

One of the most loveable, funny and always optimist hero Spider-Man is always there to help out. To deliver true justice to anyone in need of it. It doesn't matter to him whether they are good or evil he equaly serves justice as in to quote his uncle "With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility." This is a story of a Person who reincarnated into the Body of Peter Parker. He doesn't have any clue what kind of universe he was born into. He has watched a lot of anime, read a lot of manga and Light Novels and Even Fanfiction. He has some expectations that this might turn out to be a not so normal world. But due to some mishap during his transfer to a new body something unexpected happens that changes our Protagonist's thought process. So we get to watch a new Peter Parker that has experienced a life before, which might just change his whole prospective on his uncle's saying " With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility. " [ First Volume Is Strictly MCU with slight changes. Like some of the Marvel comics characters that have a role to play in Peter Parker's or in Spider-Man's lives. ] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ Many people will be put out by the mc being able to turn from guy to a girl. I think people just don't specifically go looking for guy on guy or Guy turned girl with a guy action. But i just did this cause look how many lesbians or bisexual girls there are in Marvel. Felicia Hardy, Gwen Stacy and i think i read one where even Mary Jane was so hot and bothered for gwen but had to hold herself back cause she was with Harry at that time. Even when he turns into a girl , its just so the girls who just don't like guys will be comfortable with him around. So i'm saying right now No gay stuff with our mc guys.] [ People will be mad i added an A.I. system that doesn't get along with the MC, I wanted to say this now i hate those tropes that have a system making MC's life miserable so don't worry . I just want a lot of character development in this fic thats why i added that. I don't want a M.C that just goes " I wish i could be a superhero too, and because the system is his bi*ch it goes "Oh sure here you go be the hero" and I find monotone systems a lot more boring than one with personality. Like the one of solo leveling. Think of it like his inner voice, he is the good angel and system is his bad angel.] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author's Note. This is my first time writing anything for the public so please bare with me on the grammatical errors or the loop holes in the story. I wanted to read a good spiderman fanfic but the one's i really enjoyed reading well let's just say those stories author's went out to get milk. I have a lot of ideas for this story enough to like write 100 chapters easy but i don't have enough time in my day to do so , But i will try my best. I'm going to use a lot of different plots from a lot of different fics and original stories so please don't get offended . This Peter Parker's powers are going to be OP but he would never be able to wield his powers to his full potential because of different limitations. And there's gonna be a lot of time and space travel in the story. (I'mma use it to cover plot hole's , like when a smart person does'nt use a weapon or some op abilities that can insta k.o. pete so yeah.) _________________________________________________ Neither the cover pic nor are any of the characters are mine they belong to there original CREATORS.

Reality_warper004 · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

This Bites!!

-03 September 2008. New York, Queens.

-Parker Residence, Peter's Room

The room is a mess. You can see Books, Gadgets and clothes thrown around all over the room. The only organised place in the room was the wall shelve and a desk. On the shelve we can see 2-3 small boxes filled with electronic parts.

On one of the shelve's there was a Yellow cat sleeping on it. As if realising someone's gaze on it, It opens it's eyes and look around the room with a cute but threating glare. Not finding anyone it looked like it was about to go back to sleep.

But suddenly it opens it's mouth or should it be it's whole face and tentacles like tounges come out of it. They stab into thin air and vanish. Nothing happened after, Huh .. Whoa. What the. No no..Aahhhh.

As i am now being eaten alive you will have to wait for 3rd P.O.V. until i am resurrected and the 4th Wall is fixed. See Ya.....Ahhh..

(M.C. P.O.V.)

" It's a good place May. I toured the whole place, You don't have to worry about a thing. Yes, Yes i checked with the principal he's fine with it. May, we talked about this. I already have a lot on my plate as is, and dealing with highschool the whole week when i can get a degree and a job right now is already a hassle and its ...Yes, Sigh Yes. Th..That was one time and those guys are morons anyway." Says Peter Parker on the phone as he enters his room. He looks towards Goose, His cat? who is still sleeping and walks towards his desk. He drops his backpack to the side of the desk and sits on the chair by the desk. He leans back into his chair and rotates it towards the bed as he listens to May talking to him through his earpods.

" Sigh, I'm sorry ok. It won't happen again i promise.

Fine. I'll go to high school but if their's an emergency then i can skip class. No.. No, Yes The teacher being bald is an emergency. No i said bald why would i say black? " As i am talking to may i feel thirsty but the bottle is on the bed so i extend my arm towards the bed and think in my mind of having an invisible arm picking up the bottle and bringing it towards me.

The bottle flew towards me and hit me in the face.

" Aah. " Thud. " Son of a ..." As i hold my nose with both my hands lying by my backpack. " Nothing, I fell . No its not bleeding, Anyway listen May i'll go to high school and make lots of friends like you asked me to, Now go or you'll be late for your shift. Yes, Chinese is great. Love you too. Bye." Sigh as i get up from the floor and sit back on the chair. I remove my earpods and pick up the bottle and drink some water.

After the bottle is empty, I crush it and it disappears in my hand. I still couldn't control this fairly new skill properly. " STATUS "

* ~ Roger ~ *

I hear that voice and couldn't help but smile a little as i look towards my status screen.



Name: Peter Benjamin Parker

Age: 14 years old



Titles: [One Soul] [Survivor] [Lucky] [Genius] [Hoarder] [Sloth] [Caretaker] [Companion] [Defective]







• Calm mind(2) • Observe(2)

• Minor Healing Factor(1) • Adaptability (3)

• Shape shifting(0) • Enhanced mind(2)

• Crafting(2) • Create Water(3) • Telekinesis(0)



# Money Tab

# Foods Tab

# Items Tab



•Traning : 100 sit ups ✓

100 push ups ✓ [ Repeatable ]

100 squats ✓

10 km run ✓

[Penalty if not complete in given Time limit : 24:00 ]

• Tour your new School atleast 40%. ✓


Even though i have so many titles and skills i still am not that proficient in using all of them to a degree that i'd like to.

I can use two skills easily enough now to prolong timing of enhanced mind to 5mins by using calm mind.

But their's still a skill I haven't used even once. Today i can use it due to meeting its requirements.

" Bell, Since body, mind and soul have finally reached 3 points or above lets try the shapeshifting skill.

* ~ Ookay, Starto ~ *

* Host has used the skill [Shape Shifting].*

* Database Empty. *

* ~ Ooh, Looks like you have to scan a specific species through the skill to add their data to the database Humnumnumnum... ~ *

" Ok, Then lets scan Goose. I want to be whatever he is and stop eating and talking all the time. "

As i get up from the seat and move to pick up goose. He doesn't resist and just looks at me with the ' What the hell do you want now? ' gaze as i settle him onto my lap and sit back down.

I knew goose wasn't a cat even before i used observe on him.

I found him in a park near my middle school when i was coming home about 2 years ago. He was surrounded by a group of children from elementary school. The site was very amazing and terrifying.

Goose sitting on top of a kids head who was lying face down in the sandbox along with 3 others who looked like they got beat up really badly, scattered around the sandbox. And a kid crying and trying to hide behind a bench.

When i walked towards them i got a clear picture of the cat. It was an orangish yellow cat wearing a collar and a red cape. Thats right a cape! I thought someone just did it for the giggles but the cat won't let me take it off of him. It kept moving its head even after settling into my lap.

When i asked the crying kid what happened, Well he said and i quote.

" The cat choke slamed jim. "

So Yeah.....I took the cat home ignoring the kids and leaving them to their situation. They'll probably just need some therapy for 5-10 years. They are going to be fine...I'm pretty sure.

I wanted to name him something like Dio and make him a mini road roller, But when I used observe on him, I found out he wasn't a cat and he already had a name "Goose" . I was heart broken.

Same thing happened to the system as well.

I wanted to name it Dio and Make it a Road roller but Tinkerbell popped out of status screen and crushed my dreams of making a jojo refrence.

I guess i'll just have to find something thats not named and name it Dio and make it a Road Roller...

I will never give up!!

Since then these two parasites have entered my life. One just sleeps all day or eats the best cat food i get from the quests nowadays. It literally just says Best Cat Food on the bag. It is really delicious. Do not ask me how i know that! So, I broke down its components and patent it. Just like all the other foods and candies i got.

As for bell, Well she is a sucker for Sweets, K-Drama and Anime.(From Quests).....My life has gotten a lot more, lets just say intresting as of lately.

And if that wasn't enough these two fight alot. Why did you think my room was in a mess. Its always a mess and Aunt May and Uncle Ben don't believe that goose could ever do anything wrong and since they can't see Bell, So i am the one always getting scolded.

Anyway, So this is what i got from using observe on my cat?.

* Name: Goose, Age: ??? Emotions: ??,??,?? Race:??

#-_&#+&_#+$&$#':#-:†$+$+#-&#'#-26:&#;#&#'$:?. *

Yeah, that was also when my observe leveled up.

Back to the topic. As i try to scan Goose who appeares to have sensed something happening and stares menacingly at me.

" Its nothing Goose, Its just a DNA scan. " I knew it could understand me. It had previously responded to even more complicated words than this before like Penguinone and Tony Stank. He didn't really smell, I met him on a Science Fair trying to impress one of the judges.

Goose still looked at me vigilantly but in a second it just gave up and going back to sleep, In my lap now.

As i pet goose softly, I look towards the screen.

* Scan of an Unknown Species has begun. *

* Scan Failure, DNA incomprehensible. Failure to turn it into Data for Host's usage. *

* Skill [ Shape Shifting ] is being deactivated. *

" Hmm, Is it because the level of the skill is too low. "

I thought and started to analyse the results seriously by activating both Enhanced Mind and Calm Mind. I have 4mins to figure out this skill.

Even though I could go on and use the skills for 5mins together, I rarely went and used whole 5mins as it had its Side-effects.

As i was not using adaptability that keeps track of my surroundings at all times and was immersed in figuring out in and outs of the shape shifting skill, I don't notice somethings happening in my room.

First thing that happened was a small temporal displacement. Or in shorterm something teleported right into my room, right on my right shoulder and bit me on the neck.

Whatever it injected into my body, as it traveled in my body i could feel it burning through everything in its path and was moving towards my heart.

It was worse because i had both skills that multiplied my brains capacity and sensitivity 100 folds. I felt like i was drowning in boiling tar and it was both chocking me and was letting me breath at its own lesiure. I was finally broken out of the calm when i was just about to faint. The last thing that i saw before fainting was a tentacle whipping at something colourful and pulling it towards somewhere like a frog pulls a fly.

My last thoughts before fainting were.

' No, Tentacle play!! Please!! Why was i thinking that, I Don't Know. Maybe I should lay of the Hentai. ' I fainted again lying next to my backpack on the floor.


"I'm made of rocks, as you can see. But don't let that intimidate you. You don't need to be afraid unless you're made of scissors. Just a little rock-paper-scissor joke for you."

-Korg, Thor: Ragnarok
