a few bullets at it rebdeeing it useless.

He then kicked Jonas away and webbed up the other two robbers. Before moving towars Jonas again.

Jonas knew he had lost here and wanted to run away and in his desperate attempt he put a hand inside his jackets inner pocket and took something out and threw it at the approaching hero.

Spider-Man senses warned him again and he sidestepped the approaching thing. It was round.... and Orange. Spidey's eyes widened to the limit as he saw and understood what it was.

A pumpkin Bomb. Green Goblin's favourite toy. He terrorized the city a lot with this thing.

The bomb went to far backside into the Managers office. And detonated, blasting the whole office into smitherens.

Spider-Man turned to look at Jonas in shock and saw the man reaching for his pocket again. He immediately extended his hand and webbed up Jonas before he could do anything more. And then approached him with heavy steps.

He lifted the robber off the ground and slamme hin into a wall before asking in menacing voice that was unfitting of the Firendly Neighborhood Superhero persona of his. "Where did you get the Pumpkin bombs? Tell me now or it won't be good for you in the next ten seconds."

Spidey warned as he lifted up one hand and punched the wall mext to Jonas's head.

"I....I surrender. I surrender. Don't hurt me please. I only did this because I needed some money." Jonas pleaded.

"I want the answer to my question. Where did you get all these high tech equipments especially the pumpkin bomb?" Those bombs shouldn't be available. Goblin or Norman Osborn was too prideful individual. He wouldn't even let anyone else touch his stuff.

"I...I .... Somebody was selling it. Yes, they were selling these stuff to people under the bridge a few days ago."

"Who was it Jonas ? Tell me everything."

"They call themselves the Jack O' Lanterns. They are some kind of Minions of the Goblin. They have the Goblin as their leader. They appeared abruptly and started trying to taking control over the underworld that doesn't have anyone as the head right now." Jonas told him all he knew in a single breath.

And at this time officer Gordon came near him. "The hostages are save . Thanks for the help. But.... What are you doing?" He asked as he saw the famous Hero pinning one robber on the wall.

Spider-Man stayed silent for a second before letting go of the robber. "Just take them all away. They were after my head. Seems like someone put a big bounty over me head. I'm going to check out who it is. See you later." He then walkd away from the scene.

A few hours later he was sitting on top of a gargoyle statue on top of a building.

Spider-Man repeated the night Norman Osborn AKA Green Goblin died in his mind again and again. He remembered how the man had died. The way the glider pierced through his stomach. The amount of blood spilled. The final dead expression on Norman's face. He repeated it all over and over again trying to find something that could give him a clue over what it was that he was hoping to find.

Norman was dead. That was a fact. So who was behind this case? The Jack O' Lanterns? who were they folowing? He had two ideas about this situation.

One, Someone was simply trying to impresonate Green Goblin. He might have found one of his hideouts and took the techs out and sold them in underworld to make money.

The second one , that was something he didn't want to think about. Someone else acting as the New Green Goblin. And he had very good idea over who it might be.

He spent quite a few hours thinking over this issue. And it was night time now.

At that moment the Spider-Signal lit up in the sky. And Spider-man had a bad feeling about what new was to come his way once he met up with Captain Stacy at the tower.




As soon as he reached the tower Spider-Man could make out the serious situation of the talk they were going to have.

"What's up cap? You called for me?"

"Spider-Man. There's been a jail break in Ravencroft prison. Many of the super powered rogues that you have defeated in the past have escaped from their cells. Currently we have no information about any of them. But we can expect them to come here since most of them seem to be your enemy." George Stacy told the hero in a grave tone.

Sodier-Man was shocked to say the least. Ravencroft was a very tight security prison. It's a specially designed Prison for people like Rihno and shocker. Jail break there was a big news. And most of the escapees were his rogues. Anyone could tell that it was just a bag of trouble waiting to explode on his face.

"Also..." Stacy spoke again and spider-man looked up. There's more?

"Reports say there were sightings of the Goblin flying away on top on the prison on his glider. We even git a video footage and have confirmed it to be true. We believe that he, whoever he is that costume is the one that caused jail break." Stacy showed him the video.

Spider-Man watched as the dark shadow of Goblin flew away into the sky laughing manically. It was a black and white footage but Peter could make out the Goblin outfit that he was wearing. He watched the footage repeat again and again silently.

"Do you have any idea about who might this be?" Stacy asked him.

"...Maybe...." Spider-Man said ony one word befire turning around and walking away.

"I'll contact you in a few hours again officers." The hero said before jumped off into the night.




Spider-Man landed in front of one if the window of the Penthouse whose owner he was going ti interrogate.

Harry Osborn.

Peter remembered how Gwen had told him about Harry acting strange. He himself had seen that mad look in his eyes like his father but chose to ignore it. Not anymore. Peter isn't going to let another goblin wreck havoc in the City.

Harry Osborn was one of the only few people who had both a reason and the money to put out a big bounty on Spider-man. He also one of the most probable people to know about some of the hidden Goblin tech.

And lastly the most glaring conection, Harry Osborn had previous case of acting as the Green goblin. Yes , Harry had once upon a time worn the Goblin's cothes himself and fought Spider-man. Though in that fight he had hit his head hard and had no memory of it. And since then he had shown no recollection of those memories until now. But Peter couldn't let it slide anymore. This wasn't just about him. Last time the Goblin killed many people. Spider-Man wasn't gonna let it happen again. If the Green Goblin was back then Harry Osborn was his bet of being the villain.

He Entered the penthouse and jumped in front of Harry.

"What...What are you doing here you maniac?" Harry put up his guard.

"Look at the pot calling kettle black." Spider-Man said before he grabbed Harry by his collar and lifted him off his feet.

"Tell me Harry. Are you the new Goblin?"

"I.. don't know what the fuck you are talking about you freak..." Harry croaked as he tried to send punchs at Spider-Man's face.

The Web-Head easily dodged those punches before he let go of Harry who was back on his feet and punched him in the stomach. That sent the rich young Osborn stumbling back, and kneel down while grabbing his stomach.

"I don't have time for your games Goblin. Just tell me the truth." Spider-Man said coldly.

"WHAt the Hell are doing here?!!" Suddenly a female voice shouted from his side and Spider-Man turned to see Gwen Stacy looking at him with fear evident on her face.

Spider-Man momentarily went rigid before he turned back to look again at Harry. "You are coming with me."

He said that before he grabbed the Osborn again and lift him over his shoulder against the man's protest and ran away from the Penthouse ignoring Gwen's shouts.




Spider-Man landed in front of a Pathology lab along with Harry. He enetered it and sent the doctor conducting tests out.

He practically dragged the rich man inside because he wasn't ready to go anywhere with the hero.

Spider-Man decided instead of bothering with interrogation he will find concrete evidence of Harry being Goblin and be done with it. That's why he came here to a lab. To do a blood test. It was simple enough for him to do it himself.

He bound Harry to a chair and took out some blood from his hand.

Then he fiddled around with some lab equipments and then put the blood in a test tube mixed with something else. Then he put it in a device and ran some tests. He also took some blood and checked it under the microscope.

A few minutes later, He found...Nothing. Literally no type of foreign drugs. Let alone the Globulin serum.

He waiting for a few minutes and checked the results of the tests.


There was nothing wrong with Harry's blood. He himself did the test. And there was no signs of the globulin serum.

Spider-Man couldn't think straight anymore. He was so sure of Harry being the Goblin that he had practically kidnapped him.

He put both his hands on his head as he thought of everything he did wrong today. The stress had got to him. And he had snapped. Ever since after learning about the pumpkin bomb his mind had wandered toward the idea of Harry being the Goblin. And now?

The result were in front of him. It was all clean. Harry Osborn was not the Goblin. But then who else was it in the video?

Spider-Man turned to look at Harry Osborn who was murderously glaring at him and remembered how big he had fucked up.

He immediately went close to Harry and freed him off his bindings. "Harry I...."

"Save it You maniac. Hope you have forged that proof of yours against me to get me inside jail too. That's what you do to everyone." Harry snapped as soon as he was freed. He stood up with shaky legs and turned around and walked out of the lab.

"Harry no.. I....wait." Spider-Man tried to explain himself. But how could he explain it anyway. So he just stood there.

He knew that this massive Bag of trouble was definitely going to explode on his face for sure.
