
spellborn: age of shadows unleashed

This is the world of Valusa, a world with magic. If you are born with magic you are known as a spellborn, if you are born with no magic power or even skill at all you are known as a norborne. A spell plagued is someone cursed by magic. Yes they are born with magic but it acts more as a curse the reason is unknown but its tragic because a spell plagued person has more potential then a spellborn person but their magic is actually killing them as they use it. A warborn is a person born with no magic but that's ok because they have other powers they are unbelievably strong their strength is enhanced by 100 percent and their reflexes as well, most of them are soldiers they are even better with weapon combat. God touched is someone enhanced by a god they are chosen by one of the 14 gods. God born is someone who is half god. Spiritoborn is someone whos magic is passed down from their family. They also have more than one type of magic as well, they are very strong. Now the last info you will need is the 14 gods of this realm they are. Hades the god of the underworld, and the hellflame, he is the first born of Cronos. Cronos the god of time, he is known for being the first god. Rieka, goddess of the wolves, is known as the wolf goddess. And or the wolf Queen. Thor a hammer wielding god, associated with thunder and lighting, he is also the son of Odin and freyja, which makes him even stronger since he's a second generation god Zeus is the sky and thunder god, he is the son of Cronos and the current ruler of Mount Olympus that hails above the sky. Poseidon the god over the sea, storms and earthquakes he is also one of the sons of Cronos. Loki is known as the trickster god, he is also a son of Odin and Freyja, other than that not much is known about him. Athena is the goddess of wisdom, and warfare, she is the shared god of war along with her twin brother Aries. Her father is zeus. Aries is one of the gods of war along with his twin sister Athena, his father is also Zeus, Aries is known to cause war wherever he goes. Aphrodite is the goddess of sex and love and beauty; her father is also zeus. Anubis is the protector of the underworld and the guide of the underworld. Horus is the third and final god of war, he also protects the skies Odin is known as the god of runes and wisdom and also the god of gods. Freyja is known as the god over magic as she is one of the main gods who allowed humans to use magic she is also said to be the most beautiful woman of all.

Dylan_Langford_7958 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

9. the squad leaders

As the day started it was time for the exams however there was clean up that needed to be done the kingdom sent a clean up crew to take care of the village that got destroyed and checked and tried to figure out how the prisoners escaped.

"Damn they escaped, and were most likely the cause of that village's fate" David said as he sat next to Henry and Chum.

"Yes it is tragic but we cannot stop it as of right now they are long gone" Henry said

"Yes we can only train our up and coming even harder." Chum said.

"We don't have any info on what happened but a whole village was just destroyed" David said as they turned to watch the magic exams.

Some of the Folosire younger magic students also packed into the stadium.

Tyson and Jack sat close as they watched the Exams start to take place.

"That will be me and you one day" Tyson said

"You think so?" Jack asked.

"Yeah i know so" Tyson said

"Well we are gonna have to train real hard" Jack said

"Well you better count me in!" Leon yelled

"Why are you so loud?" Sofu said as her and Leon both sat down and looked down to see the exams starting to take place.

Lelia was watching the exams with her family, since she was a princess she watched in the king's royal booth.

Elena watched and sat by herself as Gram also sat by himself to watch and Moxie sat with her mom Tiga.

As everyone watched it was time for the event to start as the Mage God came out, the Mage god is known as the strongest Mage they watch over all the lands but the Mage God does not interfere in the kingdom's wars nor their troubles with each other.

This current God Mage is a man known as Ryon Tosa he is a wise man he has long red hair and a large Scar across his face he is around six foot three.

"Welcome everyone it is a true honor to be in Folosire, for this event so many new young mages i'm happy to see everyone here and we can have a nice time during this." Ryon said. As everyone cheered.

"Now let me introduce the Mage captains, the leaders of the 7 different mage squads, now all the people in the mage Exam has a chance to join one of these squads this is all thanks to the spell casters guild, now let me introduce the teams and their leaders up first is the Ironstone beavers and their leader Lucas Rusten say hello!!!!" Ryon said as Lucas came out he smiled brightly as he used his earth magic to walk on earth in the middle of the air. Lucas is an elf man with thin brown hair; he had a pointed nose and sharp teeth. He also was dressed very well, wearing a slim nice packed fur suit.

The ironstone beavers is a strong ground of mages; the ideal behind the group is true bravery and heart. Their leader Lucas is from the nova kingdom the ironstone beavers fight and act as guards for the nova kingdom as well, but they also extend their hands to kingdoms in need.

"Hello everyone, I look forward to seeing all the new mages, now let's! STAY PUMPED EVERYONE!!!!!!" Lucas shouted.

"Right now this next Mage Squad is special. They are from the Rune kingdom, the Rune Light Knights and their leader, Lady Moonlight, or you might call her moonwatcher." Ryon said as he smiled and moonwatcher floated in on her light based magic she then jumped down and smiled she had silky white furry as he was what you call a fur born, a human born like an animal she also well had what you would call a large set of melons, she wore a thin robe as she smiled looking towards everyone her fox like features flicker as she watches everyone's movement closely

"Hello there everyone, it's an honor to be here, I can't wait to see who has potential," moonwatcher said.

"Oh wow, she's so polite, well anyway the next Mage squad we have the Jolly Outlaws they are a lively bunch full of helpful mages, and with their leader Jasen silver!" Ryon said as Jasen came forward with a cloud of fire he landed and smiled.

"Haha it's a pleasure to see all these smiling faces ready to embark on their own journey" Jasen said as he walked towards the other leaders.

"Ah Jasen is so honorable as usual, now next is the Jadestars, as you know the Jadestars are a group of sharp mages who use their intellect to fight, and use strategies to fight, and with their genius Leader Oliver pines, the youngest leader at the age of 20 his IQ is said to be around 200 or more, and he was hand picked by me, give a welcome to Oliver" Ryon said as Oliver walked in he was very well dressed in a formal suit as he had well kept hair his appearance was clean as he had a small orb floating by him, it was a part of his magic since he has creation magic.

"Ah hello everyone, i see everyone and i welcome you all, a chance to join my squad lets see who gets in now" Oliver said.

"Well now, it's good to see you Oliver, now the next Squad is the blood hawks, they are a strong Squad that has face many challenges but they have completed everyone they have faced as they always seem to do the impossible, with their bright leader Nora Brimly" Ryon said as Nora came in with her dragon scales that were layered on her face since she in a spell plagued her dragon magic acts like a curse but she can control it to some degree.

"Greetings everyone I feel like this year has the chance to produce some of the strongest mages yet." Nora said as he nodded and went to sit down with the other leaders.

"Well look at her, ok now just two leaders left and this next one is a good one, they are a group of strong mages that don't stand with the normals as the group as uses weird magic and even spell plagued magic, they might be a little odd but they are also strong, let's make a great welcome for the newest squad, the the dark Rams, and their leader Kenji Ryuo" Ryon said as Kenji just appeared as he used his space magic to show up he didn't smile his stare was rather bleak

"Ugh Hello or whatever" Kenji said.

"Kenji you could be more excited oh well, now the last Squad is the number one squad as of right now. And now let me introduce you to the sun dragons, a strong team, with their burning red hot beauty of a leader Hana Kiro" Ryon said as from the sun itself came down Hana with her sun magic she smiled and looked towards the other leaders.

"Hello everything, thanks for cheering us on, it means a lot so thank you all" Hana said as she smiled and sat down next to the other leaders.

"Now with the leaders and squads introduced we can start the mage exams, with the tournament so without further ado let's start" Ryon said as he smiled.