
Chapter 19: Prelude of Prophetical Finals

Chapter 19: Prelude of Prophetical Finals

The ice captain had a rather boorish day, surprisingly enough, considering who and what he was, along with where and why he was there. He was the Tenth Division Captain of the Thirteen Court Squads of Soul Society; attending Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to gather information on the species of mortals called 'wizards.'

It is rather odd, now that I think about it. Toshiro remarked internally as Hyorinmaru snorted as Sephiroth stifled a laugh.

You barely realize this now? Hyorinmaru asked rhetorically.

You are just as odd as it gets, Master. Sephiroth laughed. You are the youngest captain to attain your status, a prodigy, an undead wizard who possesses knowledge that could rival the Headmaster, and not to mention your appearance.

You are the exact definition of odd. Hyorinmaru summarized bluntly as the captain scowled.

I got it. Toshiro snapped, as he returned to his sixth exam as of the week.

Care of Magical Creatures was finished without much event, other than several spelling mistakes and wording that the captain and Hermione had pointed out to Hagrid when they had handed in their exams within the first ten minutes, the latter being a minute slower than the former. In the same time span, Arithmancy took a longer amount of time, the captain finishing within thirty and Hermione in forty-five; with a beaming smile for each from Professor Vector. Followed by Potions, the captain proved his prodigal intellect and higher scores than Hermione once more as he replicated the correct brew and written exam, half an hour before her with Snape's echoing scoldings over Potter, Weasley, and Longbottom.

Muggle Studies followed with the same events in Arithmancy, Toshiro before Hermione; much to the girl's chagrin. Ancient Runes was a lost cause for Hermione as was Lupin's, McGonagall's, and Flitwick's .

Divination, however, was the exception.

Having the previous events of a fuming Hermione and an ignorant Professor Trelawney, Toshiro had learned from Potter and Weasley that the girl had dropped Divination along with Muggle Studies in her frustration. So, there he was, taking the said Divination exam.

Wrapping up his answers, Toshiro gathered his things and exam, ignoring the shocked glances from his cohorts, who made barely made it to the end of the tenth question of the hundred and fourteen. Finding the theorized loony professor, Toshiro narrowed his teal orbs as she spoke to Potter, glancing subtly toward the shadowed corner.

There should do as of now.

Noting that the the rest of the class was focused upon their exams, the captain set his exam on the Divination Professor's desk, walking out of the class without a sound, pulling a golden chain around his neck.

Now then, let's see if I can outshunpo and outsmart myself.

With a flip of the small hourglass, the ice captain was gone.


Toshiro sealed the letter with a stamp of his ring on the teal wax, a bright splash of color on his black envelope as he held out the said letter to Korihana, who studied the letter before snatching it, flying out to deliver her Master's message.

The ice captain rose an eyebrow at the outburst from his perch, well acquainted with who it had shouted it so indignantly, to his chagrin.

Longbottom. Toshiro identified the said person as he allowed a leg to dangle off the side as he had seated himself on the roof of one of the halls leading off the grounds. It was past curfew, as the ice captain had planned, if Trelawney's prediction rang true.

Dressed in his shihakusho and haori for once, the captain and his respective zanpakuto were out of their gigai, the previous emergency Captain's Meeting having given the ice captain leeway to do as he wished. Fingering the bluetooth in his ear, the captain narrowed his orbs as he sensed four reiatsus that were suppose to be there, but apparently not.

So, as Trelawney prophesied, Potter, Granger, and Weasley have come out. Followed by Longbottom. Toshiro observed as the said four made their way to what appeared to be Hagrid's Hut.

Flicking out his yew wand, the ice captain incanted silently.

And with a wave of his wand, he was invisible.

Now, then. Let the prophecy play out.

"Why is Buckbeak going to be executed?" Neville whispered as the trio made room for the boy, to which the three visibly frowned at. As if there was are room to begin with to squeeze him in.

Ignoring the question, Harry and Ron took to making their way to the half-giant's home as Hermione took it upon herself the task with a rather annoyed sigh. Within the several moments it took to arrive at the half-giant's hut, Neville was informed of the hippogriff's trial, Lucius Malfoy's interference, and Buckbeak's failed appeal which led to his impending execution.

"So, that's why you guys are sneaking out tonight?" Neville questioned as they nodded, knocking on the door. With a half-hearted swing, Hagrid opened the door, revealing his small but humble home.

It was only one room; with a fireplace and a messily made bed on the sides. A sole lamp lit the home where the fireplace did not, with hams and pheasants hanging off the ceiling. Several nicknacks and other odd things adjourned the room, however, made no attempt to falter the home's warmth and welcoming air.

"Harry?" Hagrid called out as he found seemingly no one at his doorstep, seeing as how the boy was the one who owned the invisibility cloak. "Are 'Mione and Ron with you?"

"Neville too, Hagrid." Harry greeted with a weak smile as he pulled the cloak off of them. All of them exchanged greetings with tense smiles and weakly pulled consolations on an oblivious hippogriff outside the very hut, who nestled happily in the pumpkin patch of his owner, his collar strung comfortably around his neck.

"Look at him." Hagrid sighed as Harry flanked behind him by the window with Ron, Hermione, and Neville seated by a table. "Loves the smell of the trees when the wind blows through them.

"Why don't we just set him free?" Harry suggested weakly.

Shaking his head, Hagrid refused. "They'd know it was me, and then Dumbledore would get in trouble."

"He's coming down, Dumbledore." Hagrid said as he began to choke on his words. "S-Says he wants to be with me when they…"

A pause. "…When it happens."

Noting that the atmosphere was too dark and disrespectful in the presence of guests, Hagrid steeled himself as he pulled himself away from the window with a declaration that all knew. "A great man, Dumbledore."

"We'll stay with you too, Hagrid." Hermione followed as the boys followed with nods, only to have the half-giant do the opposite.

"You'll do no such thing!" Hagrid argued back, his refusal evident. "Think I want you lot seeing something like that?"

"No." The half-giant drew the line. "You just drink your tea and be off."

"Oh." Hagrid paused as he neared a milk jug beside Neville who flinched away. "Before you do, Ron…"

With a tender hand, the half-giant pulled out a fat rat, also known as Scabbers as his owner broke out into a large smile, meeting the half-giant halfway to hold his pet. "Scabbers! You're alive!"

"Keep a closer eye on your pet." Hagrid scolded lightly as he eyed the only girl in the room with Neville doing the same as the said girl stood, her eyes expectant as she spoke.

"I think you owe someone an apology."

"Right." Ron bowed in mock respect. "Next time I see Crookshanks, I'll let him know."

"I meant me!" Hermione growled as she nearly began to argue more when Neville called out making all of the turn to the window where Neville and Harry stood.


Walking down the path that led to the hut was Dumbledore, Minister Cornelius Fudge, and the dreaded executioner, Walden Macnair, who was tall and muscular, his face hidden with a black cloth as he carried a large axe with ease; eyes glinting with bloodlust.

"Oh, cricky." Hagrid said as he caught sight of them, turning to the children in his company. "It's late. Nearly dark. You shouldn't be here. If someone sees you outside this time of night, you'll be in trouble."

"Particularly you, Harry." Hagrid pointed out as he pulled the Invisibility Cloak over the four a knock sounding from his front door.

"With you in moment!" Hagrid called as he ushered them out the back door with hurried waves. "Hurry!"

As the half-giant opened the door to greet his new guests, Hermione slipped open the back door with a silent creak, with Harry, Ron and Neville in the tow as the moment the three wizards entered the hut, they exited with quick steps. The four of them took shelter behind the piles of enlarged pumpkins, watching the inhabitants in the hut intently as they conversed, echoing into the outskirts.

"…Well, I think we should get down to our business, shall we?" An unfamiliar voice began as the children assumed it to be the executioner's.

"Very well." That was Fudge, the children recognized. "Very well. It is the decision of the Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures that the hippogriff, Buckbeak, is hereinafter called 'the condemned' shall be executed this day at sundown."

"Dear, dear…" That was undoubtably Hagrid as Dumbledore's voice sounded next, his voice warm and comforting.

"Now, now; Hagrid. Now, come. It's alright, it'll be alright." Dumbledore confronted as they ushered out to the pumpkin patch to where 'the condemned' laid, still oblivious.

Noting this as their chance to flee, the four turned away, backs toward the hut as they heard the eventual slice of a hippogriff's neck.

Toshiro watched as the axe met and sliced the hippogriff's neck, it's head rolling slightly as it was dislodged, teal orbs icy yet glinted with a hint of sadness as he saw the soul exit the body. Well aware that the soul could see him, he led the hippogriff to the woods, undoing the invisibility spell as he smiled softly as the hippogriff bowed.

"Hello, Buckbeak." The ice captain whispered as he returned the gesture, bowing his head to the soul. "You have gone through much, hippogriff."

"But," Toshiro paused as he stroked the departed soul's feathers. "Will you assist me, so that I can help you return to your Master?"

Crooning softly, Buckbeak nipped the captain's cheek with it's curved beak, agreeing with the captain as orange met teal, the orange glowing with ferocity despite its' fate as the teal glowed with slight mirth as the two figures shunpoed into disappearance.

Only to appear hovering over the two children who currently battled a tree, apparently trying to enter a hole in the base of the roots of the said tree. Watching the two as they were thrown into it, Toshiro dismounted from Buckbeak as he signaled for the beast to wait.

Pressing a button on his bluetooth, Toshiro opened up his communications on a secure line. "Matsumoto. Are the squads in position?"

A pause. "Very well. Keep hidden until I order otherwise."

Another pause. "No. Send one of the squadron to perform Konso at my location and when Black and Lupin arrive, I will lead them to you."

"Be careful, Matsumoto."

With a push of a button, the line was terminated with the ice captain noting the nearing of a feral reiatsu.

For a professor who has had his condition as a werewolf since his youth in Hogwarts, does he not realize that tonight is a full moon? Toshiro sighed as he stood seemingly in the air. No matter, Lupin is well aware of the situation that I have explained to him.

As is Black, but how will you ensure that he will live, Master? Sephiroth questioned as Toshiro smirked knowingly.

In terms of Pettigrew, he will be serviced several levels of Hell. Toshiro declared darkly. Black, in the other hand, I have informed him that trying to find a way out of Hogwarts and his supposed crimes was his problem.

You have a plan for him, don't you? Hyorinmaru and Sephiroth said in almost unison, as the captain shot them a surprised look before looking away with a silent retort.

Shut up.

Several Hours Ago…

Toshiro shunpoed out of Hogwarts, toward the murky cave that contained a desolate quiet that the captain truly wished to have at the moment. After the week of finals took even a toll over the captain, no matter on how easily he flew through them, staring at a parchment over and over again was exhausting.

And he spoke from experience.

Coming to the large screen that was erected by Yoruichi after lifting his defenses and replacing them, the ice captain Transfigured Hyorinmaru to his original gigai, clipping his zanpakuto his back with one hand, his yew wand in other. It was not long before the screen turned on, revealing Akon, the 3rd Seat of the Twelfth Division, with a clipboard on hand.

The shinigami was tall, his head sporting a mop of brown spikes with a a jagged, hairless line running through the side of it. Three small horn protruded through the 3rd Seat's forehead as he donned a laboratory coat over his shihakusho. Akon was one of the more tolerable of his division as he got things done and was calm in directing or obeying orders, which the ice captain had respected the 3rd Seat of.

"Captain of the Tenth Division, Hitsugaya Toushirou." The said person spoke aloofly, as per protocol.

"Acknowledged, Hitsugaya-taicho." Akon nodded as he met the white-haired captain's teal orbs. "You will now be transferred to the Head Captain."

Nodding in concealed surprise, Toshiro watched as the screen flickered to static before coming to the correct feed, displaying the Head Captain and his Lieutenant, who stood a distance behind.

"Hitsugaya-taicho." The Head Captain addressed as the said person bowed his head lightly. "I presume you have something to report."

"Yes, sir." Toshiro nodded as he met his superior's gaze. "Pettigrew has been spotted and Lupin is informed of the situation after Harry Potter was found with the Marauder's Map."

Allowing his superior to absorb this, Toshiro paused, as the Head Captain nodded for him to continue.

Nodding to his superior's permission, the ice captain obliged.

"Earlier today, in the midst of Divination, Professor Sybill Trelawney incanted a prophecy concerning Voldemort, in which I shall repeat." Toshiro began as he seized the two's attention firmly. " 'It will happen tonight. The Dark Lord lies alone and friendless, abandoned by his followers. His servant has been chained these twelve years. Tonight, before midnight, the servant will break free and set out to rejoin his master. The Dark Lord will rise again with his servant's aid, greater and more terrible than ever he was. Tonight, before midnight, the servant will set out to rejoin his master…' "

"How dependable are this Sybill Trelawney's predictions, Hitsugaya-taicho?"

"They are not, Head Captain." Toshiro answered immediately. "However, in this prediction, she may be dependable; as she had succumbed to a similar state as I have found, when she had predicted correctly the death of the Potters and for Harry Potter to place Voldemort into hiding."

"However, there is a second part to the prophecy." Toshiro added as he narrowed his teal orbs, to which neither the Head Captain and his Lieutenant missed. With the ice captain's report coming to a finish, the ice captain waited.



"I give you permission to do as you have planned; however, at the event you do not succeed, you are to withdraw and use the memory-modifiers upon all who have seen you."

With a bend of his white tresses, the ice captain nodded as the connection was terminated, none missing the ice captain's slight frown and now, fisted hands; as the thought of all that he has met will no longer recall him if he had failed.

Exiting from the cave, the ice captain gazed at the tall school that he currently attended.

How foolish of me. Toshiro scolded himself bitterly as he allowed his mask to crumble slightly. I had nearly forgotten, that they wouldn't remember me anyway. When they pass on to Soul Society, they wouldn't be able to recall their own loved ones, nonetheless, myself. I would only be a shinigami that would escort them to the afterlife of Soul Society.

"Perhaps, Toshiro." Hyorinmaru said as the ice captain turned to find his zanpakuto and wand guardian summoned behind him, both in their humanoid forms. "But you and we will remember. The events of which you have gained friends, and played well with them here."

"And that is enough." Sephiroth finished as the ice captain found a small smile upon his lips, his eyes sending a silent thanks to both of his dragons as they knelt beside him, icy gazes always watching.