
Chapter 1

The both wake up to find themselves sitting in their bedroom. How they got there, still remains a mystery.

But the thing that's pondering in the girls minds is how they were still alive?. They were sure that they died at that place yesterday.

They didn't get a chance to voice out their thoughts as their father's wife barge into the room, literally barged in.

"Well done the queens of the house" she snarls as soon as she kicked the door open.

"Do you still want me to get you an invitation to get out of your room?" she asks.

But it's not like she needs an answer any ways.

"I don't care if you got any sleep or whatever, just get up and do the house chore and make breakfast" she continues.

She can see that they are all wasted out and they all have eyes bags underneath their red tainted eyes but that isn't any of her concern.

"Come on get up, I didn't as you to stay up all night, you most get my breakfast ready even if you will die I the process" she says.

And she literally doesn't care. Most of the times she used to wish that this worthless girls were all dead, then she will have her husband all to herself and her children, who are yet to come of course.

But now she is stuck with those three miserable creatures her husband call his children. But no worries, at least now she have maids to do her chore. Their father doesn't even care at all and why would he?. He can't even if he wanna. He is under her complete control. She controls the man with the tips of her fingers and his children are no less.

"And you Tanya, I asked you to do my laundry yesterday but you decided that you are stubborn to do comply to my orders, well then, you must do my laundry today before leaving to school" she says.

"I see that you are also becoming strong headed like this wretched sister of yours, I'll set you straight soon" she says.

She too knows that Tanya is neither stubborn nor strong headed but she wouldn't miss a chance to hurt the little girl.

"Come on, get up already, or should I have to make you do that too?" she asks.

They didn't wait any chance as they all spring to their feet, even the mighty Maya who doesn't care what her stop mom does to them. She always does as she pleases not like her sisters who are very much scared of the woman. But she is not ready for an early morning beating today, at least not after, confronting death yesterday.

They all rush out of the room before she starts pouncing on them like pounded yams.

She stands by the door, shaking her waist and cursing at the children as they walk out.

She hard back to her room knowing that she has completed her mission.

The girls all set to work and within no time, they have finished everything. It's a daily normality for them so they are accustomed to cleaning that huge house they live in.

Tanya went in to pick up the laundry she was told to do. She is a thirteen years old child but she knows how to wash clothes like an adult, all thanks to her stop mom. She has actually started doing laundry at the age of seven.

"Leave it Tanya, you are tired, I'll do laundry for you, you go and get ready for school so long" Lana says to little sister.

She smiled at her elder sister. She is so kind. Truth be told, she sees her as the mother they never had. She always protects them. She would even go hungry some days just so they could eat food. She really just wants to become like her sister when she grows up. She is just only three years older than them.

"Who are you to dare and change my orders around here?" they here the woman's voice behind them

They quickly turn to see her frowning like the heavens are about to pop loose.

"I told her to do my laundry and that is how it will be, try and help her and you'll go hungry for the rest of the day" she threatens.

That's not enough, she even walks forward and knock the girl on the head. It's so painful but she knows better than to even let a sound out of her mouth so she suppressed her whimper.

"Now get to work, have you even finished making the breakfast that you are trying to snoop your selves into others work?" she asks.

The girl nods. She turns over to Tanya who is watching the scene.

"What are you looking at, come on and wash my clothes already before I pull out those owl looking eyes of yours" she shouts at the girl.

She runs away to do her chore. She wipes the tears off her face and concentrate on doing her chore.

The poor girls didn't finish their chore early today as the wicked woman keeps on adding more chore to then than necessary today.

They are now on their way to school and they are pretty much late. It's not the first time though but they are extremely late today.

"I hope the gate man will even let us in" Lana say.

"Why, he must, it's not our fault that we are late" Maya says.

Lana didn't say anything as she knows just how her sister is.

There is no one by the school gate as they approached. They keep on praying that no one will come till they have managed to get in. But it seem like luck isn't on their side today.

As soon as they reach the gate, the huge gate man appears out of no where.

He made then kneel down in the sun and it was a very sunny day. Maya kept on pleading with him but he wouldn't listen.

after he is convinced that they are completely sun bleached, he used his huge cane and hit them all.

Lana and Tanya went off to their classes in tears and Maya walked with her head held high.

She still wonder how her sisters are so weak, they are supposed to be strong but it seems like she is the only one who has this trait around.