
Spider-Man : Brave and Bold

A Spider-man fanfiction with some crossovers . I will introduce a few villains from different places. There will be both MCU and comic elements from both Marvel and DC.

Breaking_Bad · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 13

Spider-Man was swinging through the sky of New York while on his regular patrol when his phone started ringing. He tapped once at his earpiece and the call was connected .


"Spider-Man. We need to talk." A gruff old voice came from the other side. Though his voice was none of the local hero's problem but what he said was. This was Peter Parker's number and no old folks knew he was Spider-man . As far as he could remember.

"I think you have found the wrong number. This isn't the tall and handsome superHero of New Yo...."

"I don't have time to play your games Mr. Parker. This is Nick Fury from SHIELD. Hope you remember us."

"What ?? How did you get my number? Wait no I get it you are the big detective and you know everything there is in the world. But still you don't interfere with my life until I'm 18. I thought we had made it pretty clear last time. " Peter went into a sudden Outburst.

"Calm down hotshot. There's some big matters we need to talk and we have little time, so hold your horses and listen to me first. There's something in which we need your help. This is a life and death situation for someone." Nick Fury said in his usual dry voice.

Spider-Man stopped complaining and landed down on a nearby building. "What do you mean by life and death situation ? Why you need my help?"

"A meta-human girl has been kidnapped by a group of super power individuals. We fear they are a group of evil mutants.They are somewhere in New York. We might need your help to save the girl." Fury told the reason of hai call.

"Why should I believe you ? This maybe some part of your big plans." Peter wasn't too easy with the idea of working together with Nick Fury or SHIELD after the last talk they had. They were an gaint organization . With multiple trained agents and soldiers, various weapons and technology. It just didn't fit well with Spider-Man to work with people who were armed to the point of destroying a nation alone.

Peter wondered why Fury was so hell bent on trying to recruit him . Sure he was a super powered individual. But there were many poping up all over the world. What could Spider-Man alone provide something for him.

"Because I have no intention to harm you." Fury's voice was heard again but this time it wasn't from the earpiece. It seemed to be a bit far away. His Spider-Sense warned him of someones presence behind him and Peter turned to look at Nick Fury himself in his classic black tranch coat walking out from the door to the stairs at rooftop.

He sauntered up to Peter and looked at him with his one eye for a good few seconds before speaking. "Let's talk now."

"Whatever you say Director." Peter nodded.

"About two weeks ago, Lily Kinen, a young girl, about the age of twelve from Afton showed signs of being a Mutant.

Now Mutants as everyone calls them are special people who have an extra set of chromosomes that gives them unique interesting abilities like spitting fire or telepathy etc. They are very very Rare in the world and the ratio of someone being a mutant is One in a hundred million."

"I have heard about them. Some scientists are calling them next step in human evolution. Or 'Homo-Superior' or something like that." Spider-Man nodded.

"Shield was still in talks with the government to take her custody when , about a week ago she was kidnapped. Taken away from her home along with her father."

"Her Custody?" Spider-Man wasn't too happy with the idea that they were trying to take away such a young girl from her home.

"We didn't mean her any harm. She is Special. Her powers llimitations Haven't been decided yet. She can be harmful to those around her. Shield would have helped her learn to control it and get back to a normal life." Fury put in his hands in the pockets of his coats.

"The people who kidnapped her too had some type of powers. And they were identified to be rogue mutants from SHIELD's database. We have been able to determine that they have come to New York and are to planning to leave the Nation."

"And you need my help to stop them. Because I'm a super powered individual too?"

"Exactly. Our people weren't of much use against them. And I'm not allowed to send in a big brigade and heavy weapons right here in the Middle of the city. That's why I need your help." Fury gave his reasons. "So what do you say? Ready do to your usual superhero stuff?"

"Sigh* Alright. The girl needs to be saved as soon as possible. But after we save her we will have a talk about her future. She is innocent. Hasn't even broken any rules like me. She doesn't deserve to be forced to be your solider." Spider-Man put a hand on his masked head as he agreed to help Shield save the girl.

"So where are those kidnappers and where have they kept the girl."

"We currently don't have much knowledge about their location. But we have some knowledge about their identities.They are dangerous terrorists. That's why I'm sending SHIELD's one of the best operative —Agent Romanoff." He gestured towards the door and from there came out a Devilishly Gorgeous Red-Headed woman. She was beautiful, Tall and looked ready to kill anyone despite her normal attire.

"AKA Black Widow. She will help you in this mission against the mutants. She has had extensive training in this field and is very experienced. I wish you both luck." Nick Fury introduced her and then walked away.

Spider-Man though, was muted on the spot just from the new agents appearance. She was only wearing casual cloths. A Black Hoodie and blue skin tight jeans. A Black cap. Though the baggy hoodie had a hard time hiding her super attractive figure.He came out of it soon and tried to start a conversation. "So, Black Widow huh? Are you also a spider themed individual?"

Agent Romanoff smiled Slightly ,"Only in name. I don't have any super powers like you."

"Okayyy." Spider-Man only nodded before he took a deep breath and focused back on the mission. "So where do we start from?"

Romanoff adopted a serious expression too. "Our intelligence has detected them going to a cafe after arriving in New York. They may have done some dealings with the Owner of that Cafe. We can start from there and see if we can gather some information about the mutant group."

"SHIELD is checking out the outer parameters of the city and are also watching over the airport if they try to leave the city, We will be informed immediately." She told him and the Web-Head nodded.

"Right. Then let's go...But wait. How? Do you have a car?" He started walking and then stopped as he looked at his partner.

Agent Romanoff shrugged ,"I thought you could swing."

And Spidey was again muted on the spot.




They both landed at a place nearby the Cafe.

Romanoff adjusted her hat again and looked at the masked super hero. "I will go inside the cafe from the front door and check around. I will see if I can get some information from the staff workers. While you go and check out the backside of the Cafe . That's where the Owners room is also located. See if you can corner him. But be careful, There. maybe some mutants there."

Spider-Man nodded in understanding, "Alright. See you in a bit Miss beautiful agent Romanoff." And then gave a two fingers salute before jumping away.




Spider-Man finally landed in front of backdoor of the Cafe. He looked left and right to check out the alley and see if there was any window or ventilation gap to look inside but found none.

He then put his ear on the door to listen inside. He heard some sounds that got him suspicious. He pushed on the door and surprisingly it was already open.

Spidey carefully and silently entered the room. He looked around but didn't find anyone. Then there was the sound of flushing from the toilet. It looks like the Owner was in the toilet.

Spidey decided to corner the owner as Agent Romanoff had told him to do and question him.

"Hey , Hey , I heard someone's stomach has been RumblieeE.... What The HELL?"

As he opened the toilets door what greeted him wasn't just some guy with his pants off. He saw a fat bald man lying down on the ground in a pool of blood .....and piss? Eeww.

And standing over the dead man's body was another middle aged man in a very roughed up suit. His hair and beard was unkempt and he had blood dripping from his hands as he took out a cigarette and lit it before looking at the masked hero who was standing still.

"What's with the Hubdub Bub?" The mysterious man said with bored expression.

Spider-Man took a second and cleared his throat before asking, "Is that The Owner of Cafe?" as he pointed a finger at the body.

"Um-hum." Confirmed the myster man.

"Oh boy. You are in some trouble mister. Now I need you to answer some questions."

"I ain't too sure about that Bub."

"Oh you don't have to worry, Cause you hardly have a choice." And with that Spidey jumped at the man and sent a punch at him from high up.

But the old man easily dodged the attack by backtracking and spit his cigaratte before he got in a fighting stance.

Spider-Man sent a few more punches again which were dodged too. Then the Man raised up folded palm and.....


Three sharp blades came out of his hand which momentarily stopped the spider themed Hero from attacking and he received a kick in the gut from the mysterious man with claws which pushed him back a few feets.

"Go back to your circus ya clown from freak park. Waste me time more and I'll gut you out." The man said as he showed off his blades that looked like metal claws.

Spider-Man stood back up ,"So you are mutant too? Tell me now where the girl is and I'll hurt you less." And then attacked again. This time with more speed than before.

The man sent an attack with his claws but Spider-man ducked under it and sent a heavy punch at the face of his enemy.



The punch sent him flying and the man collided with the wall.

"Ouu!! what the hell ? Are you wearing some metal Armor? Gosh my hand hurt." Spidey grabbed his hand and he wasn't joking punching the man really felt like punching and iron wall.

"Just tell me where Lily Kinen and her father is and I won't hurt you more." Spider-Man warned him again.

"You sure pack quite a punch bub. Let's if you can take one of mine." The man stood back up as if he didn't even feel the punch.

And they started exchanging blows again until The Man sidestepped one of Spider-Man's attacks and grabbed his extended hand before pulling him off the ground and sent him flying towards the toilets door.

"Still want more?" The man said with a mad smile etching on his face. He crouched down a little and brought out his claws again. "Come to Papa."

Spidey shook his head and stood back up too. This time charging up venom blast in one hand.

"I wouldn't move an inch at the moment if I were you." A females voice said.

He looked at his side to see Agent Romanoff points her hands at the Man and her big bracelets were glowing blue.

"Wolverine. This is Agent Romanoff from SHIELD . I want you to stand down." She gave a warning.

"SHIELD agent? Hell if I care." The Man replied in a mocking tone.

"We know about you. You must be here to save that mutant girl too right? We are on the same mission. There's no need to fight. We can work together Shield knows about you and even though you are one of the most wanted mutants you have only killed bad guys. We mean no harm."

Wolverine smelled no lie the woman voice. And thought for a moment. He was going to fight a group of evil mutants soon. Some help won't matter anyway. Especially if it's from a Hot red-headed Agent.

He smirked and retracted his claws. "Alright, Have it your way."

Spider-Man on the side didn't speak anything and looked at his partnered for the mission. Romanoff nodded at him as if to assure him of her decision. And He silently accepted.

"Then let's go. We don't have much time."

"Yeah. Let's get Outta here . Smell disgusting in here." Wolverine quickly moved out.

He turned to look at Spider-Man and growled. "I ain't done with ya you son of a bitch. I'll teach ya some once we are done."

"Shut it with all the growling and howling Asshole. You sound like a ragged dog." Spider-Man replied before walking off behind Romanoff who was on phone.

"Heh. We will see who acts tough soon clown." Wolverine followed after them.

Romanoff cut off the call and turned to look at them both before asking ,"So what did the owner tell you?"

"Nothing . Claws here had sent him off to the other side before I even got there." Spidey said as he folded his arms in front of his chest while turning to look at wolverine.

The mutant growled again before answering, "He said nothing. But it doesn't matter. I've got their smell now. They were here last night. And now I know where to go." He said before looking in a certain direction.

Spider-Man wasn't impressed though and looked at his partner again as if to confirm her decision and she nodded but with frowning expression.

Then a car came up and stopped near them.

"Let's go." Widow said before getting in the car.




With Wolverine's directions they finally reached an old building near docks. It was old and in bad condition. The windows were closed off with wood planks and they couldn't look inside. But Spider-man did pick up some sounds from inside.

"In there I smell them." Wolverine said. "Must be around 20. only 3 mutants. 1of the must be the girl."

"What's the Plan ?" Spidey asked.

"We go in and give em hell." Wolverine said and then jumped right through the sealed window breaking the wood planks with his claws.

Agent watched him go before she unlocked her gun and told spidey. "He is a good man. A bit murderous and but only kills bad guys. Fury and his team will arrive here soon too. You go and help him while I try to get the girl out of there safely."

Spider-Man nodded and jumped after wolverine.

As soon as he entered he saw that the room was all lit up and Wolverine was simply standing there. And all around him were men armed with SMG guns. They looked at him and some pointed there guns at him.

'Fucking Parker Luck.'

"Hey guys." Spidey said in a cheery tone. And the rain of bullets started.

Wolverine simply took all the bullets at him as if it didn't hurt and Spider-Man dodged them all with his Spider sense and speed.

They both attacked the men. And Wolverine didn't hesitate to kill them at all Gutting one while clawing another's jaw. Spidey wasn't too happy with his methods. He didn't support killing but knew better than to argue in the middle of a battle.

Spider-Man threw out his webs like a net and caught three of the men and started swinging them around which knocked out all the gunmen.

"Nice moves Bub." Wolverine complimented.

Then spider-sense warned him and Spider-Man jumped to side while also pulling Wolverine with him.

At that moment the place where they were standing on gets blasted off by a white beam of light. And they both turn to look at a Fat man with his hands raised is coming towards them.

"You mutts are already dead for trying to cross my path." The Fat guy shouts before raising his hands again and shoots another white beam at them. The heros dodge again. And Spider-man sends his webs at the fat guys hands but the webs get blasted by the white light.

Wolverine roared and ran towards the Man and jumped at his back . He was able to slice one of the man's arm before getting blasted.

Spider-Man turned to look at Black widow approaching toward the woman who was holding the Little girl and her father they were there to save captive. He decided to distract the Mutant guy as much as possible.

"Oi fatty. what you take for your breakfast? Looks like you can eat rihno up whole and won't even burp."

Spdier-Man said trying to attract all the attention towards himself.

"You.... You freak... You are make fun me. You Will Pay For This !!" The Man suddenly got extremely angry and doubled the powers of his blast and started shooting continuously at Spider-Man.

'Me and my mouth.' Spdier-Man cursed as he ducked under another attack.

He suddenly turned around and closed the distance in seconds before sending a powerful Venom blast in the overflowing belly of the Man.


The punch lifted the heavy guy off his feets in the air. The punch must have hurt as he screamed loudly. But spider-Man didn't wait and lifted the man completely in the air with both his hands and threw him away as he watched the fat man slam into the ground.

Widow was able to close in the woman but before she could land a clean attack and knock her out. The woman, as if she had spider senses too , turned around and her eyes widened before her nails elongated and she attacked Widow. Leaving the girl and Father in the hands of two men with guns who were keeping close eyes on the fights. But they forgot about one person.

Wolverine immediately ran up to them from behind and drove his claws through their hearts , killing them immediately before going to the side of the scared Lily and cut off her binds.

Widow was still fighting The woman with nails and Wolverine had finally got to the daughter father duo.

At this moment Spider-Sense warned him of a danger from behind and he was blasted away by a white beam before he could react.

The Fat guy stood back up again and he looked very angry. His power seemed to be bubbling out of his body as white light surrounded his whole body . He ran up to the little girl and Wolverine and shot the latter away before grabbing the girl by her neck. "It's all because of you. I'll kill you. I'll kill all of you right here."

The Man shouted before Wolverine stabbed him in the side of his stomach as the famous mutant tried at get up on his feet and punched the Man in the same injury. This caused the man to stumble and let go of the little girl who fell down.

"Ahhhhh" The Fat man screamed even louder holding onto his stomach where he was stabbed. The white light started glowing even brighter and Spider-Man's senses blared loudly almost to the level they hurt.

The Hero grabbed his head and tried to stand up he looked around he to see what was causing his Spider-Sense to go haywire.

"Arggggggghh" The Fat leader of the group screamed even as he seemed to become a Time bomb waiting to explode as his body turned into white light itself.

Everyone got an idea of what was going to happen and they all tried to run away from there.

Spdier-Man too slowly got up as he was tackled by someone and picked up. He saw it was black widow. She ran with him towards a window and blasted it open.

Spdier-Man in his muddled state turned to look at wolverine who grabbed onto both father and daughter victims. He saw the girl crying and screaming and Spidey tried to speak ,"Wait. They.... are still..."

"It's too late." Black Widow said before jumping out of the window. And a second later....


A massive blast occured and blasted off two whole floors of the building into nothingness. Killing off anyone that was still in the room.

Spdier-Man and Black Widow fell down to the ground. And they could still feel the tremors caused by the blast.

Spdier-Man hide his masked face behind his hands and silently prayed for the little girl and her father whom wasn't able to save. He felt like crying when he remembered the crying face of the little girl that he last saw.

He had failed utterly and completely. Not only them even Wolverine had died there.

Sounds of approaching vehicle were heard but Peter ignored it all

"Are you alright?" He looked up to see Agent Romanoff asking him. Her face had a lifeless neutral expression.

"Yeah.I guess." He said in a hollow tone.

Two vehicles and a firetruck came up to the burning building and The fire worker got on their work. Nick Fury

Came out of one of the vehicle and had some talk with Romanoff before walking up to Spider-Man.

The web hero was very silent. Standing at one side. Fury came but didn't speak anything and only silently stood next to the hero.

After some time he spoke, "This is the reason why I wanted to recruit you." This got Peter's interest as he turned to look at the director.

"We started off with a wrong start. I'm sorry about that. I needed someone to help me. Cases like this. They are poping up everywhere. And we can't handle them all on our own. Just last month a thousand of my soldiers were killed by a super powered group. I needed someone to help me stop them. That's why I approached you with that deal."

"It was a bad deal though. I know that. I don't want you to be one of my officers and clean the toilet. Neither do I want to turn you into a killing machine. What I need Spider-man is for you to keep doing what you are doing." Spdier-Man didn't say a word but he thought over what Fury said.

Fury then took out a file from his tranch coat and passe it to the hero. Spider-Man took it and opened it.

—Avengers Initiative

Spider-Man read it and then said "Huh Avengers? What is this ? You forming a super secret Boy Band ?" He joked a bit.

Fury didn't get offended and instead smiled a little. "Not a band. A Team. I'm forming a team of special individuals like you. So that if there's....No scratch that , When there will be a war and believe me I know there will be one. This team of Avengers will be able to fight our battles. The battle that humanity never could fight by itself."

Spider-Man sighed and pinched his nose. "I'm solo guy. Never have been one for the team."

"I believe the world needs Avengers. And I'm not asking you to leave all your life away. I just hope you will respond when called."

"I..... I'll think about it. " Spdier-Man told Fury as he continued to look the building that wasn't burning anymore. They couldn't find any corpse. It seemd they were all burned away.




Two days later in Washington DC.

Three individuals were walking together towards a bus stop.

"If you had such an ability why didn't you just teleport you and your father away earlier?" A gruff man from the three people asked the one next to him.She was a little Girl .

"I....I don't know how to control my powers . They ....just happen. I tried many times but it didn't listen to me." The Little Girl Lily Kinen said meekly.

"Well, As they say all's well that ends well. It's a good the that her ability activited at last minute and we never teleported away from there. Isn't that right Mr.Logan?" Another man said. He was Lily's father.

"Grrr. I guess. You are right. It doesn't matter. It's alright. I've been able to forge a new identity for you both to live somewhere far from here. Where no one will be able to identify you both. Just stay safe." Logan or famously known, Wolverine told the father daughter duo.

They both thanked him again and then boarded a bus and went away.

Logan watched the Bus go when he suddenly picked up a familiar scent. He turned around to see the same red headed agent of SHIELD standing in front of him.

"We had guessed something like this might have happened since we couldn't find you at the scene Mr. Logan."

"Try going after that girl once and I'll make sure there he no Shield left . Even if it takes me to kill each and every one of you."

"It's as I said . We don't want to harm her. She is an innocent kid. Not a war veteran like you or full fledged hero like a Spider-Man."

"That clown with you is that hero? Heh, I knew he was one of those boy scouts." Logan laughed.

"Our director is much more interested in you Mr. Howlett as compared to the little girl. We will even keep their location off the database if you agree to meet him."

Romanoff then took out a Packed envelope and passed it to Logan. "What's that?"

"Something Director Fury wanted you to se."

Logan took the envelope and opened it. Inside was a file—Avengers Initiative. He quick read through the file and then turned to look at the woman infront of him.

"What's this? your boss wants to make some kind of Boy band or what?"

At that Natasha Romanoff straight up laughed.


[A/N :- I know some of you may not like the inclusion of mutants and i understand.

That's why I'm giving a small spoiler.

There won't be too many Mutants in this fic. As I said in the chap . Mutants are very very very rare for now. one Mutant in one hundred million normal people . You do your calculations. Hell there will no X-Men at all. Or Xavier's school or Jean grey school or any mutant school. None of them.

I'll use only five mutants in this fic. And I'll name them .

1. Charles Xavier

2 . Logan / Wolverine

3. Wanda /scarlet witch

4. Peitro / quicksilver

5. Eric / Magneto

Adding Mutants gives me much more ideas to include .

I can add Secret wars , Ultimatum , Battleworld , House of M. etc Major events like them in this fic by adding the Mutants.

Maybe I'll add some ore much much later on. But for now only them . And others Don't exist yet. So no Cyclops, Jean grey Emma Frost and Kitty pryde.

Things may change later on . But that will be much later. As I've already planned upto infinity wars .