

One of the most loveable, funny and always optimist hero Spider-Man is always there to help out. To deliver true justice to anyone in need of it. It doesn't matter to him whether they are good or evil he equaly serves justice as in to quote his uncle "With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility." This is a story of a Person who reincarnated into the Body of Peter Parker. He doesn't have any clue what kind of universe he was born into. He has watched a lot of anime, read a lot of manga and Light Novels and Even Fanfiction. He has some expectations that this might turn out to be a not so normal world. But due to some mishap during his transfer to a new body something unexpected happens that changes our Protagonist's thought process. So we get to watch a new Peter Parker that has experienced a life before, which might just change his whole prospective on his uncle's saying " With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility. " [ First Volume Is Strictly MCU with slight changes. Like some of the Marvel comics characters that have a role to play in Peter Parker's or in Spider-Man's lives. ] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ Many people will be put out by the mc being able to turn from guy to a girl. I think people just don't specifically go looking for guy on guy or Guy turned girl with a guy action. But i just did this cause look how many lesbians or bisexual girls there are in Marvel. Felicia Hardy, Gwen Stacy and i think i read one where even Mary Jane was so hot and bothered for gwen but had to hold herself back cause she was with Harry at that time. Even when he turns into a girl , its just so the girls who just don't like guys will be comfortable with him around. So i'm saying right now No gay stuff with our mc guys.] [ People will be mad i added an A.I. system that doesn't get along with the MC, I wanted to say this now i hate those tropes that have a system making MC's life miserable so don't worry . I just want a lot of character development in this fic thats why i added that. I don't want a M.C that just goes " I wish i could be a superhero too, and because the system is his bi*ch it goes "Oh sure here you go be the hero" and I find monotone systems a lot more boring than one with personality. Like the one of solo leveling. Think of it like his inner voice, he is the good angel and system is his bad angel.] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author's Note. This is my first time writing anything for the public so please bare with me on the grammatical errors or the loop holes in the story. I wanted to read a good spiderman fanfic but the one's i really enjoyed reading well let's just say those stories author's went out to get milk. I have a lot of ideas for this story enough to like write 100 chapters easy but i don't have enough time in my day to do so , But i will try my best. I'm going to use a lot of different plots from a lot of different fics and original stories so please don't get offended . This Peter Parker's powers are going to be OP but he would never be able to wield his powers to his full potential because of different limitations. And there's gonna be a lot of time and space travel in the story. (I'mma use it to cover plot hole's , like when a smart person does'nt use a weapon or some op abilities that can insta k.o. pete so yeah.) _________________________________________________ Neither the cover pic nor are any of the characters are mine they belong to there original CREATORS.

Reality_warper004 · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

I am Overpowered.

A.N. This Fanfiction will always be 1k to 2k words, as i will try to upload atleast 1 chapter everyday.Thanks for all the love and support. I know till now its been one info dump after another but i want to get it out of the way first so I can get to the good stuff, Mainly his highschool life and the spider bite. Their is a time skip comming up. Anyway please criticize my work and give me your own ideas in the comments will be appreciated.

To be honest, I look forward to the comments a lot more than Power Stone.

On a side note I am writing an original novel as well, So well if you wanna check it out its on my page here on Webnovel .

Enjoy the Chapter


(Mc's P.O.V.)

I grit my teeth and ask the system.

' Can you atleast give me a clue? '

* Host has to ask system the right questions.*

That gave me a surprise, I was expecting to get disappointed and move on but this statement gave me hope that even with the system's hand tied due to the authorization limits it can slip by information to me i just had to ask the right questions.

As i started to ponder about the skills, thinking about what could i ask that could be the loophole.

But i kept getting distracted but the throbbing in my brain.

' Aahn my head is still hurting. This will be so much easier if i could just ignore this pain and think calmly. '

And suddenly as if a Light Bulb light in my brain.

And i suddenly situp and let the book fall into my lap.

' Calm, Right calm how could I forget? System, What is the skill i used before in hospital to become calm? '

* Host used the combination of the skills [Calm Mind] , [Enhanced Mind] & [Adaptability]. *

' Ok, humm..Thats It!! Enhanced mind makes me understand information better whereas calm mind compiles all the extra information neatly in my brain. But what does this adaptability do? 'As i figured out the loop hole of the system, i again start to ponder about the other skills.

' I can't focus properly, System do you know how long will this headache last ?'

* Host's mental health will return to normal in 37 mins. *

' Ok , Thank God it isn't days but still anyone can come in here i don't have that much time i've already been here for an hour. Lets just try the other skills.

Oh and system just shut down the skill if my head or anything else is about to explode ok? '

*DING. . .Host has given temporary authority to system to influence Host's skills in critical circumstances. *

' Ye..Yeah. Totally not ominous at all. ' I joked as to litten the mood from the head exploding incident.

'Anyway, the next skill is [ Crafting ].'

* CRAFTING : Helps keep focus on the crafting process. Reduces time process of crafting an already mastered crafted item.The higher your level, the better the goods you can make.

After reading the skill's description i start to activate it while keeping a concentrated eye on the screen as to not mess up again.

*Host has used the skill [Crafting].*

* [Blueprints] [Free Creation]. *

On the screen two tabs appeared. As i kinda understood what blueprints meant , not so much as to what free crafting meant so i clicked on the free crafting tab and a message popped up on the screen.

* No Equipment Available for crafting. *

' Ok, Hum i need my own equipment like a chemistry set or a blowtorch. ' As i knew getting equipment would be difficult right now i choose to back out of this option and click on blueprints.

* [Available Blueprints] [Add Blueprints] [New Blueprint Creation] *

I was about to click on Available blueprints as i have no use for the others right now i saw a new line at the bottom of the screen.

* Each time you craft an item using a blueprint, the resulting item will have a random Crafted Skill Bonus from zero to the maximum based on your current Crafting Skill. *

' What kind of bonuses are we talking system? Just Efficiency increase or is it a random bonus? '

* It depends on the user and the materials used during crafting. *

' So material's even effect bonuses huh . Something to keep in mind while crafting. '

After reading about the bonuses i finally click on Available blueprints.

What appeared was a small list of untitity items such as pots, pans, knives, spoons, folks, and other mundane things, But what i didn't expect was there was chemicals too the most basic ones that i knew how to make and even some computer parts.

'So crafting is not just like a blacksmith like skill it can craft anything i have a knowledge of if i have the materials on hand like bandages or even carpentery. Or even a gundam if i have the knowledge of how it was made!! ' I knew that this could become really overpowered skill because it just needed me to learn how something is made and have its raw materials. The skill didn't even need time to finish the product it was instant.

" Th..This System isn't this really op, Why do i even have this skill? " I couldn't keep my thoughts to myself so i just spoke my mind.

* Host, This skill is unique to Peter Parker. This individual had this skill even before the merging prosses. As for the skill as is stated before These are host's skills how you use them is up to you. 'Gosh, How many times do i have to say it.' *

' Yeah, I think i'm beginning to get what you mean by these are my skills. ' as i try to click on one of the knifes , i hear the same message but instead of equipment it said i don't have materials available.

As i understood this crafting skill was not useful to me right now i decided to check the other ones as well.

' A Healing Factor and by the description it already tells what it does but does this work for the headache too, lets just test it out. ' I keep an eye on the screen and start the skill.

*Host has used the skill [Minor Healing Factor]. *

* Skill [Minor Healing Factor] is not useful as the host is physically healthy.*

* Skill [Minor Healing Factor] has been deactivated.*

' Aw, Come On! I still have a headache. Stupid skill. '

As i complaint i still start reading my last skills description before starting to activate it.

* Adaptability : Helps using anything to your advantage or survival even people.*

* Host has used the skill [ Adaptability ]. *

I felt something click inside me, It wasn't like the enhanced mind skill thier was no information flow neither was my senses deprived of me, Infact it was the opposite. My senses were cranked upto 11. I could recognise where some things were now without even seeing them. I could hear vibrations of the bee's wing flapping ouside the window and the the flow of the conversation in the living room. I knew how to punch someone with how much force to kill them through internal bleeding. There was no calm in using this skill so my emotions were playing a heavy roll in what i wanted to hear, see and feel.

' Uncle Ben is here! Ooh too bad Mom and Dad have to leave tonight. And They sound anxious and desperate to get away from me. I guess they just want to keep whoever their enemy is away from me , so they are leaving me here. ' As i got emotional and lost concentration the skill was deactivated.



"He's a friend from work!"

-Thor, Thor: Ragnorak

