

They have never seen a structure like this ever in their life.

The girls came over to their safe haven to find a huge foreign space ship laying in the middle of a huge hole, possibly made because of the fall of the foreign object.

"I think we should get in and check" Lana, the eldest says.

"Yes, that will be a good idea" Maya answers.

"I don't think that's a good idea" Tanya disagrees.

"Come on, it's not like there's something in there that could day us" Maya says, making her sister become more sacred.

"Stop teasing her now Maya, if she is not coming, she can wait for us here then" Lana says.

"No, I'll come with you, I'm scared to stay all alone here" Tanya says.

They both start getting into the huge hole. They rich the odd space ship and start looking for a way in.

Lana went left while Maya and her twin sister walk right.

"I think I found an entrance" Lana calls out to her sisters.

The rush over to her. It took them a long time to open the door as it was very heavy.

They all walk in one by one. The only thing that greeted them was darkness, absolute darkness.

Had it not been it was still daylight, they would have said it was night time already. The door closes all of a sudden, making the place go all dark completely.

"Umm, guys, the door is closed and the place is completely dark, how are we going to get out now, I'm really scared" Tanya cries.

"Come on, it's just a little darkness, we just have to find out way out" Maya says, she is the most courageous among all.

Tanya hold on tightly to her elder sister.

Maya tries to open the door but it wouldn't budge.

"Now we are stuck, what now?" she says.

"We just have to fond a light source at least" Lana suggests.

They all parted ways and try to find out where the light switch is, if there is one.

They keep on roaming around the darkness.

Tanya's hand fall on a huge lever and she pulls it down. Light illustrated all over, bringing them out of the darkness.

The place looks just like the inside of a normal plane, they thought even though they have never seen one.

There are machines with buttons of different colours and there are seats, three seats at the middle of the place.

There are also three passage leading to somewhere they are sure to find out soon.

"I think we can make this place our escape place" Lana says.

The twins sisters agreed with her as well.

"But first, let's check everywhere to make sure that there is no one inside" she suggest.

"Yes, you are right" they both say at the same time.

I walk over to the passage by their right. They keep on walking inside. The place seems normal, nothing suspicious and there is no body in there as well.

The passage lead them back directly to the left passage which means that they have just walked in a circle.

The walk over to the passage in the middle.

"Hello, is anybody here?" Maya calls out.

"Hey, shh, even if there is anyone, do you think that they will be happy seeing us like that in their place and what if they are bad, do you know what they will do to us?" she asks her little sister.

She is the eldest, so she is more responsible but Maya is not the type to get sacred.

"Then we'll fight back till we both give up" she answers.

"What's wrong with you, we are just children, I am sixteen and you both are thirteen, then how can we possibly fight them off, what if they are bigger than us?" she asks again.

Maya thought about it and she thinks that her sister is right.

"OK, I'll stay quite" she agrees.

Tanya still didn't utter a word as she is still scared to the core.

They search through out the place but they didn't find anyone or anything foreign.

"I think that there is no one here" Tanya finally speaks.

"Then how did this end up in here, I mean, there most definitely be someone flying it, it couldn't have possibly flew itself here, right?" she asks, looking at Lana.

"Maybe the drivers escaped before they crashed" Lana says.

"Yeah, it's possible" Tanya answers.

"OK, let's go back to the main hall" Lana says.

As they were going back, Maya noticed something shining in one of the doors in the corridor. She sure hadn't noticed it before.

"Guys, do you see that?" she asks, point at the door.

"What, that wasn't there before" Lana says, finally noticing the foreign light on the door.

"Do you think it's a ghost?" Tanya asks, hiding behind her sisters.

"Ghost don't exist, she will you learn that" Maya says to her sister.

She still don't know how her twin sister is such a scaredy cat.

"Let's go and check then" Lana suggests.

"No, we should just leave" Tanya disagrees.

"We are going" Maya says.

Tanya has no other choice but to follow her sisters.

Lana opens the door gently and they walk in into the light room, it is shining so brightly.

All the universe turns upside down as soon as they enter the room. The floor on which they are standing vanished to thin air but they are still standing. All the walls are gone as well.

"What is this place?" Tanya asks.

But they all don't know the answer.

Maya tries to walk to see if she is going to fall but she didn't, instead, the room's perspective changed into a thick forest. With each step they take, the place changes.

"I think we should go back, this place looks dangerous" Lana suggests.

"Yes" Tanya agrees.

"No, we should wait a little longer and see what happens" Maya says.

One day her curiosity will be the end of her, Lana thought.

"No, we should go back, by the way,I think it's getting late, if you don't what to sleep with an empty stomach, you should come with is" Lana says.

"It's not like I would be fed right either" Maya mutters.

"OK then, we'll leave but make sure to cone as soon as possible" Lana says.

She continues walking and they turn back to the door.

Lana is so scared and confused as to why the room keeps changing.

She is a senior secondary school student but she has never heard of this. What if they are in danger, no she can't leave Maya to keep on going.

She turns back to call out to he sister she she sees her trying to pull a lever.

"Nooo" she shouts.

But it was too late and as soon as the lever was pulled, electric shock filled the room electrocuting them all. All the light bulb in the room burst as they over heat.

Lana held tightly onto her sister's hand.

The only thought going on in her mind was all the dreams she has had for her sisters and her. All those promises she made to them, now they will never be fulfilled as they will all be dead.

Everything's over now, she thought and her eyes went black. She falls on the ground, besides her sister, lifeless.